Direktori : /home/importfo/public_html/anantamultispecialityhospital.in/js/ |
Current File : /home/importfo/public_html/anantamultispecialityhospital.in/js/timetable.js |
jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var transitionEnd = "webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend"; var transitionsSupported = $(".csstransitions").length > 0; //if browser does not support transitions - use a different event to trigger them if (!transitionsSupported) transitionEnd = "noTransition"; //should add a loding while the events are organized function SchedulePlan(element) { this.element = element; this.timeline = this.element.find(".timeline"); this.timelineItems = this.timeline.find("li"); this.timelineItemsNumber = this.timelineItems.length; this.timelineStart = getScheduleTimestamp(this.timelineItems.eq(0).text()); //need to store delta (in our case half hour) timestamp this.timelineUnitDuration = getScheduleTimestamp(this.timelineItems.eq(1).text()) - getScheduleTimestamp(this.timelineItems.eq(0).text()); this.eventsWrapper = this.element.find(".events"); this.eventsGroup = this.eventsWrapper.find(".events-group"); this.singleEvents = this.eventsGroup.find(".single-event"); this.eventSlotHeight = this.eventsGroup .eq(0) .children(".top-info") .outerHeight(); this.modal = this.element.find(".event-modal"); this.modalHeader = this.modal.find(".header"); this.modalHeaderBg = this.modal.find(".header-bg"); this.modalBody = this.modal.find(".body"); this.modalBodyBg = this.modal.find(".body-bg"); this.modalMaxWidth = 800; this.modalMaxHeight = 480; this.animating = false; this.initSchedule(); } SchedulePlan.prototype.initSchedule = function() { this.scheduleReset(); this.initEvents(); }; SchedulePlan.prototype.scheduleReset = function() { var mq = this.mq(); if (mq == "desktop" && !this.element.hasClass("js-full")) { //in this case you are on a desktop version (first load or resize from mobile) this.eventSlotHeight = this.eventsGroup .eq(0) .children(".top-info") .outerHeight(); this.element.addClass("js-full"); this.placeEvents(); this.element.hasClass("modal-is-open") && this.checkEventModal(); } else if (mq == "mobile" && this.element.hasClass("js-full")) { //in this case you are on a mobile version (first load or resize from desktop) this.element.removeClass("js-full loading"); this.eventsGroup .children("ul") .add(this.singleEvents) .removeAttr("style"); this.eventsWrapper.children(".grid-line").remove(); this.element.hasClass("modal-is-open") && this.checkEventModal(); } else if (mq == "desktop" && this.element.hasClass("modal-is-open")) { //on a mobile version with modal open - need to resize/move modal window this.checkEventModal("desktop"); this.element.removeClass("loading"); } else { this.element.removeClass("loading"); } }; SchedulePlan.prototype.initEvents = function() { var self = this; this.singleEvents.each(function() { //create the .event-date element for each event var durationLabel = '<span class="event-date">' + $(this).data("start") + " - " + $(this).data("end") + "</span>"; $(this) .children("div") .prepend($(durationLabel)); //detect click on the event and open the modal $(this).on("click", "a", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (!self.animating) self.openModal($(this)); }); }); //close modal window this.modal.on("click", ".close", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (!self.animating) self.closeModal(self.eventsGroup.find(".selected-event")); }); this.element.on("click", ".cover-layer", function(event) { if (!self.animating && self.element.hasClass("modal-is-open")) self.closeModal(self.eventsGroup.find(".selected-event")); }); }; SchedulePlan.prototype.placeEvents = function() { var self = this; this.singleEvents.each(function() { //place each event in the grid -> need to set top position and height var start = getScheduleTimestamp($(this).attr("data-start")), duration = getScheduleTimestamp($(this).attr("data-end")) - start; var eventTop = self.eventSlotHeight * (start - self.timelineStart) / self.timelineUnitDuration, eventHeight = self.eventSlotHeight * duration / self.timelineUnitDuration; $(this).css({ top: eventTop - 1 + "px", height: eventHeight + 1 + "px" }); }); this.element.removeClass("loading"); }; SchedulePlan.prototype.openModal = function(event) { var self = this; var mq = self.mq(); this.animating = true; //update event name and time this.modalHeader.find(".event-name").text(event.find(".event-name").text()); this.modalHeader.find(".event-date").text(event.find(".event-date").text()); this.modal.attr("data-event", event.parent().attr("data-event")); //update event content this.modalBody .find(".event-info") .load( event.parent().attr("data-content") + ".html .event-info > *", function(data) { //once the event content has been loaded self.element.addClass("content-loaded"); } ); this.element.addClass("modal-is-open"); setTimeout(function() { //fixes a flash when an event is selected - desktop version only event.parent("li").addClass("selected-event"); }, 10); if (mq == "mobile") { self.modal.one(transitionEnd, function() { self.modal.off(transitionEnd); self.animating = false; }); } else { var eventTop = event.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop(), eventLeft = event.offset().left, eventHeight = event.innerHeight(), eventWidth = event.innerWidth(); var windowWidth = $(window).width(), windowHeight = $(window).height(); var modalWidth = windowWidth * 0.8 > self.modalMaxWidth ? self.modalMaxWidth : windowWidth * 0.8, modalHeight = windowHeight * 0.8 > self.modalMaxHeight ? self.modalMaxHeight : windowHeight * 0.8; var modalTranslateX = parseInt( (windowWidth - modalWidth) / 2 - eventLeft ), modalTranslateY = parseInt((windowHeight - modalHeight) / 2 - eventTop); var HeaderBgScaleY = modalHeight / eventHeight, BodyBgScaleX = modalWidth - eventWidth; //change modal height/width and translate it self.modal.css({ top: eventTop + "px", left: eventLeft + "px", height: modalHeight + "px", width: modalWidth + "px" }); transformElement( self.modal, "translateY(" + modalTranslateY + "px) translateX(" + modalTranslateX + "px)" ); //set modalHeader width self.modalHeader.css({ width: eventWidth + "px" }); //set modalBody left margin self.modalBody.css({ marginLeft: eventWidth + "px" }); //change modalBodyBg height/width ans scale it self.modalBodyBg.css({ height: eventHeight + "px", width: "1px" }); transformElement( self.modalBodyBg, "scaleY(" + HeaderBgScaleY + ") scaleX(" + BodyBgScaleX + ")" ); //change modal modalHeaderBg height/width and scale it self.modalHeaderBg.css({ height: eventHeight + "px", width: eventWidth + "px" }); transformElement(self.modalHeaderBg, "scaleY(" + HeaderBgScaleY + ")"); self.modalHeaderBg.one(transitionEnd, function() { //wait for the end of the modalHeaderBg transformation and show the modal content self.modalHeaderBg.off(transitionEnd); self.animating = false; self.element.addClass("animation-completed"); }); } //if browser do not support transitions -> no need to wait for the end of it if (!transitionsSupported) self.modal.add(self.modalHeaderBg).trigger(transitionEnd); }; SchedulePlan.prototype.closeModal = function(event) { var self = this; var mq = self.mq(); this.animating = true; if (mq == "mobile") { this.element.removeClass("modal-is-open"); this.modal.one(transitionEnd, function() { self.modal.off(transitionEnd); self.animating = false; self.element.removeClass("content-loaded"); event.removeClass("selected-event"); }); } else { var eventTop = event.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop(), eventLeft = event.offset().left, eventHeight = event.innerHeight(), eventWidth = event.innerWidth(); var modalTop = Number(self.modal.css("top").replace("px", "")), modalLeft = Number(self.modal.css("left").replace("px", "")); var modalTranslateX = eventLeft - modalLeft, modalTranslateY = eventTop - modalTop; self.element.removeClass("animation-completed modal-is-open"); //change modal width/height and translate it this.modal.css({ width: eventWidth + "px", height: eventHeight + "px" }); transformElement( self.modal, "translateX(" + modalTranslateX + "px) translateY(" + modalTranslateY + "px)" ); //scale down modalBodyBg element transformElement(self.modalBodyBg, "scaleX(0) scaleY(1)"); //scale down modalHeaderBg element transformElement(self.modalHeaderBg, "scaleY(1)"); this.modalHeaderBg.one(transitionEnd, function() { //wait for the end of the modalHeaderBg transformation and reset modal style self.modalHeaderBg.off(transitionEnd); self.modal.addClass("no-transition"); setTimeout(function() { self.modal .add(self.modalHeader) .add(self.modalBody) .add(self.modalHeaderBg) .add(self.modalBodyBg) .attr("style", ""); }, 10); setTimeout(function() { self.modal.removeClass("no-transition"); }, 20); self.animating = false; self.element.removeClass("content-loaded"); event.removeClass("selected-event"); }); } //browser do not support transitions -> no need to wait for the end of it if (!transitionsSupported) self.modal.add(self.modalHeaderBg).trigger(transitionEnd); }; SchedulePlan.prototype.mq = function() { //get MQ value ('desktop' or 'mobile') var self = this; return window .getComputedStyle(this.element.get(0), "::before") .getPropertyValue("content") .replace(/["']/g, ""); }; SchedulePlan.prototype.checkEventModal = function(device) { this.animating = true; var self = this; var mq = this.mq(); if (mq == "mobile") { //reset modal style on mobile self.modal .add(self.modalHeader) .add(self.modalHeaderBg) .add(self.modalBody) .add(self.modalBodyBg) .attr("style", ""); self.modal.removeClass("no-transition"); self.animating = false; } else if (mq == "desktop" && self.element.hasClass("modal-is-open")) { self.modal.addClass("no-transition"); self.element.addClass("animation-completed"); var event = self.eventsGroup.find(".selected-event"); var eventTop = event.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop(), eventLeft = event.offset().left, eventHeight = event.innerHeight(), eventWidth = event.innerWidth(); var windowWidth = $(window).width(), windowHeight = $(window).height(); var modalWidth = windowWidth * 0.8 > self.modalMaxWidth ? self.modalMaxWidth : windowWidth * 0.8, modalHeight = windowHeight * 0.8 > self.modalMaxHeight ? self.modalMaxHeight : windowHeight * 0.8; var HeaderBgScaleY = modalHeight / eventHeight, BodyBgScaleX = modalWidth - eventWidth; setTimeout(function() { self.modal.css({ width: modalWidth + "px", height: modalHeight + "px", top: windowHeight / 2 - modalHeight / 2 + "px", left: windowWidth / 2 - modalWidth / 2 + "px" }); transformElement(self.modal, "translateY(0) translateX(0)"); //change modal modalBodyBg height/width self.modalBodyBg.css({ height: modalHeight + "px", width: "1px" }); transformElement(self.modalBodyBg, "scaleX(" + BodyBgScaleX + ")"); //set modalHeader width self.modalHeader.css({ width: eventWidth + "px" }); //set modalBody left margin self.modalBody.css({ marginLeft: eventWidth + "px" }); //change modal modalHeaderBg height/width and scale it self.modalHeaderBg.css({ height: eventHeight + "px", width: eventWidth + "px" }); transformElement(self.modalHeaderBg, "scaleY(" + HeaderBgScaleY + ")"); }, 10); setTimeout(function() { self.modal.removeClass("no-transition"); self.animating = false; }, 20); } }; var schedules = $(".cd-schedule"); var objSchedulesPlan = [], windowResize = false; if (schedules.length > 0) { schedules.each(function() { //create SchedulePlan objects objSchedulesPlan.push(new SchedulePlan($(this))); }); } $(window).on("resize", function() { if (!windowResize) { windowResize = true; !window.requestAnimationFrame ? setTimeout(checkResize) : window.requestAnimationFrame(checkResize); } }); $(window).keyup(function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 27) { objSchedulesPlan.forEach(function(element) { element.closeModal(element.eventsGroup.find(".selected-event")); }); } }); function checkResize() { objSchedulesPlan.forEach(function(element) { element.scheduleReset(); }); windowResize = false; } function getScheduleTimestamp(time) { //accepts hh:mm format - convert hh:mm to timestamp time = time.replace(/ /g, ""); var timeArray = time.split(":"); var timeStamp = parseInt(timeArray[0]) * 60 + parseInt(timeArray[1]); return timeStamp; } function transformElement(element, value) { element.css({ "-moz-transform": value, "-webkit-transform": value, "-ms-transform": value, "-o-transform": value, transform: value }); } });