Direktori : /home/importfo/public_html/sunfurniture.co.in/assets/js/ |
Current File : //home/importfo/public_html/sunfurniture.co.in/assets/js/theme.js |
"use strict"; // Prealoder function prealoader() { if ($('#loader').length) { $('#loader').fadeOut(); // will first fade out the loading animation $('#loader-wrapper').delay(350).fadeOut('slow'); // will fade out the white DIV that covers the website. $('body').delay(350).css({ 'overflow': 'visible' }); }; } // placeholder remove function removePlaceholder() { if ($("input,textarea").length) { $("input,textarea").each( function() { $(this).data('holder', $(this).attr('placeholder')); $(this).on('focusin', function() { $(this).attr('placeholder', ''); }); $(this).on('focusout', function() { $(this).attr('placeholder', $(this).data('holder')); }); }); } } // Theme-banner slider function BannerSlider() { if ($("#main-banner-slider").length) { $("#main-banner-slider").revolution({ sliderType: "standard", sliderLayout: "auto", loops: false, delay: 7000, navigation: { arrows: { style: "hermes", enable: true, hide_onmobile: false, hide_onleave: false, tmp: '<div class="tp-arr-allwrapper"> <div class="tp-arr-imgholder"></div> <div class="tp-arr-titleholder">{{title}}</div> </div>', left: { h_align: "left", v_align: "center", h_offset: 0, v_offset: 60 }, right: { h_align: "right", v_align: "center", h_offset: 0, v_offset: 60 } }, bullets: { enable: true, hide_onmobile: false, style: "uranus", hide_onleave: false, direction: "horizontal", h_align: "center", v_align: "bottom", h_offset: -15, v_offset: 30, space: 10, tmp: '<span class="tp-bullet-inner"></span>' } }, responsiveLevels: [2220, 1183, 975, 751], gridwidth: [1170, 970, 770, 350], gridheight: [756, 756, 756, 700], shadow: 0, spinner: "off", autoHeight: "off", disableProgressBar: "on", hideThumbsOnMobile: "off", hideSliderAtLimit: 0, hideCaptionAtLimit: 0, hideAllCaptionAtLilmit: 0, debugMode: false, fallbacks: { simplifyAll: "off", disableFocusListener: false, } }); }; } // Theme-banner slider function BannerSliderTwo() { if ($("#main-banner-slider-two").length) { $("#main-banner-slider-two").revolution({ sliderType: "standard", sliderLayout: "auto", loops: false, delay: 7000, navigation: { arrows: { style: "hermes", enable: true, hide_onmobile: false, hide_onleave: false, tmp: '<div class="tp-arr-allwrapper"> <div class="tp-arr-imgholder"></div> <div class="tp-arr-titleholder">{{title}}</div> </div>', left: { h_align: "left", v_align: "center", h_offset: 0, v_offset: 60 }, right: { h_align: "right", v_align: "center", h_offset: 0, v_offset: 60 } }, bullets: { enable: true, hide_onmobile: false, style: "uranus", hide_onleave: false, direction: "horizontal", h_align: "center", v_align: "bottom", h_offset: -15, v_offset: 30, space: 10, tmp: '<span class="tp-bullet-inner"></span>' } }, responsiveLevels: [2220, 1183, 975, 751], gridwidth: [1170, 970, 770, 350], gridheight: [920, 920, 920, 700], shadow: 0, spinner: "off", autoHeight: "off", disableProgressBar: "on", hideThumbsOnMobile: "off", hideSliderAtLimit: 0, hideCaptionAtLimit: 0, hideAllCaptionAtLilmit: 0, debugMode: false, fallbacks: { simplifyAll: "off", disableFocusListener: false, } }); }; } // Fancybox function FancypopUp() { if ($(".fancybox").length) { $(".fancybox").fancybox({ openEffect: 'elastic', closeEffect: 'elastic', helpers: { overlay: { css: { 'background': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)' } } } }); }; } // Fancybox Video function FancypopUpVideo() { if ($(".fancy_video").length) { $(".fancy_video").fancybox({ maxWidth: 1080, maxHeight: 720, fitToView: false, width: '95%', height: '85%', autoSize: false, closeClick: false, openEffect: 'none', closeEffect: 'none' }); }; } // Theme Slider function themeSlider() { if ($('.theme-slider').length) { $('.theme-slider').owlCarousel({ loop: true, nav: true, navText: false, dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 333500, autoplaySpeed: 1000, lazyLoad: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1 }, 651: { items: 2 }, 992: { items: 4 } } }) } } // Client Slider function clientSlider() { if ($('.client-slider-wrapper').length) { $('.client-slider-wrapper').owlCarousel({ loop: true, nav: true, navText: false, dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 3500, autoplaySpeed: 1000, lazyLoad: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1 }, 651: { items: 1 }, 992: { items: 2 } } }) } } // Partner Slider function partnerSlider() { if ($('.partner-slider').length) { $('.partner-slider').owlCarousel({ loop: true, nav: false, navText: false, dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 3000, autoplaySpeed: 1250, lazyLoad: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1 }, 651: { items: 2 }, 992: { items: 4 } } }) } } // Mixitup gallery function mixitupGallery() { if ($("#mixitup-list").length) { $("#mixitup-list").mixItUp() }; } // Counter function function CounterNumberChanger() { var timer = $('.timer'); if (timer.length) { timer.appear(function() { timer.countTo(); }) } } // Scroll to top function scrollToTop() { if ($('.scroll-top').length) { //Check to see if the window is top if not then display button $(window).on('scroll', function() { if ($(this).scrollTop() > 200) { $('.scroll-top').fadeIn(); } else { $('.scroll-top').fadeOut(); } }); //Click event to scroll to top $('.scroll-top').on('click', function() { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 1500); return false; }); } } //Contact Form Validation function contactFormValidation() { if ($('.form-validation').length) { $('.form-validation').validate({ // initialize the plugin rules: { name: { required: true }, email: { required: true, email: true }, sub: { required: true }, message: { required: true } }, submitHandler: function(form) { $(form).ajaxSubmit({ success: function() { $('.form-validation :input').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $('.form-validation').fadeTo("slow", 1, function() { $(this).find(':input').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $(this).find('label').css('cursor', 'default'); $('#alert_success').fadeIn(); }); }, error: function() { $('.form-validation').fadeTo("slow", 1, function() { $('#alert_error').fadeIn(); }); } }); } }); } } // Close suddess Alret function closeSuccessAlert() { if ($('.closeAlert').length) { $(".closeAlert").on('click', function() { $(".alert_wrapper").fadeOut(); }); $(".closeAlert").on('click', function() { $(".alert_wrapper").fadeOut(); }) } } // Sticky header function stickyHeader() { if ($('.main-menu').length) { var sticky = $('.main-menu'), scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); if (scroll >= 190) sticky.addClass('fixed'); else sticky.removeClass('fixed'); }; } // toggle menu for mobile function mobileDropdown() { if ($('.main-menu').length) { $('.main-menu nav ul li.dropdown-holder').append(function() { return '<i class="fa fa-angle-down" aria-hidden="true"></i>'; }); $('.main-menu nav ul li.dropdown-holder .fa').on('click', function() { $(this).parent('li').children('ul').slideToggle(); }); } } // Accordion panel function themeAccrodion() { if ($('.theme-accordion > .panel').length) { $('.theme-accordion > .panel').on('show.bs.collapse', function(e) { var heading = $(this).find('.panel-heading'); heading.addClass("active-panel"); }); $('.theme-accordion > .panel').on('hidden.bs.collapse', function(e) { var heading = $(this).find('.panel-heading'); heading.removeClass("active-panel"); //setProgressBar(heading.get(0).id); }); }; } // DOM ready function jQuery(document).on('ready', function() { (function($) { removePlaceholder(); BannerSlider(); BannerSliderTwo(); wowAnimation(); FancypopUp(); FancypopUpVideo(); themeSlider(); clientSlider(); mixitupGallery(); partnerSlider(); CounterNumberChanger(); scrollToTop(); contactFormValidation(); closeSuccessAlert(); mobileDropdown(); themeAccrodion(); })(jQuery); }); // Window load function jQuery(window).on('load', function() { (function($) { prealoader() })(jQuery); }); // Window scroll function jQuery(window).on('scroll', function() { (function($) { stickyHeader(); })(jQuery); }); //carousel $(document).ready(function() { $('.owl-carousel1').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 10, responsiveClass: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1, nav: true }, 414: { items:1, nav: false }, 600: { items: 2, nav: false }, 1000: { items: 2, nav: false, loop: false, margin: 20 } } }) }) //carousel //carousel $(document).ready(function() { $('.owl-carousel2').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 10, responsiveClass: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1, nav: true }, 600: { items: 2, nav: false }, 1000: { items: 3, nav: true, loop: false, margin:0 } } }) }) //carousel //carousel $(document).ready(function() { $('.owl-carousel3').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 10, responsiveClass: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1, nav: false }, 600: { items: 2, nav: false }, 1000: { items: 4, nav: true, loop: false, margin:0 } } }) }) //carousel //carousel $(document).ready(function() { $('.owl-carousel4').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 10, responsiveClass: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1, nav: true }, 600: { items: 1, nav: true }, 1000: { items: 1, nav: false, loop: false, margin:0 } } }) }) //carousel //carousel $(document).ready(function() { $('.news-events').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 10, responsiveClass: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1, nav: false }, 600: { items: 2, nav: true }, 1000: { items: 4, nav: true, loop: false, margin:30 } } }) }) //carousel