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    <title>About Us | Payal Caterers & Decorators - Motera Ahmedabad</title>

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                        <h1 class="title inner-title" style="text-shadow: 6px 7px 6px #fa5364;">EVENT MANAGEMENT &AMP;<br />VENUE DECORATION SERVICES</h1>
                        <p class="ttm-textcolor-white" style="text-shadow: 4px 2px 3px black;">Caterers & Decorators Ahmedabad</p>
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                                <span>WELCOME TO Payal Caterers  &AMP; Decorators</span>
                                <h2 class="title">About Event Management Company</h2>
                                <div class="title-img"><img src="venue/baroda.png" alt="Baroda Event Management"></div>
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                                    <li class="tab active"><a href="#">Event Decorators</a></li>
                                    <li class="tab"><a href="#">Caterers services</a></li>
                                    <li class="tab"><a href="#">Event Organizer</a></li>
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                                                <p class="mycolor"><strong>'Payal Caterers  &AMP; Decorators' </strong>As the event decorator, you’re responsible for the overall atmosphere of the event. Event decorators in motera is more than simple decoration. How guests feel when they walk into the venue will affect their overall experience, and afterward, how fondly they remember it. This is a highly creative field, but just having an expert eye for color or a sixth sense for finding vintage treasures isn’t enough. </p>
                                                <p class="mycolor">Anyevent decorator worth his or her salt will be a master of planning and coordination. Over the course of many consultations, you’ll work with your clients to develop and bring their vision to life.</p>
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                                                                <i class="ti ti-check-box ttm-textcolor-skincolor"></i>
                                                                <span class="ttm-list-li-content">Destination Wedding Planner, Reception, Mehndi</span>
                                                                <i class="ti ti-check-box ttm-textcolor-skincolor"></i>
                                                                <span class="ttm-list-li-content">Theme Decoration, Sound &amp; Light, DJ, Orchestra, Garba</span>
                                                                <i class="ti ti-check-box ttm-textcolor-skincolor"></i>
                                                                <span class="ttm-list-li-content">Sangeet Sandhya, Special Entry For Groom/Bride</span>
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                                                                <span class="ttm-list-li-content">Live Concerts, Fashion Shows</span>
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                                                <!-- <p class="mycolor"><strong>Make it simple, but Significant. </strong></p> -->
                                                <p class="mycolor">Welcome to Payal Caterers & Decorators provide a sumptuous food itinerary to fulfill your each and every catering need. Be it a large, mid or small sized event, our full-range of outdoor and indoor catering services cover complete food preparation and presentation for formal and informal gatherings. We bring to you the best from all cuisines to suit your event, tastes & pockets even. So, while you leave your food worries to us, we let you enjoy those special moments in all the glory. We serve you the best with the best to serve, birthday, corporate event to weddings and related functions, we give you a range of food items to choose for your occasion. By providing you with delicious food and fantastic catering experience at making memories.</p>
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                                                    <img class="img-fluid" src="services/21.jpg" alt="Destination Venue Management" />
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                                                <!-- <p class="mycolor"><strong>Premier Corporate Event Management Company</strong></p> -->
                                                <p class="mycolor">First things first – the best event organizer in motera make the job look easy. But it’s not as simple as just making a couple of bookings and ensuring the room looks pretty on the day. Things a good event organizer will do behind the scenes cover a huge spectrum and it’s vital that the person in charge is open-minded, flexible and focused on the job at hand.</p>
                                                <p class="mycolor">
                                                        Whilst the basic elements of event organising might be similar, every project is unique and has its own individual requirements. So for it to be the best it can be on the day, a good event organizer will explore every possible option to make it go well and adapt their working practices accordingly.
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                                                                <span class="ttm-list-li-content">Corporate Events, Product Launching</span>
                                                                <i class="ti ti-check-box ttm-textcolor-skincolor"></i>
                                                                <span class="ttm-list-li-content">Award Ceremony, Theme Parties, Celebrations</span>
                                                                <i class="ti ti-check-box ttm-textcolor-skincolor"></i>
                                                                <span class="ttm-list-li-content">Brand Promotion, Corporate Meet, Exhibitions</span>
                                                                <i class="ti ti-check-box ttm-textcolor-skincolor"></i>
                                                                <span class="ttm-list-li-content">LED Screen, Road Show, Live Performance, Celebrity Management</span>
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