Direktori : /home/importfo/public_html/nikkibeautysalon.in/js/ |
Current File : /home/importfo/public_html/nikkibeautysalon.in/js/custom.js |
/* ===================================== All JavaScript fuctions Start ======================================*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- document.ready ALL FUNCTION START ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* > Top Search bar Show Hide function by = custom.js > On scroll content animated function by = Viewportchecker.js > Video responsive function by = custom.js > magnificPopup function by = magnific-popup.js > magnificPopup for video function by = magnific-popup.js > Vertically center Bootstrap modal popup function by = custom.js > Main menu sticky on top when scroll down function by = custom.js > page scroll top on button click function by = custom.js > input type file function by = custom.js > input Placeholder in IE9 function by = custom.js > footer fixed on bottom function by = custom.js > accordion active calss function by = custom.js > Nav submenu show hide on mobile by = custom.js > Vertical Nav submenu show hide on mobile by = custom.js > Home Carousel_1 Full Screen with no margin function by = owl.carousel.js > related with content function by = owl.carousel.js > Fade slider for home function by = owl.carousel.js > home_carousel_1 Full Screen with no margin function by = owl.carousel.js > home_carousel_2 Full Screen with no margin function by = owl.carousel.js > home_projects_filter Full Screen with no margin function by = owl.carousel.js > Home page testimonial function by = owl.carousel.js > home_client_carouse function by = owl.carousel.js > work carousel function by = owl.carousel.js > Hover Tab function > Fade slider for home function by = owl.carousel.js ========================== // > Portfolio Carousel no margin function by = owl.carousel.js ========================== // */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- window on load ALL FUNCTION START ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* > equal each box > text animation function > masonry function function by = isotope.pkgd.min.js > page loader function by = custom.js */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Window Scroll ALL FUNCTION START ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* > Window on scroll header color fill */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Window Resize ALL FUNCTION START ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (function ($) { 'use strict'; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- document.ready ALL FUNCTION START ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // > Video responsive function by = custom.js ========================= // function video_responsive(){ jQuery('iframe[src*="youtube.com"]').wrap('<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"></div>'); jQuery('iframe[src*="vimeo.com"]').wrap('<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"></div>'); } // > magnificPopup function by = magnific-popup.js =========================== // function magnific_popup(){ jQuery('.mfp-gallery').magnificPopup({ delegate: '.mfp-link', type: 'image', tLoading: 'Loading image #%curr%...', mainClass: 'mfp-img-mobile', gallery: { enabled: true, navigateByImgClick: true, preload: [0,1] // Will preload 0 - before current, and 1 after the current image }, image: { tError: '<a href="%url%">The image #%curr%</a> could not be loaded.', } }); } // > magnificPopup for video function by = magnific-popup.js ===================== // function magnific_video(){ jQuery('.mfp-video').magnificPopup({ type: 'iframe', }); } // Vertically center Bootstrap modal popup function by = custom.js ==============// function popup_vertical_center(){ jQuery(function() { function reposition() { var modal = jQuery(this), dialog = modal.find('.modal-dialog'); modal.css('display', 'block'); // Dividing by two centers the modal exactly, but dividing by three // or four works better for larger screens. dialog.css("margin-top", Math.max(0, (jQuery(window).height() - dialog.height()) / 2)); } // Reposition when a modal is shown jQuery('.modal').on('show.bs.modal', reposition); // Reposition when the window is resized jQuery(window).on('resize', function() { jQuery('.modal:visible').each(reposition); }); }); } // > Main menu sticky on top when scroll down function by = custom.js ========== // function sticky_header(){ if(jQuery('.sticky-header').length){ var sticky = new Waypoint.Sticky({ element: jQuery('.sticky-header') }) } } // > Sidebar sticky when scroll down function by = custom.js ========== // function sticky_sidebar(){ $('.rightSidebar') .theiaStickySidebar({ additionalMarginTop: 100 }); } // > page scroll top on button click function by = custom.js ===================== // function scroll_top(){ jQuery("button.scroltop").on('click', function() { jQuery("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 1000); return false; }); jQuery(window).on("scroll", function() { var scroll = jQuery(window).scrollTop(); if (scroll > 900) { jQuery("button.scroltop").fadeIn(1000); } else { jQuery("button.scroltop").fadeOut(1000); } }); } // > input type file function by = custom.js ========================== // function input_type_file_form(){ jQuery(document).on('change', '.btn-file :file', function() { var input = jQuery(this), numFiles = input.get(0).files ? input.get(0).files.length : 1, label = input.val().replace(/\\/g, 'https://thewebmax.org/').replace(/.*\//, ''); input.trigger('fileselect', [numFiles, label]); }); jQuery('.btn-file :file').on('fileselect', function(event, numFiles, label) { var input = jQuery(this).parents('.input-group').find(':text'), log = numFiles > 10 ? numFiles + ' files selected' : label; if (input.length) { input.val(log); } else { if (log) alert(log); } }); } // > input Placeholder in IE9 function by = custom.js ======================== // function placeholderSupport(){ /* input placeholder for ie9 & ie8 & ie7 */ jQuery.support.placeholder = ('placeholder' in document.createElement('input')); /* input placeholder for ie9 & ie8 & ie7 end*/ /*fix for IE7 and IE8 */ if (!jQuery.support.placeholder) { jQuery("[placeholder]").on('focus', function () { if (jQuery(this).val() === jQuery(this).attr("placeholder")) jQuery(this).val(""); }).blur(function () { if (jQuery(this).val() === "") jQuery(this).val(jQuery(this).attr("placeholder")); }).blur(); jQuery("[placeholder]").parents("form").on('submit', function () { jQuery(this).find('[placeholder]').each(function() { if (jQuery(this).val() === jQuery(this).attr("placeholder")) { jQuery(this).val(""); } }); }); } /*fix for IE7 and IE8 end */ } // > footer fixed on bottom function by = custom.js ======================== // function footer_fixed() { jQuery('.site-footer').css('display', 'block'); jQuery('.site-footer').css('height', 'auto'); var footerHeight = jQuery('.site-footer').outerHeight(); jQuery('.footer-fixed > .page-wraper').css('padding-bottom', footerHeight); jQuery('.site-footer').css('height', footerHeight); } // > accordion active calss function by = custom.js ========================= // function accordion_active() { $('.acod-head a').on('click', function() { $('.acod-head').removeClass('acc-actives'); $(this).parents('.acod-head').addClass('acc-actives'); $('.acod-title').removeClass('acc-actives'); //just to make a visual sense $(this).parent().addClass('acc-actives'); //just to make a visual sense ($(this).parents('.acod-head').attr('class')); }); } // > My Account Nav submenu show hide on mobile by = custom.js function Submenu_toogle_adminnav() { jQuery(".sub-menu").parent('li').addClass('has-child'); jQuery(".mega-menu").parent('li').addClass('has-child'); jQuery("<div class='fa fa-angle-right open-close-admin-btn'></div>").insertAfter(".admin-nav .has-child > a"); jQuery('.has-child a+.open-close-admin-btn').click(function(ev) { jQuery(this).next(jQuery('.sub-menu')).slideToggle('fast', function(){ jQuery(this).parent().toggleClass('nav-active'); }); ev.stopPropagation(); }); } // > Nav submenu show hide on mobile by = custom.js function mobile_nav(){ jQuery(".sub-menu").parent('li').addClass('has-child'); jQuery(".mega-menu").parent('li').addClass('has-child'); jQuery("<div class='fa fa-angle-right submenu-toogle'></div>").insertAfter(".has-child > a"); jQuery('.has-child a+.submenu-toogle').on('click',function(ev) { jQuery(this).next(jQuery('.sub-menu')).slideToggle('fast', function(){ jQuery(this).parent().toggleClass('nav-active'); }); ev.stopPropagation(); }); } // Mobile side drawer function by = custom.js function mobile_side_drawer(){ jQuery('#mobile-side-drawer').on('click', function () { jQuery('.mobile-sider-drawer-menu').toggleClass('active'); }); } // Home page Services function by = owl.carousel.js ========================== // function services_slider(){ jQuery('.services-slider').owlCarousel({ loop:true, autoplay:true, nav:true, dots: false, margin:30, navText: ['<i>Prev</i>', '<i>Next</i>'], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1, }, 640:{ items:2, }, 767:{ items:2, }, 991:{ items:3, }, 1024:{ items:3, }, 1200:{ items:4, }, 1366:{ items:4, }, 1400:{ items:5 } } }); } // Home page Gallery Center Slider function by = owl.carousel.js ========================== // function gallery_center_slider(){ jQuery('.gallery-center-slider').owlCarousel({ loop:true, autoplay:false, center:true, nav:true, dots: false, margin:0, navText: ['<i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i>', '<i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i>'], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1, }, 640:{ items:2, }, 767:{ items:2, }, 991:{ items:3, }, 1024:{ items:3, }, 1200:{ items:4, }, 1366:{ items:4, }, 1400:{ items:4 } } }); } // Gallery slider function by = owl.carousel.js ========================== // function gallery_slider(){ jQuery('.gallery-slider').owlCarousel({ loop:true, autoplay:true, nav:true, dots: false, margin:30, navText: ['<i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i>', '<i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i>'], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1, }, 640:{ items:2, }, 767:{ items:2, }, 991:{ items:3, }, 1024:{ items:3, }, 1200:{ items:4, }, 1366:{ items:4, }, 1400:{ items:5 } } }); } // Gallery slider function by = owl.carousel.js ========================== // function gallery_slider2(){ jQuery('.gallery-slider2').owlCarousel({ loop:true, autoplay:true, nav:false, dots: true, margin:30, navText: ['<i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i>', '<i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i>'], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1, }, 640:{ items:2, }, 767:{ items:2, }, 991:{ items:3, }, 1024:{ items:3, } } }); } // Home page instagram function by = owl.carousel.js ========================== // function instagram_slider(){ jQuery('.instagram-slider').owlCarousel({ loop:true, autoplay:true, nav:true, dots: false, margin:10, navText: ['<i>Prev</i>', '<i>Next</i>'], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1, }, 640:{ items:2, }, 767:{ items:2, }, 991:{ items:3, }, 1024:{ items:3, }, 1200:{ items:4, }, 1366:{ items:4, }, 1400:{ items:5 } } }); } // home_client_carouse function by = owl.carousel.js ========================== // function home_client_carousel_2(){ jQuery('.home-client-carousel-2').owlCarousel({ loop:true, nav:false, dots: false, margin:10, autoplay:true, navText: ['<i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i>', '<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>'], responsive:{ 0:{ items:2, }, 480:{ items:3, }, 767:{ items:4, }, 1000:{ items:6 } } }); } // Video Carousel function by = owl.carousel.js function home_video_slider(){ jQuery('.home-video-slider').owlCarousel({ rtl: false, loop:true, item:1, nav:true, dots: false, autoplay:false, margin:0, navText: ['<i>Prev</i>', '<i>Next</i>'], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 1200:{ items:1 } } }) } // Counter Section function by = counterup.min.js function counter_section(){ jQuery('.counter').counterUp({ delay: 10, time: 3000 }); } // MAKE AN APPOINTMENT Section function by = counterup.min.js function contact_slide(){ jQuery('.contact-slide-show').on('click', function () { jQuery('.contact-slide-hide').animate({'right': '0%'}); }); jQuery('.contact_close').on('click', function () { jQuery('.contact-slide-hide').animate({'right': '-100%'}); }); }; //menu navigation function menu_navigation(){ jQuery(".menu-btn").on('click', function () { jQuery(".full-menu").fadeIn(500); }); jQuery('.full-menu-close').on('click', function () { jQuery(".full-menu").fadeToggle(500); }); } jQuery('.nav-tabs a').on('click', function() { e.preventDefault(); jQuery(this).tab('show'); }); jQuery('.wt-accordion a').on('click', function() { e.preventDefault(); jQuery(this).tab('show'); }); //gallery slider start=========================// var sync1 = $("#testimonial-2-content"); var sync2 = $("#testimonial-2-pic"); var slidesPerPage = 4; //globaly define number of elements per page var syncedSecondary = true; sync1.owlCarousel({ items : 1, slideSpeed : 2000, nav: false, autoplay: false, dots: false, loop: true, responsiveRefreshRate : 200, navText: ['<i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i>', '<i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i>'], }).on('changed.owl.carousel', syncPosition); sync2 .on('initialized.owl.carousel', function () { sync2.find(".owl-item").eq(0).addClass("current"); }) .owlCarousel({ items : slidesPerPage, dots: false, nav: false, items : 3, margin:0, smartSpeed: 200, slideSpeed : 500, slideBy: slidesPerPage, //alternatively you can slide by 1, this way the active slide will stick to the first item in the second carousel responsiveRefreshRate : 100 }).on('changed.owl.carousel', syncPosition2); function syncPosition(el) { //if you set loop to false, you have to restore this next line //var current = el.item.index; //if you disable loop you have to comment this block var count = el.item.count-1; var current = Math.round(el.item.index - (el.item.count/2) - .5); if(current < 0) { current = count; } if(current > count) { current = 0; } //end block sync2 .find(".owl-item") .removeClass("current") .eq(current) .addClass("current"); var onscreen = sync2.find('.owl-item.active').length - 1; var start = sync2.find('.owl-item.active').first().index(); var end = sync2.find('.owl-item.active').last().index(); if (current > end) { sync2.data('owl.carousel').to(current, 100, true); } if (current < start) { sync2.data('owl.carousel').to(current - onscreen, 100, true); } } function syncPosition2(el) { if(syncedSecondary) { var number = el.item.index; sync1.data('owl.carousel').to(number, 100, true); } } sync2.on("click", ".owl-item", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var number = $(this).index(); sync1.data('owl.carousel').to(number, 300, true); }); //gallery slider End=========================// /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Window on load ALL FUNCTION START ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // > equal each box function by = custom.js =========================== // function equalheight(container) { var currentTallest = 0, currentRowStart = 0, rowDivs = new Array(), $el, topPosition = 0, currentDiv = 0; jQuery(container).each(function() { $el = jQuery(this); jQuery($el).height('auto'); var topPostion = $el.position().top; if (currentRowStart != topPostion) { for (currentDiv = 0; currentDiv < rowDivs.length; currentDiv++) { rowDivs[currentDiv].height(currentTallest); } rowDivs.length = 0; // empty the array currentRowStart = topPostion; currentTallest = $el.height(); rowDivs.push($el); } else { rowDivs.push($el); currentTallest = (currentTallest < $el.height()) ? ($el.height()) : (currentTallest); } for (currentDiv = 0; currentDiv < rowDivs.length; currentDiv++) { rowDivs[currentDiv].height(currentTallest); } }); } // > masonry function function by = isotope.pkgd.min.js ========================= // function masonryBox() { if ( jQuery().isotope ) { var $container = jQuery('.masonry-wrap'); $container.isotope({ itemSelector: '.masonry-item', transitionDuration: '1s', //originLeft: true }); jQuery('.masonry-filter li').on('click',function() { var selector = jQuery(this).find("a").attr('data-filter'); jQuery('.masonry-filter li').removeClass('active'); jQuery(this).addClass('active'); $container.isotope({ filter: selector }); return false; }); }; } // > background image parallax function by = stellar.js ==================== // function bg_image_stellar(){ jQuery(function(){ jQuery.stellar({ horizontalScrolling: false, verticalOffset:100 }); }); } // > page loader function by = custom.js ========================= // function page_loader() { $('.loading-area').fadeOut(1000) }; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Window on scroll ALL FUNCTION START ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function color_fill_header() { var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); if(scroll >= 100) { $(".is-fixed").addClass("color-fill"); } else { $(".is-fixed").removeClass("color-fill"); } }; // Bootstrap Select box function by = bootstrap-select.min.js function Bootstrap_Select(){ jQuery('.selectpicker').selectpicker(); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- document.ready ALL FUNCTION START ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ jQuery(document).ready(function() { //menu navigation menu_navigation(), // > Video responsive function by = custom.js video_responsive(), // > magnificPopup function by = magnific-popup.js magnific_popup(), // > magnificPopup for video function by = magnific-popup.js magnific_video(), // > Vertically center Bootstrap modal popup function by = custom.js popup_vertical_center(); // > Main menu sticky on top when scroll down function by = custom.js sticky_header(), // > Sidebar sticky when scroll down function by = custom.js ========== // sticky_sidebar() // > page scroll top on button click function by = custom.js scroll_top(), // > input type file function by = custom.js input_type_file_form(), // > input Placeholder in IE9 function by = custom.js placeholderSupport(), // > footer fixed on bottom function by = custom.js footer_fixed(), // > accordion active calss function by = custom.js ========================= // accordion_active(), // > My Account Nav submenu show hide on mobile by = custom.js Submenu_toogle_adminnav(), // > Nav submenu on off function by = custome.js ===================// mobile_nav(), // Mobile side drawer function by = custom.js mobile_side_drawer(), // Gallery slider function by = owl.carousel.js ========================== // gallery_slider2(), // Home page visited place function by = owl.carousel.js ========================== // services_slider(), // Home page Gallery Center Slider function by = owl.carousel.js ========================== // gallery_center_slider(), // Gallery slider function by = owl.carousel.js ========================== // gallery_slider(), // Home page instagram function by = owl.carousel.js ========================== // instagram_slider(), // Client logo Carousel function by = owl.carousel.js ========================== // home_client_carousel_2(), // Counter Section function by = counterup.min.js ========================== // counter_section(), // MAKE AN APPOINTMENT Section function by = counterup.min.js contact_slide(), // Video Carousel function by = owl.carousel.js home_video_slider() }); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Window Load START ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ jQuery(window).on('load', function () { // Bootstrap Select box function by = bootstrap-select.min.js Bootstrap_Select(), // > equal each box function by = custom.js equalheight(".equal-wraper .equal-col"), // > masonry function function by = isotope.pkgd.min.js masonryBox(), // > background image parallax function by = stellar.js bg_image_stellar(), // > page loader function by = custom.js page_loader() }); /*=========================== Window Scroll ALL FUNCTION START ===========================*/ jQuery(window).on('scroll', function () { // > Window on scroll header color fill color_fill_header() }); /*=========================== Window Resize ALL FUNCTION START ===========================*/ jQuery(window).on('resize', function () { // > footer fixed on bottom function by = custom.js footer_fixed(), equalheight(".equal-wraper .equal-col") }); /*=========================== Document on Submit FUNCTION START ===========================*/ // > Contact form function by = custom.js jQuery(document).on('submit', 'form.cons-contact-form', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var form = jQuery(this); /* sending message */ jQuery.ajax({ url: 'http://thewebmax.com/saloni/form-handler2.php', data: form.serialize() + "&action=contactform", type: 'POST', dataType: 'JSON', beforeSend: function() { jQuery('.loading-area').show(); }, success:function(data){ jQuery('.loading-area').hide(); if(data['success']){ jQuery("<div class='alert alert-success'>"+data['message']+"</div>").insertBefore('form.cons-contact-form'); }else{ jQuery("<div class='alert alert-danger'>"+data['message']+"</div>").insertBefore('form.cons-contact-form'); } } }); jQuery('.cons-contact-form').trigger("reset"); return false; }); /*=========================== Document on Submit FUNCTION END ===========================*/ jQuery(document).on("scroll", onScroll); //smoothscroll jQuery('a[href^="#"]').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery(document).off("scroll"); jQuery('a').each(function () { jQuery(this).removeClass('active'); }) jQuery(this).addClass('active'); var target = this.hash, menu = target; $target = jQuery(target); jQuery('html, body').stop().animate({ 'scrollTop': $target.offset().top+2 }, 500, 'swing', function () { window.location.hash = target; jQuery(document).on("scroll", onScroll); }); }); function onScroll(event){} })(window.jQuery);