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								    	<li class="breadcrumb-item active" aria-current="page" style="color:black;">Appointment</li>

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								<h4 class="h4-sm steelblue-color" style="color:black;">Appointment</h4>

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				 			<div class="txt-block pr-30">

				 				<!-- Title -->
								<h3 class="h3-md steelblue-color">Book an Appointment</h3>

								<!-- Text -->

								<!-- APPOINTMENT FORM -->
								<div id="appointment-form-holder" class="text-center">
<form action="inquiry.php" method="post">
										<!-- Form Select -->
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						                 <!-- Form Select -->

						                <!-- Contact Form Input -->           
						                <!-- Contact Form Input -->
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						                	<input type="email" name="email" class="form-control email" placeholder="Enter Your Email*" required> 
						                <div id="input-phone" class="col-lg-12">
						                	<input type="phone" name="phone" class="form-control phone" placeholder="Enter Your Phone Number*" required> 
						                    <div id="input-date" class="col-lg-12">
						                	<input id="datetimepicker" type="text" name="adate" class="form-control date" placeholder="Appointment Date" required> 
						           <!--      <br>	
						                <div id="input-department" class="col-md-12 input-department">
						                    <select id="inlineFormCustomSelect1" name="department" class="custom-select department" required>
						                        <option value="">Select Department</option>  
						                      	<option>Pediatrics Department</option>
						                      	<option>Neurology Department</option>
						                      	<option>Haematology Department</option>
						                      	<option>X-Ray Diagnostic Department</option>
						                      	<option>Cardiology Department</option>
						                      	<option>MRI Department</option>
						                      	<option>Laboratory Services</option>
						                </div>	 -->			                          
						                <div id="input-message" class="col-lg-12 input-message">
						                	<textarea class="form-control message" name="message" type="message" rows="6" placeholder="Your Message ..."></textarea>
						                <!-- Contact Form Button -->
						                <div class="col-lg-12 form-btn">  
						                	<button type="submit" name="submit" class="btn btn-blue blue-hover submit">Request an Appointment</button> 
						                <!-- Contact Form Message -->
						                <div class="col-lg-12 appointment-form-msg text-center">
						                	<div class="sending-msg"><span class="loading"></span></div>

								</div>	<!-- END APPOINTMENT FORM -->

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								<!-- Title -->
								<h5 class="h5-md">Working Time:</h5>

								<!-- Text -->
								  <center><h6 style="color:white;"></h6></center>

								<!-- Table -->
								<table class="table">
									      	<td> - </td>
									      	<td class="text-right">Open 24 hours</td>

								<!-- Title -->
								<h5 class="h5-xs">Need a personal health plan?</h5>

								<!-- Text -->
								<p class="p-sm">A personal health plan related to hospital care typically involves a detailed outline of an individual's healthcare needs, goals, and strategies to maintain or improve their health while receiving hospital-based treatment. </p>

							</div>	<!-- END SIDEBAR TABLE -->

						</aside>   <!-- END SIDEBAR -->

					</div>	<!-- End row -->	
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			</div>	<!-- END APPOINTMENT PAGE -->

<?php include 'f.php' ?>

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