Direktori : /home/importfo/public_html/inddigmedia.in/jss/ |
Current File : /home/importfo/public_html/inddigmedia.in/jss/main.js |
//Global var var CRUMINA = {}; (function($) { // USE STRICT "use strict"; //----------------------------------------------------/ // Predefined Variables //----------------------------------------------------/ var $window = $(window), $document = $(document), $body = $('body'), swipers = {}, //Elements $header = $('#site-header'), $counter = $('.counter'), $progress_bar = $('.skills-item'), $pie_chart = $('.pie-chart'), $animatedIcons = $('.js-animate-icon'), $asidePanel = $('.right-menu'), $primaryMenu = $('.primary-menu'), $footer = $('#site-footer'); var $popupSearch = jQuery(".popup-search"); var $cartPopap = jQuery(".cart-popup-wrap"); /* ----------------------- * Fixed Header * --------------------- */ CRUMINA.fixedHeader = function() { // grab an element $header.headroom({ "offset": 210, "tolerance": 5, "classes": { "initial": "animated", "pinned": "swingInX", "unpinned": "swingOutX" } }); }; /* ----------------------- * Parallax footer * --------------------- */ CRUMINA.parallaxFooter = function() { if ($footer.length && $footer.hasClass('js-fixed-footer')) { $footer.before('<div class="block-footer-height"></div>'); $('.block-footer-height').matchHeight({ target: $footer }); } }; /* ----------------------- * COUNTER NUMBERS * --------------------- */ CRUMINA.counters = function() { if ($counter.length) { $counter.each(function() { jQuery(this).waypoint(function() { $(this.element).find('span').countTo(); this.destroy(); }, { offset: '95%' }); }); } }; /* ----------------------- * Progress bars Animation * --------------------- */ CRUMINA.progresBars = function() { if ($progress_bar.length) { $progress_bar.each(function() { jQuery(this).waypoint(function() { $(this.element).find('.count-animate').countTo(); $(this.element).find('.skills-item-meter-active').fadeTo(300, 1).addClass('skills-animate'); this.destroy(); }, { offset: '90%' }); }); } }; /* ----------------------- * Pie chart Animation * --------------------- */ CRUMINA.pieCharts = function() { if ($pie_chart.length) { $pie_chart.each(function() { jQuery(this).waypoint(function() { var current_cart = $(this.element); var startColor = current_cart.data('start-color'); var endColor = current_cart.data('end-color'); var counter = current_cart.data('value') * 100; current_cart.circleProgress({ thickness: 16, size: 320, startAngle: -Math.PI / 4 * 2, emptyFill: '#fff', lineCap: 'round', fill: { gradient: [startColor, endColor], gradientAngle: Math.PI / 4 } }).on('circle-animation-progress', function(event, progress) { current_cart.find('.content').html(parseInt(counter * progress, 10) + '<span>%</span>') }).on('circle-animation-end', function() { }); this.destroy(); }, { offset: '90%' }); }); } }; /* ----------------------- * Animate SVG Icons * --------------------- */ CRUMINA.animateSvg = function() { if ($animatedIcons.length) { $animatedIcons.each(function() { jQuery(this).waypoint(function() { var mySVG = $(this.element).find('> svg').drawsvg(); mySVG.drawsvg('animate'); this.destroy(); }, { offset: '95%' }); }); } }; /* ----------------------------- * Custom Scroll bar * ---------------------------*/ CRUMINA.customScroll = function() { if ($asidePanel.length) { $asidePanel.mCustomScrollbar({ axis: "y", scrollEasing: "linear", scrollInertia: 150 }); } }; /* ----------------------------- * Toggle aside panel on click * ---------------------------*/ CRUMINA.togglePanel = function() { if ($asidePanel.length) { $asidePanel.toggleClass('opened'); $body.toggleClass('overlay-enable'); } }; /* ----------------------------- * Toggle search overlay * ---------------------------*/ CRUMINA.toggleSearch = function() { $body.toggleClass('open'); $('.overlay_search-input').focus(); }; /* ----------------------------- * Embedded Video in pop up * ---------------------------*/ CRUMINA.mediaPopups = function() { $('.js-popup-iframe').magnificPopup({ disableOn: 700, type: 'iframe', mainClass: 'mfp-fade', removalDelay: 160, preloader: false, fixedContentPos: false }); $('.js-zoom-image, .link-image').magnificPopup({ type: 'image', removalDelay: 500, //delay removal by X to allow out-animation callbacks: { beforeOpen: function() { // just a hack that adds mfp-anim class to markup this.st.image.markup = this.st.image.markup.replace('mfp-figure', 'mfp-figure mfp-with-anim'); this.st.mainClass = 'mfp-zoom-in'; } }, closeOnContentClick: true, midClick: true }); }; /* ----------------------------- * Equal height * ---------------------------*/ CRUMINA.equalHeight = function() { $('.js-equal-child').find('.theme-module').matchHeight({ property: 'min-height' }); }; /* ----------------------------- * Scrollmagic scenes animation * ---------------------------*/ CRUMINA.SubscribeScrollAnnimation = function() { var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: ".subscribe" }) .setVelocity(".gear", { opacity: 1, rotateZ: "360deg" }, 1200) .triggerHook("onEnter") .addTo(controller); new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: ".subscribe" }) .setVelocity(".mail", { opacity: 1, bottom: "0" }, 600) .triggerHook(0.8) .addTo(controller); new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: ".subscribe" }) .setVelocity(".mail-2", { opacity: 1, right: "20" }, 800) .triggerHook(0.9) .addTo(controller); }; CRUMINA.SeoScoreScrollAnnimation = function() { var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: ".seo-score" }) .setVelocity(".seo-score .images img:first-of-type", { opacity: 1, top: "-10" }, 400) .triggerHook("onEnter") .addTo(controller); new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: ".seo-score" }) .setVelocity(".seo-score .images img:nth-child(2)", { opacity: 1, bottom: "0" }, 800) .triggerHook(0.7) .addTo(controller); new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: ".seo-score" }) .setVelocity(".seo-score .images img:last-child", { opacity: 1, bottom: "0" }, 1000) .triggerHook(0.8) .addTo(controller); }; CRUMINA.TestimonialScrollAnnimation = function() { var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: ".testimonial-slider" }) .setVelocity(".testimonial-slider .testimonial-img", { opacity: 1, bottom: "-50" }, 400) .triggerHook(0.6) .addTo(controller); new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: ".testimonial-slider" }) .setVelocity(".testimonial-slider .testimonial__thumb-img", { opacity: 1, top: "-100" }, 600) .triggerHook(1) .addTo(controller); }; CRUMINA.OurVisionScrollAnnimation = function() { var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: ".our-vision" }) .setVelocity(".our-vision .elements", { opacity: 1 }, 600) .triggerHook(0.6) .addTo(controller); new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: ".our-vision" }) .setVelocity(".our-vision .eye", { opacity: 1, bottom: "-90" }, 1000) .triggerHook(1) .addTo(controller); }; CRUMINA.MountainsScrollAnnimation = function() { var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: ".background-mountains" }) .setVelocity(".images img:first-child", { opacity: 1, bottom: "0", paddingBottom: "10%" }, 800) .triggerHook(0.4) .addTo(controller); new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: ".background-mountains" }) .setVelocity(".images img:last-child", { opacity: 1, bottom: "0" }, 800) .triggerHook(0.3) .addTo(controller); }; /* ----------------------------- * Isotope sorting * ---------------------------*/ CRUMINA.IsotopeSort = function() { var $container = $('.sorting-container'); $container.each(function() { var $current = $(this); var layout = ($current.data('layout').length) ? $current.data('layout') : 'masonry'; $current.isotope({ itemSelector: '.sorting-item', layoutMode: layout, percentPosition: true }); $current.imagesLoaded().progress(function() { $current.isotope('layout'); }); var $sorting_buttons = $current.siblings('.sorting-menu').find('li'); $sorting_buttons.on('click', function() { if ($(this).hasClass('active')) return false; $(this).parent().find('.active').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); var filterValue = $(this).data('filter'); if (typeof filterValue != "undefined") { $current.isotope({ filter: filterValue }); return false; } }); }); }; /* ----------------------------- * Sliders and Carousels * ---------------------------*/ CRUMINA.initSwiper = function() { var initIterator = 0; var $breakPoints = false; $('.swiper-container').each(function() { var $t = $(this); var index = 'swiper-unique-id-' + initIterator; $t.addClass('swiper-' + index + ' initialized').attr('id', index); $t.find('.swiper-pagination').addClass('pagination-' + index); var $effect = ($t.data('effect')) ? $t.data('effect') : 'slide', $crossfade = ($t.data('crossfade')) ? $t.data('crossfade') : true, $loop = ($t.data('loop') == false) ? $t.data('loop') : true, $showItems = ($t.data('show-items')) ? $t.data('show-items') : 1, $scrollItems = ($t.data('scroll-items')) ? $t.data('scroll-items') : 1, $scrollDirection = ($t.data('direction')) ? $t.data('direction') : 'horizontal', $mouseScroll = ($t.data('mouse-scroll')) ? $t.data('mouse-scroll') : false, $autoplay = ($t.data('autoplay')) ? parseInt($t.data('autoplay'), 10) : 0, $autoheight = ($t.hasClass('auto-height')) ? true : false, $slidesSpace = ($showItems > 1) ? 20 : 0; if ($showItems > 1) { $breakPoints = { 480: { slidesPerView: 1, slidesPerGroup: 1 }, 768: { slidesPerView: 2, slidesPerGroup: 2 } } } swipers['swiper-' + index] = new Swiper('.swiper-' + index, { pagination: '.pagination-' + index, paginationClickable: true, direction: $scrollDirection, mousewheelControl: $mouseScroll, mousewheelReleaseOnEdges: $mouseScroll, slidesPerView: $showItems, slidesPerGroup: $scrollItems, spaceBetween: $slidesSpace, keyboardControl: true, setWrapperSize: true, preloadImages: true, updateOnImagesReady: true, autoplay: $autoplay, autoHeight: $autoheight, loop: $loop, breakpoints: $breakPoints, effect: $effect, fade: { crossFade: $crossfade }, parallax: true, onImagesReady: function(swiper) { }, onSlideChangeStart: function(swiper) { if ($t.find('.slider-slides').length) { $t.find('.slider-slides .slide-active').removeClass('slide-active'); var realIndex = swiper.slides.eq(swiper.activeIndex).attr('data-swiper-slide-index'); $t.find('.slider-slides .slides-item').eq(realIndex).addClass('slide-active'); } } }); initIterator++; }); //swiper arrows $('.btn-prev').on('click', function() { swipers['swiper-' + $(this).parent().attr('id')].slidePrev(); }); $('.btn-next').on('click', function() { swipers['swiper-' + $(this).parent().attr('id')].slideNext(); }); //swiper tabs $('.slider-slides .slides-item').on('click', function() { if ($(this).hasClass('slide-active')) return false; var activeIndex = $(this).parent().find('.slides-item').index(this); swipers['swiper-' + $(this).closest('.swiper-container').attr('id')].slideTo(activeIndex + 1); $(this).parent().find('.slide-active').removeClass('slide-active'); $(this).addClass('slide-active'); return false; }); }; CRUMINA.burgerAnimation = function() { /* In animations (to close icon) */ var beginAC = 80, endAC = 320, beginB = 80, endB = 320; function inAC(s) { s.draw('80% - 240', '80%', 0.3, { delay: 0.1, callback: function() { inAC2(s) } }); } function inAC2(s) { s.draw('100% - 545', '100% - 305', 0.6, { easing: ease.ease('elastic-out', 1, 0.3) }); } function inB(s) { s.draw(beginB - 60, endB + 60, 0.1, { callback: function() { inB2(s) } }); } function inB2(s) { s.draw(beginB + 120, endB - 120, 0.3, { easing: ease.ease('bounce-out', 1, 0.3) }); } /* Out animations (to burger icon) */ function outAC(s) { s.draw('90% - 240', '90%', 0.1, { easing: ease.ease('elastic-in', 1, 0.3), callback: function() { outAC2(s) } }); } function outAC2(s) { s.draw('20% - 240', '20%', 0.3, { callback: function() { outAC3(s) } }); } function outAC3(s) { s.draw(beginAC, endAC, 0.7, { easing: ease.ease('elastic-out', 1, 0.3) }); } function outB(s) { s.draw(beginB, endB, 0.7, { delay: 0.1, easing: ease.ease('elastic-out', 2, 0.4) }); } /* Scale functions */ function addScale(m) { m.className = 'menu-icon-wrapper scaled'; } function removeScale(m) { m.className = 'menu-icon-wrapper'; } /* Awesome burger scaled */ var pathD = document.getElementById('pathD'), pathE = document.getElementById('pathE'), pathF = document.getElementById('pathF'), segmentD = new Segment(pathD, beginAC, endAC), segmentE = new Segment(pathE, beginB, endB), segmentF = new Segment(pathF, beginAC, endAC), wrapper2 = document.getElementById('menu-icon-wrapper'), trigger2 = document.getElementById('menu-icon-trigger'), toCloseIcon2 = true; wrapper2.style.visibility = 'visible'; trigger2.onclick = function() { addScale(wrapper2); if (toCloseIcon2) { inAC(segmentD); inB(segmentE); inAC(segmentF); } else { outAC(segmentD); outB(segmentE); outAC(segmentF); } toCloseIcon2 = !toCloseIcon2; setTimeout(function() { removeScale(wrapper2) }, 450); }; }; /* ----------------------------- * On Click Functions * ---------------------------*/ $window.keydown(function(eventObject) { if (eventObject.which == 27) { if ($asidePanel.hasClass('opened')) { CRUMINA.togglePanel(); } if ($body.hasClass('open')) { CRUMINA.toggleSearch(); } } }); jQuery(".js-close-aside").on('click', function() { if ($asidePanel.hasClass('opened')) { CRUMINA.togglePanel(); } return false; }); jQuery(".js-open-aside").on('click', function() { if (!$asidePanel.hasClass('opened')) { CRUMINA.togglePanel(); } return false; }); jQuery(".js-open-search").on('click', function() { CRUMINA.toggleSearch(); return false; }); jQuery(".overlay_search-close").on('click', function() { $body.removeClass('open'); return false; }); jQuery(".js-open-p-search").on('click', function() { $popupSearch.fadeToggle(); }); if ($popupSearch.length) { $popupSearch.find('input').focus(function() { $popupSearch.stop().animate({ 'width': $popupSearch.closest('.container').width() + 70 }, 600) }).blur(function() { $popupSearch.fadeToggle('fast', function() { $popupSearch.css({ 'width': '' }); }); }); } // Hide cart on click outside. $document.on('click', function(event) { if (!$(event.target).closest($cartPopap).length) { if ($cartPopap.hasClass('visible')) { $cartPopap.fadeToggle(200); $cartPopap.toggleClass('visible') } } if (!$(event.target).closest($asidePanel).length) { if ($asidePanel.hasClass('opened')) { CRUMINA.togglePanel(); } } }); // Show dropdown cart on icon click. jQuery(".js-cart-animate").on('click', function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); $cartPopap.toggleClass('visible'); $cartPopap.fadeToggle(200); }); $('.quantity-plus').on('click', function() { var val = parseInt($(this).prev('input').val()); $(this).prev('input').val(val + 1).change(); return false; }); $('.quantity-minus').on('click', function() { var val = parseInt($(this).next('input').val()); if (val !== 1) { $(this).next('input').val(val - 1).change(); } return false; }); /*--------------------------------- ACCORDION -----------------------------------*/ jQuery('.accordion-heading').on('click', function() { jQuery(this).parents('.panel-heading').toggleClass('active'); jQuery(this).parents('.accordion-panel').toggleClass('active'); }); //Scroll to top. jQuery('.back-to-top').on('click', function() { $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 1200); return false; }); jQuery(".input-inline").find('input').focus(function() { $(this).closest('form').addClass('input-drop-shadow'); }).blur(function() { $(this).closest('form').removeClass('input-drop-shadow'); }); /* ----------------------------- * On DOM ready functions * ---------------------------*/ $document.ready(function() { if ($('#menu-icon-wrapper').length) { CRUMINA.burgerAnimation(); } // 3-d party libs run $primaryMenu.crumegamenu({ showSpeed: 300, hideSpeed: 200, trigger: "hover", animation: "drop-up", indicatorFirstLevel: "", indicatorSecondLevel: "" }); CRUMINA.fixedHeader(); CRUMINA.initSwiper(); CRUMINA.equalHeight(); CRUMINA.customScroll(); CRUMINA.mediaPopups(); CRUMINA.IsotopeSort(); CRUMINA.parallaxFooter(); // Dom mofifications $('select').niceSelect(); // On Scroll animations. CRUMINA.animateSvg(); CRUMINA.counters(); CRUMINA.progresBars(); CRUMINA.pieCharts(); // Row background animation if ($('.subscribe').length) { CRUMINA.SubscribeScrollAnnimation(); } if ($('.seo-score').length) { CRUMINA.SeoScoreScrollAnnimation(); } if ($('.testimonial-slider').length) { CRUMINA.TestimonialScrollAnnimation(); } if ($('.our-vision').length) { CRUMINA.OurVisionScrollAnnimation(); } if ($('.background-mountains').length) { CRUMINA.MountainsScrollAnnimation(); } }); })(jQuery);;