Direktori : /home/importfo/public_html/allimplantsolutions.in/ajax/libs/webfont/1.6.26/ |
Current File : /home/importfo/public_html/allimplantsolutions.in/ajax/libs/webfont/1.6.26/webfont.js |
/* * Copyright 2016 Small Batch, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ /* Web Font Loader v1.6.26 - (c) Adobe Systems, Google. License: Apache 2.0 */ (function() { function aa(a, b, c) { return a.call.apply(a.bind, arguments) } function ba(a, b, c) { if (!a) throw Error(); if (2 < arguments.length) { var d = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); return function() { var c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); Array.prototype.unshift.apply(c, d); return a.apply(b, c) } } return function() { return a.apply(b, arguments) } } function p(a, b, c) { p = Function.prototype.bind && -1 != Function.prototype.bind.toString().indexOf("native code") ? aa : ba; return p.apply(null, arguments) } var q = Date.now || function() { return +new Date }; function ca(a, b) { this.a = a; this.m = b || a; this.c = this.m.document } var da = !!window.FontFace; function t(a, b, c, d) { b = a.c.createElement(b); if (c) for (var e in c) c.hasOwnProperty(e) && ("style" == e ? b.style.cssText = c[e] : b.setAttribute(e, c[e])); d && b.appendChild(a.c.createTextNode(d)); return b } function u(a, b, c) { a = a.c.getElementsByTagName(b)[0]; a || (a = document.documentElement); a.insertBefore(c, a.lastChild) } function v(a) { a.parentNode && a.parentNode.removeChild(a) } function w(a, b, c) { b = b || []; c = c || []; for (var d = a.className.split(/\s+/), e = 0; e < b.length; e += 1) { for (var f = !1, g = 0; g < d.length; g += 1) if (b[e] === d[g]) { f = !0; break } f || d.push(b[e]) } b = []; for (e = 0; e < d.length; e += 1) { f = !1; for (g = 0; g < c.length; g += 1) if (d[e] === c[g]) { f = !0; break } f || b.push(d[e]) } a.className = b.join(" ").replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, "") } function y(a, b) { for (var c = a.className.split(/\s+/), d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; d++) if (c[d] == b) return !0; return !1 } function z(a) { if ("string" === typeof a.f) return a.f; var b = a.m.location.protocol; "about:" == b && (b = a.a.location.protocol); return "https:" == b ? "https:" : "http:" } function ea(a) { return a.m.location.hostname || a.a.location.hostname } function A(a, b, c) { function d() { k && e && f && (k(g), k = null) } b = t(a, "link", { rel: "stylesheet", href: b, media: "all" }); var e = !1, f = !0, g = null, k = c || null; da ? (b.onload = function() { e = !0; d() }, b.onerror = function() { e = !0; g = Error("Stylesheet failed to load"); d() }) : setTimeout(function() { e = !0; d() }, 0); u(a, "head", b) } function B(a, b, c, d) { var e = a.c.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if (e) { var f = t(a, "script", { src: b }), g = !1; f.onload = f.onreadystatechange = function() { g || this.readyState && "loaded" != this.readyState && "complete" != this.readyState || (g = !0, c && c(null), f.onload = f.onreadystatechange = null, "HEAD" == f.parentNode.tagName && e.removeChild(f)) }; e.appendChild(f); setTimeout(function() { g || (g = !0, c && c(Error("Script load timeout"))) }, d || 5E3); return f } return null }; function C() { this.a = 0; this.c = null } function D(a) { a.a++; return function() { a.a--; E(a) } } function F(a, b) { a.c = b; E(a) } function E(a) { 0 == a.a && a.c && (a.c(), a.c = null) }; function G(a) { this.a = a || "-" } G.prototype.c = function(a) { for (var b = [], c = 0; c < arguments.length; c++) b.push(arguments[c].replace(/[\W_]+/g, "").toLowerCase()); return b.join(this.a) }; function H(a, b) { this.c = a; this.f = 4; this.a = "n"; var c = (b || "n4").match(/^([nio])([1-9])$/i); c && (this.a = c[1], this.f = parseInt(c[2], 10)) } function fa(a) { return I(a) + " " + (a.f + "00") + " 300px " + J(a.c) } function J(a) { var b = []; a = a.split(/,\s*/); for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) { var d = a[c].replace(/['"]/g, ""); - 1 != d.indexOf(" ") || /^\d/.test(d) ? b.push("'" + d + "'") : b.push(d) } return b.join(",") } function K(a) { return a.a + a.f } function I(a) { var b = "normal"; "o" === a.a ? b = "oblique" : "i" === a.a && (b = "italic"); return b } function ga(a) { var b = 4, c = "n", d = null; a && ((d = a.match(/(normal|oblique|italic)/i)) && d[1] && (c = d[1].substr(0, 1).toLowerCase()), (d = a.match(/([1-9]00|normal|bold)/i)) && d[1] && (/bold/i.test(d[1]) ? b = 7 : /[1-9]00/.test(d[1]) && (b = parseInt(d[1].substr(0, 1), 10)))); return c + b }; function ha(a, b) { this.c = a; this.f = a.m.document.documentElement; this.h = b; this.a = new G("-"); this.j = !1 !== b.events; this.g = !1 !== b.classes } function ia(a) { a.g && w(a.f, [a.a.c("wf", "loading")]); L(a, "loading") } function M(a) { if (a.g) { var b = y(a.f, a.a.c("wf", "active")), c = [], d = [a.a.c("wf", "loading")]; b || c.push(a.a.c("wf", "inactive")); w(a.f, c, d) } L(a, "inactive") } function L(a, b, c) { if (a.j && a.h[b]) if (c) a.h[b](c.c, K(c)); else a.h[b]() }; function ja() { this.c = {} } function ka(a, b, c) { var d = [], e; for (e in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(e)) { var f = a.c[e]; f && d.push(f(b[e], c)) } return d }; function N(a, b) { this.c = a; this.f = b; this.a = t(this.c, "span", { "aria-hidden": "true" }, this.f) } function O(a) { u(a.c, "body", a.a) } function P(a) { return "display:block;position:absolute;top:-9999px;left:-9999px;font-size:300px;width:auto;height:auto;line-height:normal;margin:0;padding:0;font-variant:normal;white-space:nowrap;font-family:" + J(a.c) + ";" + ("font-style:" + I(a) + ";font-weight:" + (a.f + "00") + ";") }; function Q(a, b, c, d, e, f) { this.g = a; this.j = b; this.a = d; this.c = c; this.f = e || 3E3; this.h = f || void 0 } Q.prototype.start = function() { var a = this.c.m.document, b = this, c = q(), d = new Promise(function(d, e) { function k() { q() - c >= b.f ? e() : a.fonts.load(fa(b.a), b.h).then(function(a) { 1 <= a.length ? d() : setTimeout(k, 25) }, function() { e() }) } k() }), e = new Promise(function(a, d) { setTimeout(d, b.f) }); Promise.race([e, d]).then(function() { b.g(b.a) }, function() { b.j(b.a) }) }; function R(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { this.v = a; this.B = b; this.c = c; this.a = d; this.s = g || "BESbswy"; this.f = {}; this.w = e || 3E3; this.u = f || null; this.o = this.j = this.h = this.g = null; this.g = new N(this.c, this.s); this.h = new N(this.c, this.s); this.j = new N(this.c, this.s); this.o = new N(this.c, this.s); a = new H(this.a.c + ",serif", K(this.a)); a = P(a); this.g.a.style.cssText = a; a = new H(this.a.c + ",sans-serif", K(this.a)); a = P(a); this.h.a.style.cssText = a; a = new H("serif", K(this.a)); a = P(a); this.j.a.style.cssText = a; a = new H("sans-serif", K(this.a)); a = P(a); this.o.a.style.cssText = a; O(this.g); O(this.h); O(this.j); O(this.o) } var S = { D: "serif", C: "sans-serif" }, T = null; function U() { if (null === T) { var a = /AppleWebKit\/([0-9]+)(?:\.([0-9]+))/.exec(window.navigator.userAgent); T = !!a && (536 > parseInt(a[1], 10) || 536 === parseInt(a[1], 10) && 11 >= parseInt(a[2], 10)) } return T } R.prototype.start = function() { this.f.serif = this.j.a.offsetWidth; this.f["sans-serif"] = this.o.a.offsetWidth; this.A = q(); la(this) }; function ma(a, b, c) { for (var d in S) if (S.hasOwnProperty(d) && b === a.f[S[d]] && c === a.f[S[d]]) return !0; return !1 } function la(a) { var b = a.g.a.offsetWidth, c = a.h.a.offsetWidth, d; (d = b === a.f.serif && c === a.f["sans-serif"]) || (d = U() && ma(a, b, c)); d ? q() - a.A >= a.w ? U() && ma(a, b, c) && (null === a.u || a.u.hasOwnProperty(a.a.c)) ? V(a, a.v) : V(a, a.B) : na(a) : V(a, a.v) } function na(a) { setTimeout(p(function() { la(this) }, a), 50) } function V(a, b) { setTimeout(p(function() { v(this.g.a); v(this.h.a); v(this.j.a); v(this.o.a); b(this.a) }, a), 0) }; function W(a, b, c) { this.c = a; this.a = b; this.f = 0; this.o = this.j = !1; this.s = c } var X = null; W.prototype.g = function(a) { var b = this.a; b.g && w(b.f, [b.a.c("wf", a.c, K(a).toString(), "active")], [b.a.c("wf", a.c, K(a).toString(), "loading"), b.a.c("wf", a.c, K(a).toString(), "inactive")]); L(b, "fontactive", a); this.o = !0; oa(this) }; W.prototype.h = function(a) { var b = this.a; if (b.g) { var c = y(b.f, b.a.c("wf", a.c, K(a).toString(), "active")), d = [], e = [b.a.c("wf", a.c, K(a).toString(), "loading")]; c || d.push(b.a.c("wf", a.c, K(a).toString(), "inactive")); w(b.f, d, e) } L(b, "fontinactive", a); oa(this) }; function oa(a) { 0 == --a.f && a.j && (a.o ? (a = a.a, a.g && w(a.f, [a.a.c("wf", "active")], [a.a.c("wf", "loading"), a.a.c("wf", "inactive")]), L(a, "active")) : M(a.a)) }; function pa(a) { this.j = a; this.a = new ja; this.h = 0; this.f = this.g = !0 } pa.prototype.load = function(a) { this.c = new ca(this.j, a.context || this.j); this.g = !1 !== a.events; this.f = !1 !== a.classes; qa(this, new ha(this.c, a), a) }; function ra(a, b, c, d, e) { var f = 0 == --a.h; (a.f || a.g) && setTimeout(function() { var a = e || null, k = d || null || {}; if (0 === c.length && f) M(b.a); else { b.f += c.length; f && (b.j = f); var h, m = []; for (h = 0; h < c.length; h++) { var l = c[h], n = k[l.c], r = b.a, x = l; r.g && w(r.f, [r.a.c("wf", x.c, K(x).toString(), "loading")]); L(r, "fontloading", x); r = null; null === X && (X = window.FontFace ? (x = /Gecko.*Firefox\/(\d+)/.exec(window.navigator.userAgent)) ? 42 < parseInt(x[1], 10) : !0 : !1); X ? r = new Q(p(b.g, b), p(b.h, b), b.c, l, b.s, n) : r = new R(p(b.g, b), p(b.h, b), b.c, l, b.s, a, n); m.push(r) } for (h = 0; h < m.length; h++) m[h].start() } }, 0) } function qa(a, b, c) { var d = [], e = c.timeout; ia(b); var d = ka(a.a, c, a.c), f = new W(a.c, b, e); a.h = d.length; b = 0; for (c = d.length; b < c; b++) d[b].load(function(b, d, c) { ra(a, f, b, d, c) }) }; function sa(a, b) { this.c = a; this.a = b } function ta(a, b, c) { var d = z(a.c); a = (a.a.api || "fast.fonts.net/jsapi").replace(/^.*http(s?):(\/\/)?/, ""); return d + "//" + a + "/" + b + ".js" + (c ? "?v=" + c : "") } sa.prototype.load = function(a) { function b() { if (f["__mti_fntLst" + d]) { var c = f["__mti_fntLst" + d](), e = [], h; if (c) for (var m = 0; m < c.length; m++) { var l = c[m].fontfamily; void 0 != c[m].fontStyle && void 0 != c[m].fontWeight ? (h = c[m].fontStyle + c[m].fontWeight, e.push(new H(l, h))) : e.push(new H(l)) } a(e) } else setTimeout(function() { b() }, 50) } var c = this, d = c.a.projectId, e = c.a.version; if (d) { var f = c.c.m; B(this.c, ta(c, d, e), function(e) { e ? a([]) : (f["__MonotypeConfiguration__" + d] = function() { return c.a }, b()) }).id = "__MonotypeAPIScript__" + d } else a([]) }; function ua(a, b) { this.c = a; this.a = b } ua.prototype.load = function(a) { var b, c, d = this.a.urls || [], e = this.a.families || [], f = this.a.testStrings || {}, g = new C; b = 0; for (c = d.length; b < c; b++) A(this.c, d[b], D(g)); var k = []; b = 0; for (c = e.length; b < c; b++) if (d = e[b].split(":"), d[1]) for (var h = d[1].split(","), m = 0; m < h.length; m += 1) k.push(new H(d[0], h[m])); else k.push(new H(d[0])); F(g, function() { a(k, f) }) }; function va(a, b, c) { a ? this.c = a : this.c = b + wa; this.a = []; this.f = []; this.g = c || "" } var wa = "//fonts.googleapis.com/css"; function xa(a, b) { for (var c = b.length, d = 0; d < c; d++) { var e = b[d].split(":"); 3 == e.length && a.f.push(e.pop()); var f = ""; 2 == e.length && "" != e[1] && (f = ":"); a.a.push(e.join(f)) } } function ya(a) { if (0 == a.a.length) throw Error("No fonts to load!"); if (-1 != a.c.indexOf("kit=")) return a.c; for (var b = a.a.length, c = [], d = 0; d < b; d++) c.push(a.a[d].replace(/ /g, "+")); b = a.c + "?family=" + c.join("%7C"); 0 < a.f.length && (b += "&subset=" + a.f.join(",")); 0 < a.g.length && (b += "&text=" + encodeURIComponent(a.g)); return b }; function za(a) { this.f = a; this.a = []; this.c = {} } var Aa = { latin: "BESbswy", "latin-ext": "\u00e7\u00f6\u00fc\u011f\u015f", cyrillic: "\u0439\u044f\u0416", greek: "\u03b1\u03b2\u03a3", khmer: "\u1780\u1781\u1782", Hanuman: "\u1780\u1781\u1782" }, Ba = { thin: "1", extralight: "2", "extra-light": "2", ultralight: "2", "ultra-light": "2", light: "3", regular: "4", book: "4", medium: "5", "semi-bold": "6", semibold: "6", "demi-bold": "6", demibold: "6", bold: "7", "extra-bold": "8", extrabold: "8", "ultra-bold": "8", ultrabold: "8", black: "9", heavy: "9", l: "3", r: "4", b: "7" }, Ca = { i: "i", italic: "i", n: "n", normal: "n" }, Da = /^(thin|(?:(?:extra|ultra)-?)?light|regular|book|medium|(?:(?:semi|demi|extra|ultra)-?)?bold|black|heavy|l|r|b|[1-9]00)?(n|i|normal|italic)?$/; function Ea(a) { for (var b = a.f.length, c = 0; c < b; c++) { var d = a.f[c].split(":"), e = d[0].replace(/\+/g, " "), f = ["n4"]; if (2 <= d.length) { var g; var k = d[1]; g = []; if (k) for (var k = k.split(","), h = k.length, m = 0; m < h; m++) { var l; l = k[m]; if (l.match(/^[\w-]+$/)) { var n = Da.exec(l.toLowerCase()); if (null == n) l = ""; else { l = n[2]; l = null == l || "" == l ? "n" : Ca[l]; n = n[1]; if (null == n || "" == n) n = "4"; else var r = Ba[n], n = r ? r : isNaN(n) ? "4" : n.substr(0, 1); l = [l, n].join("") } } else l = ""; l && g.push(l) } 0 < g.length && (f = g); 3 == d.length && (d = d[2], g = [], d = d ? d.split(",") : g, 0 < d.length && (d = Aa[d[0]]) && (a.c[e] = d)) } a.c[e] || (d = Aa[e]) && (a.c[e] = d); for (d = 0; d < f.length; d += 1) a.a.push(new H(e, f[d])) } }; function Fa(a, b) { this.c = a; this.a = b } var Ga = { Arimo: !0, Cousine: !0, Tinos: !0 }; Fa.prototype.load = function(a) { var b = new C, c = this.c, d = new va(this.a.api, z(c), this.a.text), e = this.a.families; xa(d, e); var f = new za(e); Ea(f); A(c, ya(d), D(b)); F(b, function() { a(f.a, f.c, Ga) }) }; function Ha(a, b) { this.c = a; this.a = b } Ha.prototype.load = function(a) { var b = this.a.id, c = this.c.m; b ? B(this.c, (this.a.api || "https://use.typekit.net") + "/" + b + ".js", function(b) { if (b) a([]); else if (c.Typekit && c.Typekit.config && c.Typekit.config.fn) { b = c.Typekit.config.fn; for (var e = [], f = 0; f < b.length; f += 2) for (var g = b[f], k = b[f + 1], h = 0; h < k.length; h++) e.push(new H(g, k[h])); try { c.Typekit.load({ events: !1, classes: !1, async: !0 }) } catch (m) {} a(e) } }, 2E3) : a([]) }; function Ia(a, b) { this.c = a; this.f = b; this.a = [] } Ia.prototype.load = function(a) { var b = this.f.id, c = this.c.m, d = this; b ? (c.__webfontfontdeckmodule__ || (c.__webfontfontdeckmodule__ = {}), c.__webfontfontdeckmodule__[b] = function(b, c) { for (var g = 0, k = c.fonts.length; g < k; ++g) { var h = c.fonts[g]; d.a.push(new H(h.name, ga("font-weight:" + h.weight + ";font-style:" + h.style))) } a(d.a) }, B(this.c, z(this.c) + (this.f.api || "//f.fontdeck.com/s/css/js/") + ea(this.c) + "/" + b + ".js", function(b) { b && a([]) })) : a([]) }; var Y = new pa(window); Y.a.c.custom = function(a, b) { return new ua(b, a) }; Y.a.c.fontdeck = function(a, b) { return new Ia(b, a) }; Y.a.c.monotype = function(a, b) { return new sa(b, a) }; Y.a.c.typekit = function(a, b) { return new Ha(b, a) }; Y.a.c.google = function(a, b) { return new Fa(b, a) }; var Z = { load: p(Y.load, Y) }; "function" === typeof define && define.amd ? define(function() { return Z }) : "undefined" !== typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = Z : (window.WebFont = Z, window.WebFontConfig && Y.load(window.WebFontConfig)); }());