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The right choice of overseas education depends on where and what a student wants to study, and what are their specific qualification requirements, We are identifies and caters for these needs, and finds the ideal route to higher education. We have assisted thousands of students to get student visas for reputed universities and colleges. Our professional counselors will help you to identify your options and bring the best of these to your attention. Our Services Study Abroad, Student Visa, Germany, Australia, UK, USA, Russia, Philippine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Canada Study Visa, PTE, IELTS Coaching And Forex Services</div> <div class="desc"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- About Section End --> <!-- CTA Section Start --> <div class="rs-cta style2"> <div class="partition-bg-wrap inner-page"> <div class="container"> <div class="row y-bottom"> <div class="col-lg-6 pb-50 md-pt-70 md-pb-70"> <!--<div class="video-wrap">--> <!-- <a class="popup-videos" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=">--> <!-- <i class="fa fa-play"></i>--> <!-- <h4 class="title mb-0">Take a Video at SVP Immigration</h4>--> <!-- </a>--> <!--</div>--> </div> <div class="col-lg-6 pl-62 pt-134 pb-150 md-pt-50 md-pb-50 md-pl-15"> <div class="sec-title mb-40 md-mb-20"> <h2 class="title mb-16">Why The Globe International ?</h2> <div class="bold-text mb-22">Our experienced trainers will help you ace English language tests with excellent proficiency.</div> <div class="desc">our company looking on Mainly IELTS training program we try our best for student get 7 up band, our company academic part tie up with 27 old company , which company send more then 5000 to 6000 + students send abroad.</div> </div> <div class="btn-part"> <a class="readon2 orange" href="contact.php">Contact Now</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- CTA Section End --> <!-- Counter Section Start --> <div id="rs-counter" class="rs-counter style2-about pt-100 md-pt-70"> <div class="container"> <div class="row couter-area"> <div class="col-md-3 sm-mb-30"> <div class="counter-item text-center"> <div class="counter-bg"> <img src="assets/images/counter/bg1.png" alt="Counter Image"> </div> <div class="counter-text"> <h2 class="rs-count percent">90</h2> <h4 class="title mb-0">ABROAD STUDY</h4> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 sm-mb-30"> <div class="counter-item text-center"> <div class="counter-bg"> <img src="assets/images/counter/bg2.png" alt="Counter Image"> </div> <div class="counter-text"> <h2 class="rs-count percent">100</h2> <h4 class="title mb-0">VISA SERVICES</h4> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="counter-item text-center"> <div class="counter-bg"> <img src="assets/images/counter/bg3.png" alt="Counter Image"> </div> <div class="counter-text"> <h2 class="rs-count percent">90</h2> <h4 class="title mb-0">Student Visa</h4> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="counter-item text-center"> <div class="counter-bg"> <img src="assets/images/counter/bg3.png" alt="Counter Image"> </div> <div class="counter-text"> <h2 class="rs-count percent">90</h2> <h4 class="title mb-0">COACHING FACILITIES</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Counter Section End --> <!--Newsletter section end --> </div> <!-- Main content End --> <!-- Footer Start --> <?php include("footer.php") ?> <!-- Footer End --> <!-- start scrollUp --> <div id="scrollUp" class="orange-color"> <i class="fa fa-angle-up"></i> </div> <!-- End scrollUp --> <!-- Search Modal Start --> <div aria-hidden="true" class="modal fade search-modal" role="dialog" tabindex="-1"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <span class="flaticon-cross"></span> </button> <div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="search-block clearfix"> <form> <div class="form-group"> <input class="form-control" placeholder="Search Here..." type="text"> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Search Modal End --> <!-- modernizr js --> <script src="assets/js/modernizr-2.8.3.min.js"></script> <!-- jquery latest version --> <script src="assets/js/jquery.min.js"></script> <!-- Bootstrap v4.4.1 js --> <script src="assets/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <!-- Menu js --> <script src="assets/js/rsmenu-main.js"></script> <!-- op nav js --> <script src="assets/js/jquery.nav.js"></script> <!-- owl.carousel js --> <script src="assets/js/owl.carousel.min.js"></script> <!-- Slick js --> <script src="assets/js/slick.min.js"></script> <!-- isotope.pkgd.min js --> <script src="assets/js/isotope.pkgd.min.js"></script> <!-- imagesloaded.pkgd.min js --> <script src="assets/js/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js"></script> <!-- wow js --> <script src="assets/js/wow.min.js"></script> <!-- Skill bar js --> <script src="assets/js/skill.bars.jquery.js"></script> <script src="assets/js/jquery.counterup.min.js"></script> <!-- counter top js --> <script src="assets/js/waypoints.min.js"></script> <!-- video js --> <script src="assets/js/jquery.mb.YTPlayer.min.js"></script> <!-- magnific popup js --> <script src="assets/js/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js"></script> <!-- plugins js --> <script src="assets/js/plugins.js"></script> <!-- contact form js --> <script src="assets/js/contact.form.js"></script> <!-- main js --> <script src="assets/js/main.js"></script> </body> </html>