
Mini Shell

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Current File : /home/importfo/public_html/inddigmedia.in/jss/theme-plugins.js

 Waypoints - 4.0.0
 Copyright © 2011-2015 Caleb Troughton
 Licensed under the MIT license.
! function() {
    "use strict";

    function t(o) {
        if (!o) throw new Error("No options passed to Waypoint constructor");
        if (!o.element) throw new Error("No element option passed to Waypoint constructor");
        if (!o.handler) throw new Error("No handler option passed to Waypoint constructor");
        this.key = "waypoint-" + e, this.options = t.Adapter.extend({}, t.defaults, o), this.element = this.options.element, this.adapter = new t.Adapter(this.element), this.callback = o.handler, this.axis = this.options.horizontal ? "horizontal" : "vertical", this.enabled = this.options.enabled, this.triggerPoint = null, this.group = t.Group.findOrCreate({
            name: this.options.group,
            axis: this.axis
        }), this.context = t.Context.findOrCreateByElement(this.options.context), t.offsetAliases[this.options.offset] && (this.options.offset = t.offsetAliases[this.options.offset]), this.group.add(this), this.context.add(this), i[this.key] = this, e += 1
    var e = 0,
        i = {};
    t.prototype.queueTrigger = function(t) {
        this.group.queueTrigger(this, t)
    }, t.prototype.trigger = function(t) {
        this.enabled && this.callback && this.callback.apply(this, t)
    }, t.prototype.destroy = function() {
        this.context.remove(this), this.group.remove(this), delete i[this.key]
    }, t.prototype.disable = function() {
        return this.enabled = !1, this
    }, t.prototype.enable = function() {
        return this.context.refresh(), this.enabled = !0, this
    }, t.prototype.next = function() {
        return this.group.next(this)
    }, t.prototype.previous = function() {
        return this.group.previous(this)
    }, t.invokeAll = function(t) {
        var e = [];
        for (var o in i) e.push(i[o]);
        for (var n = 0, r = e.length; r > n; n++) e[n][t]()
    }, t.destroyAll = function() {
    }, t.disableAll = function() {
    }, t.enableAll = function() {
    }, t.refreshAll = function() {
    }, t.viewportHeight = function() {
        return window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight
    }, t.viewportWidth = function() {
        return document.documentElement.clientWidth
    }, t.adapters = [], t.defaults = {
        context: window,
        continuous: !0,
        enabled: !0,
        group: "default",
        horizontal: !1,
        offset: 0
    }, t.offsetAliases = {
        "bottom-in-view": function() {
            return this.context.innerHeight() - this.adapter.outerHeight()
        "right-in-view": function() {
            return this.context.innerWidth() - this.adapter.outerWidth()
    }, window.Waypoint = t
function() {
    "use strict";

    function t(t) {
        window.setTimeout(t, 1e3 / 60)

    function e(t) {
        this.element = t, this.Adapter = n.Adapter, this.adapter = new this.Adapter(t), this.key = "waypoint-context-" + i, this.didScroll = !1, this.didResize = !1, this.oldScroll = {
            x: this.adapter.scrollLeft(),
            y: this.adapter.scrollTop()
        }, this.waypoints = {
            vertical: {},
            horizontal: {}
        }, t.waypointContextKey = this.key, o[t.waypointContextKey] = this, i += 1, this.createThrottledScrollHandler(), this.createThrottledResizeHandler()
    var i = 0,
        o = {},
        n = window.Waypoint,
        r = window.onload;
    e.prototype.add = function(t) {
        var e = t.options.horizontal ? "horizontal" : "vertical";
        this.waypoints[e][t.key] = t, this.refresh()
    }, e.prototype.checkEmpty = function() {
        var t = this.Adapter.isEmptyObject(this.waypoints.horizontal),
            e = this.Adapter.isEmptyObject(this.waypoints.vertical);
        t && e && (this.adapter.off(".waypoints"), delete o[this.key])
    }, e.prototype.createThrottledResizeHandler = function() {
        function t() {
            e.handleResize(), e.didResize = !1
        var e = this;
        this.adapter.on("resize.waypoints", function() {
            e.didResize || (e.didResize = !0, n.requestAnimationFrame(t))
    }, e.prototype.createThrottledScrollHandler = function() {
        function t() {
            e.handleScroll(), e.didScroll = !1
        var e = this;
        this.adapter.on("scroll.waypoints", function() {
            (!e.didScroll || n.isTouch) && (e.didScroll = !0, n.requestAnimationFrame(t))
    }, e.prototype.handleResize = function() {
    }, e.prototype.handleScroll = function() {
        var t = {},
            e = {
                horizontal: {
                    newScroll: this.adapter.scrollLeft(),
                    oldScroll: this.oldScroll.x,
                    forward: "right",
                    backward: "left"
                vertical: {
                    newScroll: this.adapter.scrollTop(),
                    oldScroll: this.oldScroll.y,
                    forward: "down",
                    backward: "up"
        for (var i in e) {
            var o = e[i],
                n = o.newScroll > o.oldScroll,
                r = n ? o.forward : o.backward;
            for (var s in this.waypoints[i]) {
                var a = this.waypoints[i][s],
                    l = o.oldScroll < a.triggerPoint,
                    h = o.newScroll >= a.triggerPoint,
                    p = l && h,
                    u = !l && !h;
                (p || u) && (a.queueTrigger(r), t[a.group.id] = a.group)
        for (var c in t) t[c].flushTriggers();
        this.oldScroll = {
            x: e.horizontal.newScroll,
            y: e.vertical.newScroll
    }, e.prototype.innerHeight = function() {
        return this.element == this.element.window ? n.viewportHeight() : this.adapter.innerHeight()
    }, e.prototype.remove = function(t) {
        delete this.waypoints[t.axis][t.key], this.checkEmpty()
    }, e.prototype.innerWidth = function() {
        return this.element == this.element.window ? n.viewportWidth() : this.adapter.innerWidth()
    }, e.prototype.destroy = function() {
        var t = [];
        for (var e in this.waypoints)
            for (var i in this.waypoints[e]) t.push(this.waypoints[e][i]);
        for (var o = 0, n = t.length; n > o; o++) t[o].destroy()
    }, e.prototype.refresh = function() {
        var t, e = this.element == this.element.window,
            i = e ? void 0 : this.adapter.offset(),
            o = {};
        this.handleScroll(), t = {
            horizontal: {
                contextOffset: e ? 0 : i.left,
                contextScroll: e ? 0 : this.oldScroll.x,
                contextDimension: this.innerWidth(),
                oldScroll: this.oldScroll.x,
                forward: "right",
                backward: "left",
                offsetProp: "left"
            vertical: {
                contextOffset: e ? 0 : i.top,
                contextScroll: e ? 0 : this.oldScroll.y,
                contextDimension: this.innerHeight(),
                oldScroll: this.oldScroll.y,
                forward: "down",
                backward: "up",
                offsetProp: "top"
        for (var r in t) {
            var s = t[r];
            for (var a in this.waypoints[r]) {
                var l, h, p, u, c, d = this.waypoints[r][a],
                    f = d.options.offset,
                    w = d.triggerPoint,
                    y = 0,
                    g = null == w;
                d.element !== d.element.window && (y = d.adapter.offset()[s.offsetProp]), "function" == typeof f ? f = f.apply(d) : "string" == typeof f && (f = parseFloat(f), d.options.offset.indexOf("%") > -1 && (f = Math.ceil(s.contextDimension * f / 100))), l = s.contextScroll - s.contextOffset, d.triggerPoint = y + l - f, h = w < s.oldScroll, p = d.triggerPoint >= s.oldScroll, u = h && p, c = !h && !p, !g && u ? (d.queueTrigger(s.backward), o[d.group.id] = d.group) : !g && c ? (d.queueTrigger(s.forward), o[d.group.id] = d.group) : g && s.oldScroll >= d.triggerPoint && (d.queueTrigger(s.forward), o[d.group.id] = d.group)
        return n.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
            for (var t in o) o[t].flushTriggers()
        }), this
    }, e.findOrCreateByElement = function(t) {
        return e.findByElement(t) || new e(t)
    }, e.refreshAll = function() {
        for (var t in o) o[t].refresh()
    }, e.findByElement = function(t) {
        return o[t.waypointContextKey]
    }, window.onload = function() {
        r && r(), e.refreshAll()
    }, n.requestAnimationFrame = function(e) {
        var i = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || t;
        i.call(window, e)
    }, n.Context = e
function() {
    "use strict";

    function t(t, e) {
        return t.triggerPoint - e.triggerPoint

    function e(t, e) {
        return e.triggerPoint - t.triggerPoint

    function i(t) {
        this.name = t.name, this.axis = t.axis, this.id = this.name + "-" + this.axis, this.waypoints = [], this.clearTriggerQueues(), o[this.axis][this.name] = this
    var o = {
            vertical: {},
            horizontal: {}
        n = window.Waypoint;
    i.prototype.add = function(t) {
    }, i.prototype.clearTriggerQueues = function() {
        this.triggerQueues = {
            up: [],
            down: [],
            left: [],
            right: []
    }, i.prototype.flushTriggers = function() {
        for (var i in this.triggerQueues) {
            var o = this.triggerQueues[i],
                n = "up" === i || "left" === i;
            o.sort(n ? e : t);
            for (var r = 0, s = o.length; s > r; r += 1) {
                var a = o[r];
                (a.options.continuous || r === o.length - 1) && a.trigger([i])
    }, i.prototype.next = function(e) {
        var i = n.Adapter.inArray(e, this.waypoints),
            o = i === this.waypoints.length - 1;
        return o ? null : this.waypoints[i + 1]
    }, i.prototype.previous = function(e) {
        var i = n.Adapter.inArray(e, this.waypoints);
        return i ? this.waypoints[i - 1] : null
    }, i.prototype.queueTrigger = function(t, e) {
    }, i.prototype.remove = function(t) {
        var e = n.Adapter.inArray(t, this.waypoints);
        e > -1 && this.waypoints.splice(e, 1)
    }, i.prototype.first = function() {
        return this.waypoints[0]
    }, i.prototype.last = function() {
        return this.waypoints[this.waypoints.length - 1]
    }, i.findOrCreate = function(t) {
        return o[t.axis][t.name] || new i(t)
    }, n.Group = i
function() {
    "use strict";

    function t(t) {
        this.$element = e(t)
    var e = window.jQuery,
        i = window.Waypoint;
    e.each(["innerHeight", "innerWidth", "off", "offset", "on", "outerHeight", "outerWidth", "scrollLeft", "scrollTop"], function(e, i) {
        t.prototype[i] = function() {
            var t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
            return this.$element[i].apply(this.$element, t)
    }), e.each(["extend", "inArray", "isEmptyObject"], function(i, o) {
        t[o] = e[o]
    }), i.adapters.push({
        name: "jquery",
        Adapter: t
    }), i.Adapter = t
function() {
    "use strict";

    function t(t) {
        return function() {
            var i = [],
                o = arguments[0];
            return t.isFunction(arguments[0]) && (o = t.extend({}, arguments[1]), o.handler = arguments[0]), this.each(function() {
                var n = t.extend({}, o, {
                    element: this
                "string" == typeof n.context && (n.context = t(this).closest(n.context)[0]), i.push(new e(n))
            }), i
    var e = window.Waypoint;
    window.jQuery && (window.jQuery.fn.waypoint = t(window.jQuery)), window.Zepto && (window.Zepto.fn.waypoint = t(window.Zepto))

/*! jQuery DrawSVG v1.0.1 (2015-11-05) - git.io/vGFa5 - Copyright (c) 2015 Leonardo Santos - MIT License */
! function(t) {
    "use strict";
    var a = "drawsvg",
        e = {
            duration: 1e3,
            stagger: 200,
            easing: "swing",
            reverse: !1,
            callback: t.noop
        n = function() {
            var n = function(n, s) {
                var i = this,
                    r = t.extend(e, s);
                i.$elm = t(n), i.$elm.is("svg") && (i.options = r, i.$paths = i.$elm.find("path"), i.totalDuration = r.duration + r.stagger * i.$paths.length, i.duration = r.duration / i.totalDuration, i.$paths.each(function(t, a) {
                    var e = a.getTotalLength();
                    a.pathLen = e, a.delay = r.stagger * t / i.totalDuration, a.style.strokeDasharray = [e, e].join(" "), a.style.strokeDashoffset = e
                }), i.$elm.attr("class", function(t, e) {
                    return [e, a + "-initialized"].join(" ")
            return n.prototype.getVal = function(a, e) {
                return 1 - t.easing[e](a, a, 0, 1, 1)
            }, n.prototype.progress = function(t) {
                var a = this,
                    e = a.options,
                    n = (a.$paths.length, a.duration);
                a.$paths.each(function(s, i) {
                    var r = i.style;
                    if (1 === t) r.strokeDashoffset = 0;
                    else if (0 === t) r.strokeDashoffset = i.pathLen + "px";
                    else if (t >= i.delay && t <= n + i.delay) {
                        var o = (t - i.delay) / n;
                        r.strokeDashoffset = a.getVal(o, e.easing) * i.pathLen * (e.reverse ? -1 : 1) + "px"
            }, n.prototype.animate = function() {
                var e = this;
                e.$elm.attr("class", function(t, e) {
                    return [e, a + "-animating"].join(" ")
                }), t({
                    len: 0
                    len: 1
                }, {
                    easing: "linear",
                    duration: e.totalDuration,
                    step: function(t, a) {
                        e.progress.call(e, t / a.end)
                    complete: function() {
                        e.options.callback.call(this), e.$elm.attr("class", function(t, e) {
                            return e.replace(a + "-animating", "")
            }, n
    t.fn[a] = function(e, s) {
        return this.each(function() {
            var i = t.data(this, a);
            i && "" + e === e && i[e] ? i[e](s) : t.data(this, a, new n(this, e))

/*! jQuery countTo Plugin - https://github.com/mhuggins/jquery-countTo - Copyright (c) 2015 Matt Huggins - MIT License */
! function(t) {
    "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], t) : t("object" == typeof exports ? require("jquery") : jQuery)
}(function(t) {
    function e(t, e) {
        return t.toFixed(e.decimals)
    var o = function(e, i) {
        this.$element = t(e), this.options = t.extend({}, o.DEFAULTS, this.dataOptions(), i), this.init()
    o.DEFAULTS = {
        from: 0,
        to: 0,
        speed: 1e3,
        refreshInterval: 100,
        decimals: 0,
        formatter: e,
        onUpdate: null,
        onComplete: null
    }, o.prototype.init = function() {
        this.value = this.options.from, this.loops = Math.ceil(this.options.speed / this.options.refreshInterval), this.loopCount = 0, this.increment = (this.options.to - this.options.from) / this.loops
    }, o.prototype.dataOptions = function() {
        var t = {
                from: this.$element.data("from"),
                to: this.$element.data("to"),
                speed: this.$element.data("speed"),
                refreshInterval: this.$element.data("refresh-interval"),
                decimals: this.$element.data("decimals")
            e = Object.keys(t);
        for (var o in e) {
            var i = e[o];
            "undefined" == typeof t[i] && delete t[i]
        return t
    }, o.prototype.update = function() {
        this.value += this.increment, this.loopCount++, this.render(), "function" == typeof this.options.onUpdate && this.options.onUpdate.call(this.$element, this.value), this.loopCount >= this.loops && (clearInterval(this.interval), this.value = this.options.to, "function" == typeof this.options.onComplete && this.options.onComplete.call(this.$element, this.value))
    }, o.prototype.render = function() {
        var t = this.options.formatter.call(this.$element, this.value, this.options);
    }, o.prototype.restart = function() {
        this.stop(), this.init(), this.start()
    }, o.prototype.start = function() {
        this.stop(), this.render(), this.interval = setInterval(this.update.bind(this), this.options.refreshInterval)
    }, o.prototype.stop = function() {
        this.interval && clearInterval(this.interval)
    }, o.prototype.toggle = function() {
        this.interval ? this.stop() : this.start()
    }, t.fn.countTo = function(e) {
        return this.each(function() {
            var i = t(this),
                n = i.data("countTo"),
                s = !n || "object" == typeof e,
                r = "object" == typeof e ? e : {},
                a = "string" == typeof e ? e : "start";
            s && (n && n.stop(), i.data("countTo", n = new o(this, r))), n[a].call(n)

/* jquery mousewheel plugin - Version: 3.1.13, License: MIT License (MIT) */
! function(a) {
    "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], a) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = a : a(jQuery)
}(function(a) {
    function b(b) {
        var g = b || window.event,
            h = i.call(arguments, 1),
            j = 0,
            l = 0,
            m = 0,
            n = 0,
            o = 0,
            p = 0;
        if (b = a.event.fix(g), b.type = "mousewheel", "detail" in g && (m = -1 * g.detail), "wheelDelta" in g && (m = g.wheelDelta), "wheelDeltaY" in g && (m = g.wheelDeltaY), "wheelDeltaX" in g && (l = -1 * g.wheelDeltaX), "axis" in g && g.axis === g.HORIZONTAL_AXIS && (l = -1 * m, m = 0), j = 0 === m ? l : m, "deltaY" in g && (m = -1 * g.deltaY, j = m), "deltaX" in g && (l = g.deltaX, 0 === m && (j = -1 * l)), 0 !== m || 0 !== l) {
            if (1 === g.deltaMode) {
                var q = a.data(this, "mousewheel-line-height");
                j *= q, m *= q, l *= q
            } else if (2 === g.deltaMode) {
                var r = a.data(this, "mousewheel-page-height");
                j *= r, m *= r, l *= r
            if (n = Math.max(Math.abs(m), Math.abs(l)), (!f || f > n) && (f = n, d(g, n) && (f /= 40)), d(g, n) && (j /= 40, l /= 40, m /= 40), j = Math[j >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil"](j / f), l = Math[l >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil"](l / f), m = Math[m >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil"](m / f), k.settings.normalizeOffset && this.getBoundingClientRect) {
                var s = this.getBoundingClientRect();
                o = b.clientX - s.left, p = b.clientY - s.top
            return b.deltaX = l, b.deltaY = m, b.deltaFactor = f, b.offsetX = o, b.offsetY = p, b.deltaMode = 0, h.unshift(b, j, l, m), e && clearTimeout(e), e = setTimeout(c, 200), (a.event.dispatch || a.event.handle).apply(this, h)

    function c() {
        f = null

    function d(a, b) {
        return k.settings.adjustOldDeltas && "mousewheel" === a.type && b % 120 === 0
    var e, f, g = ["wheel", "mousewheel", "DOMMouseScroll", "MozMousePixelScroll"],
        h = "onwheel" in document || document.documentMode >= 9 ? ["wheel"] : ["mousewheel", "DomMouseScroll", "MozMousePixelScroll"],
        i = Array.prototype.slice;
    if (a.event.fixHooks)
        for (var j = g.length; j;) a.event.fixHooks[g[--j]] = a.event.mouseHooks;
    var k = a.event.special.mousewheel = {
        version: "3.1.12",
        setup: function() {
            if (this.addEventListener)
                for (var c = h.length; c;) this.addEventListener(h[--c], b, !1);
            else this.onmousewheel = b;
            a.data(this, "mousewheel-line-height", k.getLineHeight(this)), a.data(this, "mousewheel-page-height", k.getPageHeight(this))
        teardown: function() {
            if (this.removeEventListener)
                for (var c = h.length; c;) this.removeEventListener(h[--c], b, !1);
            else this.onmousewheel = null;
            a.removeData(this, "mousewheel-line-height"), a.removeData(this, "mousewheel-page-height")
        getLineHeight: function(b) {
            var c = a(b),
                d = c["offsetParent" in a.fn ? "offsetParent" : "parent"]();
            return d.length || (d = a("body")), parseInt(d.css("fontSize"), 10) || parseInt(c.css("fontSize"), 10) || 16
        getPageHeight: function(b) {
            return a(b).height()
        settings: {
            adjustOldDeltas: !0,
            normalizeOffset: !0
        mousewheel: function(a) {
            return a ? this.bind("mousewheel", a) : this.trigger("mousewheel")
        unmousewheel: function(a) {
            return this.unbind("mousewheel", a)
! function(a) {
    "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], a) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = a : a(jQuery)
}(function(a) {
    function b(b) {
        var g = b || window.event,
            h = i.call(arguments, 1),
            j = 0,
            l = 0,
            m = 0,
            n = 0,
            o = 0,
            p = 0;
        if (b = a.event.fix(g), b.type = "mousewheel", "detail" in g && (m = -1 * g.detail), "wheelDelta" in g && (m = g.wheelDelta), "wheelDeltaY" in g && (m = g.wheelDeltaY), "wheelDeltaX" in g && (l = -1 * g.wheelDeltaX), "axis" in g && g.axis === g.HORIZONTAL_AXIS && (l = -1 * m, m = 0), j = 0 === m ? l : m, "deltaY" in g && (m = -1 * g.deltaY, j = m), "deltaX" in g && (l = g.deltaX, 0 === m && (j = -1 * l)), 0 !== m || 0 !== l) {
            if (1 === g.deltaMode) {
                var q = a.data(this, "mousewheel-line-height");
                j *= q, m *= q, l *= q
            } else if (2 === g.deltaMode) {
                var r = a.data(this, "mousewheel-page-height");
                j *= r, m *= r, l *= r
            if (n = Math.max(Math.abs(m), Math.abs(l)), (!f || f > n) && (f = n, d(g, n) && (f /= 40)), d(g, n) && (j /= 40, l /= 40, m /= 40), j = Math[j >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil"](j / f), l = Math[l >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil"](l / f), m = Math[m >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil"](m / f), k.settings.normalizeOffset && this.getBoundingClientRect) {
                var s = this.getBoundingClientRect();
                o = b.clientX - s.left, p = b.clientY - s.top
            return b.deltaX = l, b.deltaY = m, b.deltaFactor = f, b.offsetX = o, b.offsetY = p, b.deltaMode = 0, h.unshift(b, j, l, m), e && clearTimeout(e), e = setTimeout(c, 200), (a.event.dispatch || a.event.handle).apply(this, h)

    function c() {
        f = null

    function d(a, b) {
        return k.settings.adjustOldDeltas && "mousewheel" === a.type && b % 120 === 0
    var e, f, g = ["wheel", "mousewheel", "DOMMouseScroll", "MozMousePixelScroll"],
        h = "onwheel" in document || document.documentMode >= 9 ? ["wheel"] : ["mousewheel", "DomMouseScroll", "MozMousePixelScroll"],
        i = Array.prototype.slice;
    if (a.event.fixHooks)
        for (var j = g.length; j;) a.event.fixHooks[g[--j]] = a.event.mouseHooks;
    var k = a.event.special.mousewheel = {
        version: "3.1.12",
        setup: function() {
            if (this.addEventListener)
                for (var c = h.length; c;) this.addEventListener(h[--c], b, !1);
            else this.onmousewheel = b;
            a.data(this, "mousewheel-line-height", k.getLineHeight(this)), a.data(this, "mousewheel-page-height", k.getPageHeight(this))
        teardown: function() {
            if (this.removeEventListener)
                for (var c = h.length; c;) this.removeEventListener(h[--c], b, !1);
            else this.onmousewheel = null;
            a.removeData(this, "mousewheel-line-height"), a.removeData(this, "mousewheel-page-height")
        getLineHeight: function(b) {
            var c = a(b),
                d = c["offsetParent" in a.fn ? "offsetParent" : "parent"]();
            return d.length || (d = a("body")), parseInt(d.css("fontSize"), 10) || parseInt(c.css("fontSize"), 10) || 16
        getPageHeight: function(b) {
            return a(b).height()
        settings: {
            adjustOldDeltas: !0,
            normalizeOffset: !0
        mousewheel: function(a) {
            return a ? this.bind("mousewheel", a) : this.trigger("mousewheel")
        unmousewheel: function(a) {
            return this.unbind("mousewheel", a)

/* malihu jquery custom scrollbar plugin - Version: 3.1.5, License: MIT License (MIT) */
! function(e) {
    "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], e) : "undefined" != typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = e : e(jQuery, window, document)
}(function(e) {
    ! function(t) {
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            a = "undefined" != typeof module && module.exports,
            n = "https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https:" : "http:",
            i = "cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-mousewheel/3.1.13/jquery.mousewheel.min.js";
        o || (a ? require("jquery-mousewheel")(e) : e.event.special.mousewheel || e("head").append(decodeURI("%3Cscript src=" + n + "//" + i + "%3E%3C/script%3E"))), t()
    }(function() {
        var t, o = "mCustomScrollbar",
            a = "mCS",
            n = ".mCustomScrollbar",
            i = {
                setTop: 0,
                setLeft: 0,
                axis: "y",
                scrollbarPosition: "inside",
                scrollInertia: 950,
                autoDraggerLength: !0,
                alwaysShowScrollbar: 0,
                snapOffset: 0,
                mouseWheel: {
                    enable: !0,
                    scrollAmount: "auto",
                    axis: "y",
                    deltaFactor: "auto",
                    disableOver: ["select", "option", "keygen", "datalist", "textarea"]
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                    scrollType: "stepless",
                    scrollAmount: "auto"
                keyboard: {
                    enable: !0,
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                    scrollAmount: "auto"
                contentTouchScroll: 25,
                documentTouchScroll: !0,
                advanced: {
                    autoScrollOnFocus: "input,textarea,select,button,datalist,keygen,a[tabindex],area,object,[contenteditable='true']",
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                    updateOnImageLoad: "auto",
                    autoUpdateTimeout: 60
                theme: "light",
                callbacks: {
                    onTotalScrollOffset: 0,
                    onTotalScrollBackOffset: 0,
                    alwaysTriggerOffsets: !0
            r = 0,
            l = {},
            s = window.attachEvent && !window.addEventListener ? 1 : 0,
            c = !1,
            d = ["mCSB_dragger_onDrag", "mCSB_scrollTools_onDrag", "mCS_img_loaded", "mCS_disabled", "mCS_destroyed", "mCS_no_scrollbar", "mCS-autoHide", "mCS-dir-rtl", "mCS_no_scrollbar_y", "mCS_no_scrollbar_x", "mCS_y_hidden", "mCS_x_hidden", "mCSB_draggerContainer", "mCSB_buttonUp", "mCSB_buttonDown", "mCSB_buttonLeft", "mCSB_buttonRight"],
            u = {
                init: function(t) {
                    var t = e.extend(!0, {}, i, t),
                        o = f.call(this);
                    if (t.live) {
                        var s = t.liveSelector || this.selector || n,
                            c = e(s);
                        if ("off" === t.live) return void m(s);
                        l[s] = setTimeout(function() {
                            c.mCustomScrollbar(t), "once" === t.live && c.length && m(s)
                        }, 500)
                    } else m(s);
                    return t.setWidth = t.set_width ? t.set_width : t.setWidth, t.setHeight = t.set_height ? t.set_height : t.setHeight, t.axis = t.horizontalScroll ? "x" : p(t.axis), t.scrollInertia = t.scrollInertia > 0 && t.scrollInertia < 17 ? 17 : t.scrollInertia, "object" != typeof t.mouseWheel && 1 == t.mouseWheel && (t.mouseWheel = {
                        enable: !0,
                        scrollAmount: "auto",
                        axis: "y",
                        preventDefault: !1,
                        deltaFactor: "auto",
                        normalizeDelta: !1,
                        invert: !1
                    }), t.mouseWheel.scrollAmount = t.mouseWheelPixels ? t.mouseWheelPixels : t.mouseWheel.scrollAmount, t.mouseWheel.normalizeDelta = t.advanced.normalizeMouseWheelDelta ? t.advanced.normalizeMouseWheelDelta : t.mouseWheel.normalizeDelta, t.scrollButtons.scrollType = g(t.scrollButtons.scrollType), h(t), e(o).each(function() {
                        var o = e(this);
                        if (!o.data(a)) {
                            o.data(a, {
                                idx: ++r,
                                opt: t,
                                scrollRatio: {
                                    y: null,
                                    x: null
                                overflowed: null,
                                contentReset: {
                                    y: null,
                                    x: null
                                bindEvents: !1,
                                tweenRunning: !1,
                                sequential: {},
                                langDir: o.css("direction"),
                                cbOffsets: null,
                                trigger: null,
                                poll: {
                                    size: {
                                        o: 0,
                                        n: 0
                                    img: {
                                        o: 0,
                                        n: 0
                                    change: {
                                        o: 0,
                                        n: 0
                            var n = o.data(a),
                                i = n.opt,
                                l = o.data("mcs-axis"),
                                s = o.data("mcs-scrollbar-position"),
                                c = o.data("mcs-theme");
                            l && (i.axis = l), s && (i.scrollbarPosition = s), c && (i.theme = c, h(i)), v.call(this), n && i.callbacks.onCreate && "function" == typeof i.callbacks.onCreate && i.callbacks.onCreate.call(this), e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_container img:not(." + d[2] + ")").addClass(d[2]), u.update.call(null, o)
                update: function(t, o) {
                    var n = t || f.call(this);
                    return e(n).each(function() {
                        var t = e(this);
                        if (t.data(a)) {
                            var n = t.data(a),
                                i = n.opt,
                                r = e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_container"),
                                l = e("#mCSB_" + n.idx),
                                s = [e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_dragger_vertical"), e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_dragger_horizontal")];
                            if (!r.length) return;
                            n.tweenRunning && Q(t), o && n && i.callbacks.onBeforeUpdate && "function" == typeof i.callbacks.onBeforeUpdate && i.callbacks.onBeforeUpdate.call(this), t.hasClass(d[3]) && t.removeClass(d[3]), t.hasClass(d[4]) && t.removeClass(d[4]), l.css("max-height", "none"), l.height() !== t.height() && l.css("max-height", t.height()), _.call(this), "y" === i.axis || i.advanced.autoExpandHorizontalScroll || r.css("width", x(r)), n.overflowed = y.call(this), M.call(this), i.autoDraggerLength && S.call(this), b.call(this), T.call(this);
                            var c = [Math.abs(r[0].offsetTop), Math.abs(r[0].offsetLeft)];
                            "x" !== i.axis && (n.overflowed[0] ? s[0].height() > s[0].parent().height() ? B.call(this) : (G(t, c[0].toString(), {
                                dir: "y",
                                dur: 0,
                                overwrite: "none"
                            }), n.contentReset.y = null) : (B.call(this), "y" === i.axis ? k.call(this) : "yx" === i.axis && n.overflowed[1] && G(t, c[1].toString(), {
                                dir: "x",
                                dur: 0,
                                overwrite: "none"
                            }))), "y" !== i.axis && (n.overflowed[1] ? s[1].width() > s[1].parent().width() ? B.call(this) : (G(t, c[1].toString(), {
                                dir: "x",
                                dur: 0,
                                overwrite: "none"
                            }), n.contentReset.x = null) : (B.call(this), "x" === i.axis ? k.call(this) : "yx" === i.axis && n.overflowed[0] && G(t, c[0].toString(), {
                                dir: "y",
                                dur: 0,
                                overwrite: "none"
                            }))), o && n && (2 === o && i.callbacks.onImageLoad && "function" == typeof i.callbacks.onImageLoad ? i.callbacks.onImageLoad.call(this) : 3 === o && i.callbacks.onSelectorChange && "function" == typeof i.callbacks.onSelectorChange ? i.callbacks.onSelectorChange.call(this) : i.callbacks.onUpdate && "function" == typeof i.callbacks.onUpdate && i.callbacks.onUpdate.call(this)), N.call(this)
                scrollTo: function(t, o) {
                    if ("undefined" != typeof t && null != t) {
                        var n = f.call(this);
                        return e(n).each(function() {
                            var n = e(this);
                            if (n.data(a)) {
                                var i = n.data(a),
                                    r = i.opt,
                                    l = {
                                        trigger: "external",
                                        scrollInertia: r.scrollInertia,
                                        scrollEasing: "mcsEaseInOut",
                                        moveDragger: !1,
                                        timeout: 60,
                                        callbacks: !0,
                                        onStart: !0,
                                        onUpdate: !0,
                                        onComplete: !0
                                    s = e.extend(!0, {}, l, o),
                                    c = Y.call(this, t),
                                    d = s.scrollInertia > 0 && s.scrollInertia < 17 ? 17 : s.scrollInertia;
                                c[0] = X.call(this, c[0], "y"), c[1] = X.call(this, c[1], "x"), s.moveDragger && (c[0] *= i.scrollRatio.y, c[1] *= i.scrollRatio.x), s.dur = ne() ? 0 : d, setTimeout(function() {
                                    null !== c[0] && "undefined" != typeof c[0] && "x" !== r.axis && i.overflowed[0] && (s.dir = "y", s.overwrite = "all", G(n, c[0].toString(), s)), null !== c[1] && "undefined" != typeof c[1] && "y" !== r.axis && i.overflowed[1] && (s.dir = "x", s.overwrite = "none", G(n, c[1].toString(), s))
                                }, s.timeout)
                stop: function() {
                    var t = f.call(this);
                    return e(t).each(function() {
                        var t = e(this);
                        t.data(a) && Q(t)
                disable: function(t) {
                    var o = f.call(this);
                    return e(o).each(function() {
                        var o = e(this);
                        if (o.data(a)) {
                            N.call(this, "remove"), k.call(this), t && B.call(this), M.call(this, !0), o.addClass(d[3])
                destroy: function() {
                    var t = f.call(this);
                    return e(t).each(function() {
                        var n = e(this);
                        if (n.data(a)) {
                            var i = n.data(a),
                                r = i.opt,
                                l = e("#mCSB_" + i.idx),
                                s = e("#mCSB_" + i.idx + "_container"),
                                c = e(".mCSB_" + i.idx + "_scrollbar");
                            r.live && m(r.liveSelector || e(t).selector), N.call(this, "remove"), k.call(this), B.call(this), n.removeData(a), $(this, "mcs"), c.remove(), s.find("img." + d[2]).removeClass(d[2]), l.replaceWith(s.contents()), n.removeClass(o + " _" + a + "_" + i.idx + " " + d[6] + " " + d[7] + " " + d[5] + " " + d[3]).addClass(d[4])
            f = function() {
                return "object" != typeof e(this) || e(this).length < 1 ? n : this
            h = function(t) {
                var o = ["rounded", "rounded-dark", "rounded-dots", "rounded-dots-dark"],
                    a = ["rounded-dots", "rounded-dots-dark", "3d", "3d-dark", "3d-thick", "3d-thick-dark", "inset", "inset-dark", "inset-2", "inset-2-dark", "inset-3", "inset-3-dark"],
                    n = ["minimal", "minimal-dark"],
                    i = ["minimal", "minimal-dark"],
                    r = ["minimal", "minimal-dark"];
                t.autoDraggerLength = e.inArray(t.theme, o) > -1 ? !1 : t.autoDraggerLength, t.autoExpandScrollbar = e.inArray(t.theme, a) > -1 ? !1 : t.autoExpandScrollbar, t.scrollButtons.enable = e.inArray(t.theme, n) > -1 ? !1 : t.scrollButtons.enable, t.autoHideScrollbar = e.inArray(t.theme, i) > -1 ? !0 : t.autoHideScrollbar, t.scrollbarPosition = e.inArray(t.theme, r) > -1 ? "outside" : t.scrollbarPosition
            m = function(e) {
                l[e] && (clearTimeout(l[e]), $(l, e))
            p = function(e) {
                return "yx" === e || "xy" === e || "auto" === e ? "yx" : "x" === e || "horizontal" === e ? "x" : "y"
            g = function(e) {
                return "stepped" === e || "pixels" === e || "step" === e || "click" === e ? "stepped" : "stepless"
            v = function() {
                var t = e(this),
                    n = t.data(a),
                    i = n.opt,
                    r = i.autoExpandScrollbar ? " " + d[1] + "_expand" : "",
                    l = ["<div id='mCSB_" + n.idx + "_scrollbar_vertical' class='mCSB_scrollTools mCSB_" + n.idx + "_scrollbar mCS-" + i.theme + " mCSB_scrollTools_vertical" + r + "'><div class='" + d[12] + "'><div id='mCSB_" + n.idx + "_dragger_vertical' class='mCSB_dragger' style='position:absolute;'><div class='mCSB_dragger_bar' /></div><div class='mCSB_draggerRail' /></div></div>", "<div id='mCSB_" + n.idx + "_scrollbar_horizontal' class='mCSB_scrollTools mCSB_" + n.idx + "_scrollbar mCS-" + i.theme + " mCSB_scrollTools_horizontal" + r + "'><div class='" + d[12] + "'><div id='mCSB_" + n.idx + "_dragger_horizontal' class='mCSB_dragger' style='position:absolute;'><div class='mCSB_dragger_bar' /></div><div class='mCSB_draggerRail' /></div></div>"],
                    s = "yx" === i.axis ? "mCSB_vertical_horizontal" : "x" === i.axis ? "mCSB_horizontal" : "mCSB_vertical",
                    c = "yx" === i.axis ? l[0] + l[1] : "x" === i.axis ? l[1] : l[0],
                    u = "yx" === i.axis ? "<div id='mCSB_" + n.idx + "_container_wrapper' class='mCSB_container_wrapper' />" : "",
                    f = i.autoHideScrollbar ? " " + d[6] : "",
                    h = "x" !== i.axis && "rtl" === n.langDir ? " " + d[7] : "";
                i.setWidth && t.css("width", i.setWidth), i.setHeight && t.css("height", i.setHeight), i.setLeft = "y" !== i.axis && "rtl" === n.langDir ? "989999px" : i.setLeft, t.addClass(o + " _" + a + "_" + n.idx + f + h).wrapInner("<div id='mCSB_" + n.idx + "' class='mCustomScrollBox mCS-" + i.theme + " " + s + "'><div id='mCSB_" + n.idx + "_container' class='mCSB_container' style='position:relative; top:" + i.setTop + "; left:" + i.setLeft + ";' dir='" + n.langDir + "' /></div>");
                var m = e("#mCSB_" + n.idx),
                    p = e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_container");
                "y" === i.axis || i.advanced.autoExpandHorizontalScroll || p.css("width", x(p)), "outside" === i.scrollbarPosition ? ("static" === t.css("position") && t.css("position", "relative"), t.css("overflow", "visible"), m.addClass("mCSB_outside").after(c)) : (m.addClass("mCSB_inside").append(c), p.wrap(u)), w.call(this);
                var g = [e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_dragger_vertical"), e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_dragger_horizontal")];
                g[0].css("min-height", g[0].height()), g[1].css("min-width", g[1].width())
            x = function(t) {
                var o = [t[0].scrollWidth, Math.max.apply(Math, t.children().map(function() {
                        return e(this).outerWidth(!0)
                    a = t.parent().width();
                return o[0] > a ? o[0] : o[1] > a ? o[1] : "100%"
            _ = function() {
                var t = e(this),
                    o = t.data(a),
                    n = o.opt,
                    i = e("#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_container");
                if (n.advanced.autoExpandHorizontalScroll && "y" !== n.axis) {
                        width: "auto",
                        "min-width": 0,
                        "overflow-x": "scroll"
                    var r = Math.ceil(i[0].scrollWidth);
                    3 === n.advanced.autoExpandHorizontalScroll || 2 !== n.advanced.autoExpandHorizontalScroll && r > i.parent().width() ? i.css({
                        width: r,
                        "min-width": "100%",
                        "overflow-x": "inherit"
                    }) : i.css({
                        "overflow-x": "inherit",
                        position: "absolute"
                    }).wrap("<div class='mCSB_h_wrapper' style='position:relative; left:0; width:999999px;' />").css({
                        width: Math.ceil(i[0].getBoundingClientRect().right + .4) - Math.floor(i[0].getBoundingClientRect().left),
                        "min-width": "100%",
                        position: "relative"
            w = function() {
                var t = e(this),
                    o = t.data(a),
                    n = o.opt,
                    i = e(".mCSB_" + o.idx + "_scrollbar:first"),
                    r = oe(n.scrollButtons.tabindex) ? "tabindex='" + n.scrollButtons.tabindex + "'" : "",
                    l = ["<a href='#' class='" + d[13] + "' " + r + " />", "<a href='#' class='" + d[14] + "' " + r + " />", "<a href='#' class='" + d[15] + "' " + r + " />", "<a href='#' class='" + d[16] + "' " + r + " />"],
                    s = ["x" === n.axis ? l[2] : l[0], "x" === n.axis ? l[3] : l[1], l[2], l[3]];
                n.scrollButtons.enable && i.prepend(s[0]).append(s[1]).next(".mCSB_scrollTools").prepend(s[2]).append(s[3])
            S = function() {
                var t = e(this),
                    o = t.data(a),
                    n = e("#mCSB_" + o.idx),
                    i = e("#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_container"),
                    r = [e("#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_dragger_vertical"), e("#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_dragger_horizontal")],
                    l = [n.height() / i.outerHeight(!1), n.width() / i.outerWidth(!1)],
                    c = [parseInt(r[0].css("min-height")), Math.round(l[0] * r[0].parent().height()), parseInt(r[1].css("min-width")), Math.round(l[1] * r[1].parent().width())],
                    d = s && c[1] < c[0] ? c[0] : c[1],
                    u = s && c[3] < c[2] ? c[2] : c[3];
                    height: d,
                    "max-height": r[0].parent().height() - 10
                    "line-height": c[0] + "px"
                }), r[1].css({
                    width: u,
                    "max-width": r[1].parent().width() - 10
            b = function() {
                var t = e(this),
                    o = t.data(a),
                    n = e("#mCSB_" + o.idx),
                    i = e("#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_container"),
                    r = [e("#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_dragger_vertical"), e("#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_dragger_horizontal")],
                    l = [i.outerHeight(!1) - n.height(), i.outerWidth(!1) - n.width()],
                    s = [l[0] / (r[0].parent().height() - r[0].height()), l[1] / (r[1].parent().width() - r[1].width())];
                o.scrollRatio = {
                    y: s[0],
                    x: s[1]
            C = function(e, t, o) {
                var a = o ? d[0] + "_expanded" : "",
                    n = e.closest(".mCSB_scrollTools");
                "active" === t ? (e.toggleClass(d[0] + " " + a), n.toggleClass(d[1]), e[0]._draggable = e[0]._draggable ? 0 : 1) : e[0]._draggable || ("hide" === t ? (e.removeClass(d[0]), n.removeClass(d[1])) : (e.addClass(d[0]), n.addClass(d[1])))
            y = function() {
                var t = e(this),
                    o = t.data(a),
                    n = e("#mCSB_" + o.idx),
                    i = e("#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_container"),
                    r = null == o.overflowed ? i.height() : i.outerHeight(!1),
                    l = null == o.overflowed ? i.width() : i.outerWidth(!1),
                    s = i[0].scrollHeight,
                    c = i[0].scrollWidth;
                return s > r && (r = s), c > l && (l = c), [r > n.height(), l > n.width()]
            B = function() {
                var t = e(this),
                    o = t.data(a),
                    n = o.opt,
                    i = e("#mCSB_" + o.idx),
                    r = e("#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_container"),
                    l = [e("#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_dragger_vertical"), e("#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_dragger_horizontal")];
                if (Q(t), ("x" !== n.axis && !o.overflowed[0] || "y" === n.axis && o.overflowed[0]) && (l[0].add(r).css("top", 0), G(t, "_resetY")), "y" !== n.axis && !o.overflowed[1] || "x" === n.axis && o.overflowed[1]) {
                    var s = dx = 0;
                    "rtl" === o.langDir && (s = i.width() - r.outerWidth(!1), dx = Math.abs(s / o.scrollRatio.x)), r.css("left", s), l[1].css("left", dx), G(t, "_resetX")
            T = function() {
                function t() {
                    r = setTimeout(function() {
                        e.event.special.mousewheel ? (clearTimeout(r), W.call(o[0])) : t()
                    }, 100)
                var o = e(this),
                    n = o.data(a),
                    i = n.opt;
                if (!n.bindEvents) {
                    if (I.call(this), i.contentTouchScroll && D.call(this), E.call(this), i.mouseWheel.enable) {
                        var r;
                    P.call(this), U.call(this), i.advanced.autoScrollOnFocus && H.call(this), i.scrollButtons.enable && F.call(this), i.keyboard.enable && q.call(this), n.bindEvents = !0
            k = function() {
                var t = e(this),
                    o = t.data(a),
                    n = o.opt,
                    i = a + "_" + o.idx,
                    r = ".mCSB_" + o.idx + "_scrollbar",
                    l = e("#mCSB_" + o.idx + ",#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_container,#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_container_wrapper," + r + " ." + d[12] + ",#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_dragger_vertical,#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_dragger_horizontal," + r + ">a"),
                    s = e("#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_container");
                n.advanced.releaseDraggableSelectors && l.add(e(n.advanced.releaseDraggableSelectors)), n.advanced.extraDraggableSelectors && l.add(e(n.advanced.extraDraggableSelectors)), o.bindEvents && (e(document).add(e(!A() || top.document)).unbind("." + i), l.each(function() {
                    e(this).unbind("." + i)
                }), clearTimeout(t[0]._focusTimeout), $(t[0], "_focusTimeout"), clearTimeout(o.sequential.step), $(o.sequential, "step"), clearTimeout(s[0].onCompleteTimeout), $(s[0], "onCompleteTimeout"), o.bindEvents = !1)
            M = function(t) {
                var o = e(this),
                    n = o.data(a),
                    i = n.opt,
                    r = e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_container_wrapper"),
                    l = r.length ? r : e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_container"),
                    s = [e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_scrollbar_vertical"), e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_scrollbar_horizontal")],
                    c = [s[0].find(".mCSB_dragger"), s[1].find(".mCSB_dragger")];
                "x" !== i.axis && (n.overflowed[0] && !t ? (s[0].add(c[0]).add(s[0].children("a")).css("display", "block"), l.removeClass(d[8] + " " + d[10])) : (i.alwaysShowScrollbar ? (2 !== i.alwaysShowScrollbar && c[0].css("display", "none"), l.removeClass(d[10])) : (s[0].css("display", "none"), l.addClass(d[10])), l.addClass(d[8]))), "y" !== i.axis && (n.overflowed[1] && !t ? (s[1].add(c[1]).add(s[1].children("a")).css("display", "block"), l.removeClass(d[9] + " " + d[11])) : (i.alwaysShowScrollbar ? (2 !== i.alwaysShowScrollbar && c[1].css("display", "none"), l.removeClass(d[11])) : (s[1].css("display", "none"), l.addClass(d[11])), l.addClass(d[9]))), n.overflowed[0] || n.overflowed[1] ? o.removeClass(d[5]) : o.addClass(d[5])
            O = function(t) {
                var o = t.type,
                    a = t.target.ownerDocument !== document && null !== frameElement ? [e(frameElement).offset().top, e(frameElement).offset().left] : null,
                    n = A() && t.target.ownerDocument !== top.document && null !== frameElement ? [e(t.view.frameElement).offset().top, e(t.view.frameElement).offset().left] : [0, 0];
                switch (o) {
                    case "pointerdown":
                    case "MSPointerDown":
                    case "pointermove":
                    case "MSPointerMove":
                    case "pointerup":
                    case "MSPointerUp":
                        return a ? [t.originalEvent.pageY - a[0] + n[0], t.originalEvent.pageX - a[1] + n[1], !1] : [t.originalEvent.pageY, t.originalEvent.pageX, !1];
                    case "touchstart":
                    case "touchmove":
                    case "touchend":
                        var i = t.originalEvent.touches[0] || t.originalEvent.changedTouches[0],
                            r = t.originalEvent.touches.length || t.originalEvent.changedTouches.length;
                        return t.target.ownerDocument !== document ? [i.screenY, i.screenX, r > 1] : [i.pageY, i.pageX, r > 1];
                        return a ? [t.pageY - a[0] + n[0], t.pageX - a[1] + n[1], !1] : [t.pageY, t.pageX, !1]
            I = function() {
                function t(e, t, a, n) {
                    if (h[0].idleTimer = d.scrollInertia < 233 ? 250 : 0, o.attr("id") === f[1]) var i = "x",
                        s = (o[0].offsetLeft - t + n) * l.scrollRatio.x;
                    else var i = "y",
                        s = (o[0].offsetTop - e + a) * l.scrollRatio.y;
                    G(r, s.toString(), {
                        dir: i,
                        drag: !0
                var o, n, i, r = e(this),
                    l = r.data(a),
                    d = l.opt,
                    u = a + "_" + l.idx,
                    f = ["mCSB_" + l.idx + "_dragger_vertical", "mCSB_" + l.idx + "_dragger_horizontal"],
                    h = e("#mCSB_" + l.idx + "_container"),
                    m = e("#" + f[0] + ",#" + f[1]),
                    p = d.advanced.releaseDraggableSelectors ? m.add(e(d.advanced.releaseDraggableSelectors)) : m,
                    g = d.advanced.extraDraggableSelectors ? e(!A() || top.document).add(e(d.advanced.extraDraggableSelectors)) : e(!A() || top.document);
                m.bind("contextmenu." + u, function(e) {
                }).bind("mousedown." + u + " touchstart." + u + " pointerdown." + u + " MSPointerDown." + u, function(t) {
                    if (t.stopImmediatePropagation(), t.preventDefault(), ee(t)) {
                        c = !0, s && (document.onselectstart = function() {
                            return !1
                        }), L.call(h, !1), Q(r), o = e(this);
                        var a = o.offset(),
                            l = O(t)[0] - a.top,
                            u = O(t)[1] - a.left,
                            f = o.height() + a.top,
                            m = o.width() + a.left;
                        f > l && l > 0 && m > u && u > 0 && (n = l, i = u), C(o, "active", d.autoExpandScrollbar)
                }).bind("touchmove." + u, function(e) {
                    e.stopImmediatePropagation(), e.preventDefault();
                    var a = o.offset(),
                        r = O(e)[0] - a.top,
                        l = O(e)[1] - a.left;
                    t(n, i, r, l)
                }), e(document).add(g).bind("mousemove." + u + " pointermove." + u + " MSPointerMove." + u, function(e) {
                    if (o) {
                        var a = o.offset(),
                            r = O(e)[0] - a.top,
                            l = O(e)[1] - a.left;
                        if (n === r && i === l) return;
                        t(n, i, r, l)
                }).add(p).bind("mouseup." + u + " touchend." + u + " pointerup." + u + " MSPointerUp." + u, function() {
                    o && (C(o, "active", d.autoExpandScrollbar), o = null), c = !1, s && (document.onselectstart = null), L.call(h, !0)
            D = function() {
                function o(e) {
                    if (!te(e) || c || O(e)[2]) return void(t = 0);
                    t = 1, b = 0, C = 0, d = 1, y.removeClass("mCS_touch_action");
                    var o = I.offset();
                    u = O(e)[0] - o.top, f = O(e)[1] - o.left, z = [O(e)[0], O(e)[1]]

                function n(e) {
                    if (te(e) && !c && !O(e)[2] && (T.documentTouchScroll || e.preventDefault(), e.stopImmediatePropagation(), (!C || b) && d)) {
                        g = K();
                        var t = M.offset(),
                            o = O(e)[0] - t.top,
                            a = O(e)[1] - t.left,
                            n = "mcsLinearOut";
                        if (E.push(o), W.push(a), z[2] = Math.abs(O(e)[0] - z[0]), z[3] = Math.abs(O(e)[1] - z[1]), B.overflowed[0]) var i = D[0].parent().height() - D[0].height(),
                            r = u - o > 0 && o - u > -(i * B.scrollRatio.y) && (2 * z[3] < z[2] || "yx" === T.axis);
                        if (B.overflowed[1]) var l = D[1].parent().width() - D[1].width(),
                            h = f - a > 0 && a - f > -(l * B.scrollRatio.x) && (2 * z[2] < z[3] || "yx" === T.axis);
                        r || h ? (U || e.preventDefault(), b = 1) : (C = 1, y.addClass("mCS_touch_action")), U && e.preventDefault(), w = "yx" === T.axis ? [u - o, f - a] : "x" === T.axis ? [null, f - a] : [u - o, null], I[0].idleTimer = 250, B.overflowed[0] && s(w[0], R, n, "y", "all", !0), B.overflowed[1] && s(w[1], R, n, "x", L, !0)

                function i(e) {
                    if (!te(e) || c || O(e)[2]) return void(t = 0);
                    t = 1, e.stopImmediatePropagation(), Q(y), p = K();
                    var o = M.offset();
                    h = O(e)[0] - o.top, m = O(e)[1] - o.left, E = [], W = []

                function r(e) {
                    if (te(e) && !c && !O(e)[2]) {
                        d = 0, e.stopImmediatePropagation(), b = 0, C = 0, v = K();
                        var t = M.offset(),
                            o = O(e)[0] - t.top,
                            a = O(e)[1] - t.left;
                        if (!(v - g > 30)) {
                            _ = 1e3 / (v - p);
                            var n = "mcsEaseOut",
                                i = 2.5 > _,
                                r = i ? [E[E.length - 2], W[W.length - 2]] : [0, 0];
                            x = i ? [o - r[0], a - r[1]] : [o - h, a - m];
                            var u = [Math.abs(x[0]), Math.abs(x[1])];
                            _ = i ? [Math.abs(x[0] / 4), Math.abs(x[1] / 4)] : [_, _];
                            var f = [Math.abs(I[0].offsetTop) - x[0] * l(u[0] / _[0], _[0]), Math.abs(I[0].offsetLeft) - x[1] * l(u[1] / _[1], _[1])];
                            w = "yx" === T.axis ? [f[0], f[1]] : "x" === T.axis ? [null, f[1]] : [f[0], null], S = [4 * u[0] + T.scrollInertia, 4 * u[1] + T.scrollInertia];
                            var y = parseInt(T.contentTouchScroll) || 0;
                            w[0] = u[0] > y ? w[0] : 0, w[1] = u[1] > y ? w[1] : 0, B.overflowed[0] && s(w[0], S[0], n, "y", L, !1), B.overflowed[1] && s(w[1], S[1], n, "x", L, !1)

                function l(e, t) {
                    var o = [1.5 * t, 2 * t, t / 1.5, t / 2];
                    return e > 90 ? t > 4 ? o[0] : o[3] : e > 60 ? t > 3 ? o[3] : o[2] : e > 30 ? t > 8 ? o[1] : t > 6 ? o[0] : t > 4 ? t : o[2] : t > 8 ? t : o[3]

                function s(e, t, o, a, n, i) {
                    e && G(y, e.toString(), {
                        dur: t,
                        scrollEasing: o,
                        dir: a,
                        overwrite: n,
                        drag: i
                var d, u, f, h, m, p, g, v, x, _, w, S, b, C, y = e(this),
                    B = y.data(a),
                    T = B.opt,
                    k = a + "_" + B.idx,
                    M = e("#mCSB_" + B.idx),
                    I = e("#mCSB_" + B.idx + "_container"),
                    D = [e("#mCSB_" + B.idx + "_dragger_vertical"), e("#mCSB_" + B.idx + "_dragger_horizontal")],
                    E = [],
                    W = [],
                    R = 0,
                    L = "yx" === T.axis ? "none" : "all",
                    z = [],
                    P = I.find("iframe"),
                    H = ["touchstart." + k + " pointerdown." + k + " MSPointerDown." + k, "touchmove." + k + " pointermove." + k + " MSPointerMove." + k, "touchend." + k + " pointerup." + k + " MSPointerUp." + k],
                    U = void 0 !== document.body.style.touchAction && "" !== document.body.style.touchAction;
                I.bind(H[0], function(e) {
                }).bind(H[1], function(e) {
                }), M.bind(H[0], function(e) {
                }).bind(H[2], function(e) {
                }), P.length && P.each(function() {
                    e(this).bind("load", function() {
                        A(this) && e(this.contentDocument || this.contentWindow.document).bind(H[0], function(e) {
                            o(e), i(e)
                        }).bind(H[1], function(e) {
                        }).bind(H[2], function(e) {
            E = function() {
                function o() {
                    return window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().toString() : document.selection && "Control" != document.selection.type ? document.selection.createRange().text : 0

                function n(e, t, o) {
                    d.type = o && i ? "stepped" : "stepless", d.scrollAmount = 10, j(r, e, t, "mcsLinearOut", o ? 60 : null)
                var i, r = e(this),
                    l = r.data(a),
                    s = l.opt,
                    d = l.sequential,
                    u = a + "_" + l.idx,
                    f = e("#mCSB_" + l.idx + "_container"),
                    h = f.parent();
                f.bind("mousedown." + u, function() {
                    t || i || (i = 1, c = !0)
                }).add(document).bind("mousemove." + u, function(e) {
                    if (!t && i && o()) {
                        var a = f.offset(),
                            r = O(e)[0] - a.top + f[0].offsetTop,
                            c = O(e)[1] - a.left + f[0].offsetLeft;
                        r > 0 && r < h.height() && c > 0 && c < h.width() ? d.step && n("off", null, "stepped") : ("x" !== s.axis && l.overflowed[0] && (0 > r ? n("on", 38) : r > h.height() && n("on", 40)), "y" !== s.axis && l.overflowed[1] && (0 > c ? n("on", 37) : c > h.width() && n("on", 39)))
                }).bind("mouseup." + u + " dragend." + u, function() {
                    t || (i && (i = 0, n("off", null)), c = !1)
            W = function() {
                function t(t, a) {
                    if (Q(o), !z(o, t.target)) {
                        var r = "auto" !== i.mouseWheel.deltaFactor ? parseInt(i.mouseWheel.deltaFactor) : s && t.deltaFactor < 100 ? 100 : t.deltaFactor || 100,
                            d = i.scrollInertia;
                        if ("x" === i.axis || "x" === i.mouseWheel.axis) var u = "x",
                            f = [Math.round(r * n.scrollRatio.x), parseInt(i.mouseWheel.scrollAmount)],
                            h = "auto" !== i.mouseWheel.scrollAmount ? f[1] : f[0] >= l.width() ? .9 * l.width() : f[0],
                            m = Math.abs(e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_container")[0].offsetLeft),
                            p = c[1][0].offsetLeft,
                            g = c[1].parent().width() - c[1].width(),
                            v = "y" === i.mouseWheel.axis ? t.deltaY || a : t.deltaX;
                        else var u = "y",
                            f = [Math.round(r * n.scrollRatio.y), parseInt(i.mouseWheel.scrollAmount)],
                            h = "auto" !== i.mouseWheel.scrollAmount ? f[1] : f[0] >= l.height() ? .9 * l.height() : f[0],
                            m = Math.abs(e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_container")[0].offsetTop),
                            p = c[0][0].offsetTop,
                            g = c[0].parent().height() - c[0].height(),
                            v = t.deltaY || a;
                        "y" === u && !n.overflowed[0] || "x" === u && !n.overflowed[1] || ((i.mouseWheel.invert || t.webkitDirectionInvertedFromDevice) && (v = -v), i.mouseWheel.normalizeDelta && (v = 0 > v ? -1 : 1), (v > 0 && 0 !== p || 0 > v && p !== g || i.mouseWheel.preventDefault) && (t.stopImmediatePropagation(), t.preventDefault()), t.deltaFactor < 5 && !i.mouseWheel.normalizeDelta && (h = t.deltaFactor, d = 17), G(o, (m - v * h).toString(), {
                            dir: u,
                            dur: d
                if (e(this).data(a)) {
                    var o = e(this),
                        n = o.data(a),
                        i = n.opt,
                        r = a + "_" + n.idx,
                        l = e("#mCSB_" + n.idx),
                        c = [e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_dragger_vertical"), e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_dragger_horizontal")],
                        d = e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_container").find("iframe");
                    d.length && d.each(function() {
                        e(this).bind("load", function() {
                            A(this) && e(this.contentDocument || this.contentWindow.document).bind("mousewheel." + r, function(e, o) {
                                t(e, o)
                    }), l.bind("mousewheel." + r, function(e, o) {
                        t(e, o)
            R = new Object,
            A = function(t) {
                var o = !1,
                    a = !1,
                    n = null;
                if (void 0 === t ? a = "#empty" : void 0 !== e(t).attr("id") && (a = e(t).attr("id")), a !== !1 && void 0 !== R[a]) return R[a];
                if (t) {
                    try {
                        var i = t.contentDocument || t.contentWindow.document;
                        n = i.body.innerHTML
                    } catch (r) {}
                    o = null !== n
                } else {
                    try {
                        var i = top.document;
                        n = i.body.innerHTML
                    } catch (r) {}
                    o = null !== n
                return a !== !1 && (R[a] = o), o
            L = function(e) {
                var t = this.find("iframe");
                if (t.length) {
                    var o = e ? "auto" : "none";
                    t.css("pointer-events", o)
            z = function(t, o) {
                var n = o.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
                    i = t.data(a).opt.mouseWheel.disableOver,
                    r = ["select", "textarea"];
                return e.inArray(n, i) > -1 && !(e.inArray(n, r) > -1 && !e(o).is(":focus"))
            P = function() {
                var t, o = e(this),
                    n = o.data(a),
                    i = a + "_" + n.idx,
                    r = e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_container"),
                    l = r.parent(),
                    s = e(".mCSB_" + n.idx + "_scrollbar ." + d[12]);
                s.bind("mousedown." + i + " touchstart." + i + " pointerdown." + i + " MSPointerDown." + i, function(o) {
                    c = !0, e(o.target).hasClass("mCSB_dragger") || (t = 1)
                }).bind("touchend." + i + " pointerup." + i + " MSPointerUp." + i, function() {
                    c = !1
                }).bind("click." + i, function(a) {
                    if (t && (t = 0, e(a.target).hasClass(d[12]) || e(a.target).hasClass("mCSB_draggerRail"))) {
                        var i = e(this),
                            s = i.find(".mCSB_dragger");
                        if (i.parent(".mCSB_scrollTools_horizontal").length > 0) {
                            if (!n.overflowed[1]) return;
                            var c = "x",
                                u = a.pageX > s.offset().left ? -1 : 1,
                                f = Math.abs(r[0].offsetLeft) - u * (.9 * l.width())
                        } else {
                            if (!n.overflowed[0]) return;
                            var c = "y",
                                u = a.pageY > s.offset().top ? -1 : 1,
                                f = Math.abs(r[0].offsetTop) - u * (.9 * l.height())
                        G(o, f.toString(), {
                            dir: c,
                            scrollEasing: "mcsEaseInOut"
            H = function() {
                var t = e(this),
                    o = t.data(a),
                    n = o.opt,
                    i = a + "_" + o.idx,
                    r = e("#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_container"),
                    l = r.parent();
                r.bind("focusin." + i, function() {
                    var o = e(document.activeElement),
                        a = r.find(".mCustomScrollBox").length,
                        i = 0;
                    o.is(n.advanced.autoScrollOnFocus) && (Q(t), clearTimeout(t[0]._focusTimeout), t[0]._focusTimer = a ? (i + 17) * a : 0, t[0]._focusTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                        var e = [ae(o)[0], ae(o)[1]],
                            a = [r[0].offsetTop, r[0].offsetLeft],
                            s = [a[0] + e[0] >= 0 && a[0] + e[0] < l.height() - o.outerHeight(!1), a[1] + e[1] >= 0 && a[0] + e[1] < l.width() - o.outerWidth(!1)],
                            c = "yx" !== n.axis || s[0] || s[1] ? "all" : "none";
                        "x" === n.axis || s[0] || G(t, e[0].toString(), {
                            dir: "y",
                            scrollEasing: "mcsEaseInOut",
                            overwrite: c,
                            dur: i
                        }), "y" === n.axis || s[1] || G(t, e[1].toString(), {
                            dir: "x",
                            scrollEasing: "mcsEaseInOut",
                            overwrite: c,
                            dur: i
                    }, t[0]._focusTimer))
            U = function() {
                var t = e(this),
                    o = t.data(a),
                    n = a + "_" + o.idx,
                    i = e("#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_container").parent();
                i.bind("scroll." + n, function() {
                    0 === i.scrollTop() && 0 === i.scrollLeft() || e(".mCSB_" + o.idx + "_scrollbar").css("visibility", "hidden")
            F = function() {
                var t = e(this),
                    o = t.data(a),
                    n = o.opt,
                    i = o.sequential,
                    r = a + "_" + o.idx,
                    l = ".mCSB_" + o.idx + "_scrollbar",
                    s = e(l + ">a");
                s.bind("contextmenu." + r, function(e) {
                }).bind("mousedown." + r + " touchstart." + r + " pointerdown." + r + " MSPointerDown." + r + " mouseup." + r + " touchend." + r + " pointerup." + r + " MSPointerUp." + r + " mouseout." + r + " pointerout." + r + " MSPointerOut." + r + " click." + r, function(a) {
                    function r(e, o) {
                        i.scrollAmount = n.scrollButtons.scrollAmount, j(t, e, o)
                    if (a.preventDefault(), ee(a)) {
                        var l = e(this).attr("class");
                        switch (i.type = n.scrollButtons.scrollType, a.type) {
                            case "mousedown":
                            case "touchstart":
                            case "pointerdown":
                            case "MSPointerDown":
                                if ("stepped" === i.type) return;
                                c = !0, o.tweenRunning = !1, r("on", l);
                            case "mouseup":
                            case "touchend":
                            case "pointerup":
                            case "MSPointerUp":
                            case "mouseout":
                            case "pointerout":
                            case "MSPointerOut":
                                if ("stepped" === i.type) return;
                                c = !1, i.dir && r("off", l);
                            case "click":
                                if ("stepped" !== i.type || o.tweenRunning) return;
                                r("on", l)
            q = function() {
                function t(t) {
                    function a(e, t) {
                        r.type = i.keyboard.scrollType, r.scrollAmount = i.keyboard.scrollAmount, "stepped" === r.type && n.tweenRunning || j(o, e, t)
                    switch (t.type) {
                        case "blur":
                            n.tweenRunning && r.dir && a("off", null);
                        case "keydown":
                        case "keyup":
                            var l = t.keyCode ? t.keyCode : t.which,
                                s = "on";
                            if ("x" !== i.axis && (38 === l || 40 === l) || "y" !== i.axis && (37 === l || 39 === l)) {
                                if ((38 === l || 40 === l) && !n.overflowed[0] || (37 === l || 39 === l) && !n.overflowed[1]) return;
                                "keyup" === t.type && (s = "off"), e(document.activeElement).is(u) || (t.preventDefault(), t.stopImmediatePropagation(), a(s, l))
                            } else if (33 === l || 34 === l) {
                                if ((n.overflowed[0] || n.overflowed[1]) && (t.preventDefault(), t.stopImmediatePropagation()), "keyup" === t.type) {
                                    var f = 34 === l ? -1 : 1;
                                    if ("x" === i.axis || "yx" === i.axis && n.overflowed[1] && !n.overflowed[0]) var h = "x",
                                        m = Math.abs(c[0].offsetLeft) - f * (.9 * d.width());
                                    else var h = "y",
                                        m = Math.abs(c[0].offsetTop) - f * (.9 * d.height());
                                    G(o, m.toString(), {
                                        dir: h,
                                        scrollEasing: "mcsEaseInOut"
                            } else if ((35 === l || 36 === l) && !e(document.activeElement).is(u) && ((n.overflowed[0] || n.overflowed[1]) && (t.preventDefault(), t.stopImmediatePropagation()), "keyup" === t.type)) {
                                if ("x" === i.axis || "yx" === i.axis && n.overflowed[1] && !n.overflowed[0]) var h = "x",
                                    m = 35 === l ? Math.abs(d.width() - c.outerWidth(!1)) : 0;
                                else var h = "y",
                                    m = 35 === l ? Math.abs(d.height() - c.outerHeight(!1)) : 0;
                                G(o, m.toString(), {
                                    dir: h,
                                    scrollEasing: "mcsEaseInOut"
                var o = e(this),
                    n = o.data(a),
                    i = n.opt,
                    r = n.sequential,
                    l = a + "_" + n.idx,
                    s = e("#mCSB_" + n.idx),
                    c = e("#mCSB_" + n.idx + "_container"),
                    d = c.parent(),
                    u = "input,textarea,select,datalist,keygen,[contenteditable='true']",
                    f = c.find("iframe"),
                    h = ["blur." + l + " keydown." + l + " keyup." + l];
                f.length && f.each(function() {
                    e(this).bind("load", function() {
                        A(this) && e(this.contentDocument || this.contentWindow.document).bind(h[0], function(e) {
                }), s.attr("tabindex", "0").bind(h[0], function(e) {
            j = function(t, o, n, i, r) {
                function l(e) {
                    u.snapAmount && (f.scrollAmount = u.snapAmount instanceof Array ? "x" === f.dir[0] ? u.snapAmount[1] : u.snapAmount[0] : u.snapAmount);
                    var o = "stepped" !== f.type,
                        a = r ? r : e ? o ? p / 1.5 : g : 1e3 / 60,
                        n = e ? o ? 7.5 : 40 : 2.5,
                        s = [Math.abs(h[0].offsetTop), Math.abs(h[0].offsetLeft)],
                        d = [c.scrollRatio.y > 10 ? 10 : c.scrollRatio.y, c.scrollRatio.x > 10 ? 10 : c.scrollRatio.x],
                        m = "x" === f.dir[0] ? s[1] + f.dir[1] * (d[1] * n) : s[0] + f.dir[1] * (d[0] * n),
                        v = "x" === f.dir[0] ? s[1] + f.dir[1] * parseInt(f.scrollAmount) : s[0] + f.dir[1] * parseInt(f.scrollAmount),
                        x = "auto" !== f.scrollAmount ? v : m,
                        _ = i ? i : e ? o ? "mcsLinearOut" : "mcsEaseInOut" : "mcsLinear",
                        w = !!e;
                    return e && 17 > a && (x = "x" === f.dir[0] ? s[1] : s[0]), G(t, x.toString(), {
                        dir: f.dir[0],
                        scrollEasing: _,
                        dur: a,
                        onComplete: w
                    }), e ? void(f.dir = !1) : (clearTimeout(f.step), void(f.step = setTimeout(function() {
                    }, a)))

                function s() {
                    clearTimeout(f.step), $(f, "step"), Q(t)
                var c = t.data(a),
                    u = c.opt,
                    f = c.sequential,
                    h = e("#mCSB_" + c.idx + "_container"),
                    m = "stepped" === f.type,
                    p = u.scrollInertia < 26 ? 26 : u.scrollInertia,
                    g = u.scrollInertia < 1 ? 17 : u.scrollInertia;
                switch (o) {
                    case "on":
                        if (f.dir = [n === d[16] || n === d[15] || 39 === n || 37 === n ? "x" : "y", n === d[13] || n === d[15] || 38 === n || 37 === n ? -1 : 1], Q(t), oe(n) && "stepped" === f.type) return;
                    case "off":
                        s(), (m || c.tweenRunning && f.dir) && l(!0)
            Y = function(t) {
                var o = e(this).data(a).opt,
                    n = [];
                return "function" == typeof t && (t = t()), t instanceof Array ? n = t.length > 1 ? [t[0], t[1]] : "x" === o.axis ? [null, t[0]] : [t[0], null] : (n[0] = t.y ? t.y : t.x || "x" === o.axis ? null : t, n[1] = t.x ? t.x : t.y || "y" === o.axis ? null : t), "function" == typeof n[0] && (n[0] = n[0]()), "function" == typeof n[1] && (n[1] = n[1]()), n
            X = function(t, o) {
                if (null != t && "undefined" != typeof t) {
                    var n = e(this),
                        i = n.data(a),
                        r = i.opt,
                        l = e("#mCSB_" + i.idx + "_container"),
                        s = l.parent(),
                        c = typeof t;
                    o || (o = "x" === r.axis ? "x" : "y");
                    var d = "x" === o ? l.outerWidth(!1) - s.width() : l.outerHeight(!1) - s.height(),
                        f = "x" === o ? l[0].offsetLeft : l[0].offsetTop,
                        h = "x" === o ? "left" : "top";
                    switch (c) {
                        case "function":
                            return t();
                        case "object":
                            var m = t.jquery ? t : e(t);
                            if (!m.length) return;
                            return "x" === o ? ae(m)[1] : ae(m)[0];
                        case "string":
                        case "number":
                            if (oe(t)) return Math.abs(t);
                            if (-1 !== t.indexOf("%")) return Math.abs(d * parseInt(t) / 100);
                            if (-1 !== t.indexOf("-=")) return Math.abs(f - parseInt(t.split("-=")[1]));
                            if (-1 !== t.indexOf("+=")) {
                                var p = f + parseInt(t.split("+=")[1]);
                                return p >= 0 ? 0 : Math.abs(p)
                            if (-1 !== t.indexOf("px") && oe(t.split("px")[0])) return Math.abs(t.split("px")[0]);
                            if ("top" === t || "left" === t) return 0;
                            if ("bottom" === t) return Math.abs(s.height() - l.outerHeight(!1));
                            if ("right" === t) return Math.abs(s.width() - l.outerWidth(!1));
                            if ("first" === t || "last" === t) {
                                var m = l.find(":" + t);
                                return "x" === o ? ae(m)[1] : ae(m)[0]
                            return e(t).length ? "x" === o ? ae(e(t))[1] : ae(e(t))[0] : (l.css(h, t), void u.update.call(null, n[0]))
            N = function(t) {
                function o() {
                    return clearTimeout(f[0].autoUpdate), 0 === l.parents("html").length ? void(l = null) : void(f[0].autoUpdate = setTimeout(function() {
                        return c.advanced.updateOnSelectorChange && (s.poll.change.n = i(), s.poll.change.n !== s.poll.change.o) ? (s.poll.change.o = s.poll.change.n, void r(3)) : c.advanced.updateOnContentResize && (s.poll.size.n = l[0].scrollHeight + l[0].scrollWidth + f[0].offsetHeight + l[0].offsetHeight + l[0].offsetWidth, s.poll.size.n !== s.poll.size.o) ? (s.poll.size.o = s.poll.size.n, void r(1)) : !c.advanced.updateOnImageLoad || "auto" === c.advanced.updateOnImageLoad && "y" === c.axis || (s.poll.img.n = f.find("img").length, s.poll.img.n === s.poll.img.o) ? void((c.advanced.updateOnSelectorChange || c.advanced.updateOnContentResize || c.advanced.updateOnImageLoad) && o()) : (s.poll.img.o = s.poll.img.n, void f.find("img").each(function() {
                    }, c.advanced.autoUpdateTimeout))

                function n(t) {
                    function o(e, t) {
                        return function() {
                            return t.apply(e, arguments)

                    function a() {
                        this.onload = null, e(t).addClass(d[2]), r(2)
                    if (e(t).hasClass(d[2])) return void r();
                    var n = new Image;
                    n.onload = o(n, a), n.src = t.src

                function i() {
                    c.advanced.updateOnSelectorChange === !0 && (c.advanced.updateOnSelectorChange = "*");
                    var e = 0,
                        t = f.find(c.advanced.updateOnSelectorChange);
                    return c.advanced.updateOnSelectorChange && t.length > 0 && t.each(function() {
                        e += this.offsetHeight + this.offsetWidth
                    }), e

                function r(e) {
                    clearTimeout(f[0].autoUpdate), u.update.call(null, l[0], e)
                var l = e(this),
                    s = l.data(a),
                    c = s.opt,
                    f = e("#mCSB_" + s.idx + "_container");
                return t ? (clearTimeout(f[0].autoUpdate), void $(f[0], "autoUpdate")) : void o()
            V = function(e, t, o) {
                return Math.round(e / t) * t - o
            Q = function(t) {
                var o = t.data(a),
                    n = e("#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_container,#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_container_wrapper,#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_dragger_vertical,#mCSB_" + o.idx + "_dragger_horizontal");
                n.each(function() {
            G = function(t, o, n) {
                function i(e) {
                    return s && c.callbacks[e] && "function" == typeof c.callbacks[e]

                function r() {
                    return [c.callbacks.alwaysTriggerOffsets || w >= S[0] + y, c.callbacks.alwaysTriggerOffsets || -B >= w]

                function l() {
                    var e = [h[0].offsetTop, h[0].offsetLeft],
                        o = [x[0].offsetTop, x[0].offsetLeft],
                        a = [h.outerHeight(!1), h.outerWidth(!1)],
                        i = [f.height(), f.width()];
                    t[0].mcs = {
                        content: h,
                        top: e[0],
                        left: e[1],
                        draggerTop: o[0],
                        draggerLeft: o[1],
                        topPct: Math.round(100 * Math.abs(e[0]) / (Math.abs(a[0]) - i[0])),
                        leftPct: Math.round(100 * Math.abs(e[1]) / (Math.abs(a[1]) - i[1])),
                        direction: n.dir
                var s = t.data(a),
                    c = s.opt,
                    d = {
                        trigger: "internal",
                        dir: "y",
                        scrollEasing: "mcsEaseOut",
                        drag: !1,
                        dur: c.scrollInertia,
                        overwrite: "all",
                        callbacks: !0,
                        onStart: !0,
                        onUpdate: !0,
                        onComplete: !0
                    n = e.extend(d, n),
                    u = [n.dur, n.drag ? 0 : n.dur],
                    f = e("#mCSB_" + s.idx),
                    h = e("#mCSB_" + s.idx + "_container"),
                    m = h.parent(),
                    p = c.callbacks.onTotalScrollOffset ? Y.call(t, c.callbacks.onTotalScrollOffset) : [0, 0],
                    g = c.callbacks.onTotalScrollBackOffset ? Y.call(t, c.callbacks.onTotalScrollBackOffset) : [0, 0];
                if (s.trigger = n.trigger, 0 === m.scrollTop() && 0 === m.scrollLeft() || (e(".mCSB_" + s.idx + "_scrollbar").css("visibility", "visible"), m.scrollTop(0).scrollLeft(0)), "_resetY" !== o || s.contentReset.y || (i("onOverflowYNone") && c.callbacks.onOverflowYNone.call(t[0]), s.contentReset.y = 1), "_resetX" !== o || s.contentReset.x || (i("onOverflowXNone") && c.callbacks.onOverflowXNone.call(t[0]), s.contentReset.x = 1), "_resetY" !== o && "_resetX" !== o) {
                    if (!s.contentReset.y && t[0].mcs || !s.overflowed[0] || (i("onOverflowY") && c.callbacks.onOverflowY.call(t[0]), s.contentReset.x = null), !s.contentReset.x && t[0].mcs || !s.overflowed[1] || (i("onOverflowX") && c.callbacks.onOverflowX.call(t[0]), s.contentReset.x = null), c.snapAmount) {
                        var v = c.snapAmount instanceof Array ? "x" === n.dir ? c.snapAmount[1] : c.snapAmount[0] : c.snapAmount;
                        o = V(o, v, c.snapOffset)
                    switch (n.dir) {
                        case "x":
                            var x = e("#mCSB_" + s.idx + "_dragger_horizontal"),
                                _ = "left",
                                w = h[0].offsetLeft,
                                S = [f.width() - h.outerWidth(!1), x.parent().width() - x.width()],
                                b = [o, 0 === o ? 0 : o / s.scrollRatio.x],
                                y = p[1],
                                B = g[1],
                                T = y > 0 ? y / s.scrollRatio.x : 0,
                                k = B > 0 ? B / s.scrollRatio.x : 0;
                        case "y":
                            var x = e("#mCSB_" + s.idx + "_dragger_vertical"),
                                _ = "top",
                                w = h[0].offsetTop,
                                S = [f.height() - h.outerHeight(!1), x.parent().height() - x.height()],
                                b = [o, 0 === o ? 0 : o / s.scrollRatio.y],
                                y = p[0],
                                B = g[0],
                                T = y > 0 ? y / s.scrollRatio.y : 0,
                                k = B > 0 ? B / s.scrollRatio.y : 0
                    b[1] < 0 || 0 === b[0] && 0 === b[1] ? b = [0, 0] : b[1] >= S[1] ? b = [S[0], S[1]] : b[0] = -b[0], t[0].mcs || (l(), i("onInit") && c.callbacks.onInit.call(t[0])), clearTimeout(h[0].onCompleteTimeout), J(x[0], _, Math.round(b[1]), u[1], n.scrollEasing), !s.tweenRunning && (0 === w && b[0] >= 0 || w === S[0] && b[0] <= S[0]) || J(h[0], _, Math.round(b[0]), u[0], n.scrollEasing, n.overwrite, {
                        onStart: function() {
                            n.callbacks && n.onStart && !s.tweenRunning && (i("onScrollStart") && (l(), c.callbacks.onScrollStart.call(t[0])), s.tweenRunning = !0, C(x), s.cbOffsets = r())
                        onUpdate: function() {
                            n.callbacks && n.onUpdate && i("whileScrolling") && (l(), c.callbacks.whileScrolling.call(t[0]))
                        onComplete: function() {
                            if (n.callbacks && n.onComplete) {
                                "yx" === c.axis && clearTimeout(h[0].onCompleteTimeout);
                                var e = h[0].idleTimer || 0;
                                h[0].onCompleteTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                                    i("onScroll") && (l(), c.callbacks.onScroll.call(t[0])), i("onTotalScroll") && b[1] >= S[1] - T && s.cbOffsets[0] && (l(), c.callbacks.onTotalScroll.call(t[0])), i("onTotalScrollBack") && b[1] <= k && s.cbOffsets[1] && (l(), c.callbacks.onTotalScrollBack.call(t[0])), s.tweenRunning = !1, h[0].idleTimer = 0, C(x, "hide")
                                }, e)
            J = function(e, t, o, a, n, i, r) {
                function l() {
                    S.stop || (x || m.call(), x = K() - v, s(), x >= S.time && (S.time = x > S.time ? x + f - (x - S.time) : x + f - 1, S.time < x + 1 && (S.time = x + 1)), S.time < a ? S.id = h(l) : g.call())

                function s() {
                    a > 0 ? (S.currVal = u(S.time, _, b, a, n), w[t] = Math.round(S.currVal) + "px") : w[t] = o + "px", p.call()

                function c() {
                    f = 1e3 / 60, S.time = x + f, h = window.requestAnimationFrame ? window.requestAnimationFrame : function(e) {
                        return s(), setTimeout(e, .01)
                    }, S.id = h(l)

                function d() {
                    null != S.id && (window.requestAnimationFrame ? window.cancelAnimationFrame(S.id) : clearTimeout(S.id), S.id = null)

                function u(e, t, o, a, n) {
                    switch (n) {
                        case "linear":
                        case "mcsLinear":
                            return o * e / a + t;
                        case "mcsLinearOut":
                            return e /= a, e--, o * Math.sqrt(1 - e * e) + t;
                        case "easeInOutSmooth":
                            return e /= a / 2, 1 > e ? o / 2 * e * e + t : (e--, -o / 2 * (e * (e - 2) - 1) + t);
                        case "easeInOutStrong":
                            return e /= a / 2, 1 > e ? o / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e - 1)) + t : (e--, o / 2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * e) + 2) + t);
                        case "easeInOut":
                        case "mcsEaseInOut":
                            return e /= a / 2, 1 > e ? o / 2 * e * e * e + t : (e -= 2, o / 2 * (e * e * e + 2) + t);
                        case "easeOutSmooth":
                            return e /= a, e--, -o * (e * e * e * e - 1) + t;
                        case "easeOutStrong":
                            return o * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * e / a) + 1) + t;
                        case "easeOut":
                        case "mcsEaseOut":
                            var i = (e /= a) * e,
                                r = i * e;
                            return t + o * (.499999999999997 * r * i + -2.5 * i * i + 5.5 * r + -6.5 * i + 4 * e)
                e._mTween || (e._mTween = {
                    top: {},
                    left: {}
                var f, h, r = r || {},
                    m = r.onStart || function() {},
                    p = r.onUpdate || function() {},
                    g = r.onComplete || function() {},
                    v = K(),
                    x = 0,
                    _ = e.offsetTop,
                    w = e.style,
                    S = e._mTween[t];
                "left" === t && (_ = e.offsetLeft);
                var b = o - _;
                S.stop = 0, "none" !== i && d(), c()
            K = function() {
                return window.performance && window.performance.now ? window.performance.now() : window.performance && window.performance.webkitNow ? window.performance.webkitNow() : Date.now ? Date.now() : (new Date).getTime()
            Z = function() {
                var e = this;
                e._mTween || (e._mTween = {
                    top: {},
                    left: {}
                for (var t = ["top", "left"], o = 0; o < t.length; o++) {
                    var a = t[o];
                    e._mTween[a].id && (window.requestAnimationFrame ? window.cancelAnimationFrame(e._mTween[a].id) : clearTimeout(e._mTween[a].id), e._mTween[a].id = null, e._mTween[a].stop = 1)
            $ = function(e, t) {
                try {
                    delete e[t]
                } catch (o) {
                    e[t] = null
            ee = function(e) {
                return !(e.which && 1 !== e.which)
            te = function(e) {
                var t = e.originalEvent.pointerType;
                return !(t && "touch" !== t && 2 !== t)
            oe = function(e) {
                return !isNaN(parseFloat(e)) && isFinite(e)
            ae = function(e) {
                var t = e.parents(".mCSB_container");
                return [e.offset().top - t.offset().top, e.offset().left - t.offset().left]
            ne = function() {
                function e() {
                    var e = ["webkit", "moz", "ms", "o"];
                    if ("hidden" in document) return "hidden";
                    for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++)
                        if (e[t] + "Hidden" in document) return e[t] + "Hidden";
                    return null
                var t = e();
                return t ? document[t] : !1
        e.fn[o] = function(t) {
            return u[t] ? u[t].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)) : "object" != typeof t && t ? void e.error("Method " + t + " does not exist") : u.init.apply(this, arguments)
        }, e[o] = function(t) {
            return u[t] ? u[t].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)) : "object" != typeof t && t ? void e.error("Method " + t + " does not exist") : u.init.apply(this, arguments)
        }, e[o].defaults = i, window[o] = !0, e(window).bind("load", function() {
            e(n)[o](), e.extend(e.expr[":"], {
                mcsInView: e.expr[":"].mcsInView || function(t) {
                    var o, a, n = e(t),
                        i = n.parents(".mCSB_container");
                    if (i.length) return o = i.parent(), a = [i[0].offsetTop, i[0].offsetLeft], a[0] + ae(n)[0] >= 0 && a[0] + ae(n)[0] < o.height() - n.outerHeight(!1) && a[1] + ae(n)[1] >= 0 && a[1] + ae(n)[1] < o.width() - n.outerWidth(!1)
                mcsInSight: e.expr[":"].mcsInSight || function(t, o, a) {
                    var n, i, r, l, s = e(t),
                        c = s.parents(".mCSB_container"),
                        d = "exact" === a[3] ? [
                            [1, 0],
                            [1, 0]
                        ] : [
                            [.9, .1],
                            [.6, .4]
                    if (c.length) return n = [s.outerHeight(!1), s.outerWidth(!1)], r = [c[0].offsetTop + ae(s)[0], c[0].offsetLeft + ae(s)[1]], i = [c.parent()[0].offsetHeight, c.parent()[0].offsetWidth], l = [n[0] < i[0] ? d[0] : d[1], n[1] < i[1] ? d[0] : d[1]], r[0] - i[0] * l[0][0] < 0 && r[0] + n[0] - i[0] * l[0][1] >= 0 && r[1] - i[1] * l[1][0] < 0 && r[1] + n[1] - i[1] * l[1][1] >= 0
                mcsOverflow: e.expr[":"].mcsOverflow || function(t) {
                    var o = e(t).data(a);
                    if (o) return o.overflowed[0] || o.overflowed[1]

 * imagesLoaded PACKAGED v4.1.0
 * JavaScript is all like "You images are done yet or what?"
 * MIT License

! function(t, e) {
    "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define("ev-emitter/ev-emitter", e) : "object" == typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = e() : t.EvEmitter = e()
}(this, function() {
    function t() {}
    var e = t.prototype;
    return e.on = function(t, e) {
        if (t && e) {
            var i = this._events = this._events || {},
                n = i[t] = i[t] || [];
            return -1 == n.indexOf(e) && n.push(e), this
    }, e.once = function(t, e) {
        if (t && e) {
            this.on(t, e);
            var i = this._onceEvents = this._onceEvents || {},
                n = i[t] = i[t] || [];
            return n[e] = !0, this
    }, e.off = function(t, e) {
        var i = this._events && this._events[t];
        if (i && i.length) {
            var n = i.indexOf(e);
            return -1 != n && i.splice(n, 1), this
    }, e.emitEvent = function(t, e) {
        var i = this._events && this._events[t];
        if (i && i.length) {
            var n = 0,
                o = i[n];
            e = e || [];
            for (var r = this._onceEvents && this._onceEvents[t]; o;) {
                var s = r && r[o];
                s && (this.off(t, o), delete r[o]), o.apply(this, e), n += s ? 0 : 1, o = i[n]
            return this
    }, t
function(t, e) {
    "use strict";
    "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["ev-emitter/ev-emitter"], function(i) {
        return e(t, i)
    }) : "object" == typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = e(t, require("ev-emitter")) : t.imagesLoaded = e(t, t.EvEmitter)
}(window, function(t, e) {
    function i(t, e) {
        for (var i in e) t[i] = e[i];
        return t

    function n(t) {
        var e = [];
        if (Array.isArray(t)) e = t;
        else if ("number" == typeof t.length)
            for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) e.push(t[i]);
        else e.push(t);
        return e

    function o(t, e, r) {
        return this instanceof o ? ("string" == typeof t && (t = document.querySelectorAll(t)), this.elements = n(t), this.options = i({}, this.options), "function" == typeof e ? r = e : i(this.options, e), r && this.on("always", r), this.getImages(), h && (this.jqDeferred = new h.Deferred), void setTimeout(function() {
        }.bind(this))) : new o(t, e, r)

    function r(t) {
        this.img = t

    function s(t, e) {
        this.url = t, this.element = e, this.img = new Image
    var h = t.jQuery,
        a = t.console;
    o.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype), o.prototype.options = {}, o.prototype.getImages = function() {
        this.images = [], this.elements.forEach(this.addElementImages, this)
    }, o.prototype.addElementImages = function(t) {
        "IMG" == t.nodeName && this.addImage(t), this.options.background === !0 && this.addElementBackgroundImages(t);
        var e = t.nodeType;
        if (e && d[e]) {
            for (var i = t.querySelectorAll("img"), n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
                var o = i[n];
            if ("string" == typeof this.options.background) {
                var r = t.querySelectorAll(this.options.background);
                for (n = 0; n < r.length; n++) {
                    var s = r[n];
    var d = {
        1: !0,
        9: !0,
        11: !0
    return o.prototype.addElementBackgroundImages = function(t) {
        var e = getComputedStyle(t);
        if (e)
            for (var i = /url\((['"])?(.*?)\1\)/gi, n = i.exec(e.backgroundImage); null !== n;) {
                var o = n && n[2];
                o && this.addBackground(o, t), n = i.exec(e.backgroundImage)
    }, o.prototype.addImage = function(t) {
        var e = new r(t);
    }, o.prototype.addBackground = function(t, e) {
        var i = new s(t, e);
    }, o.prototype.check = function() {
        function t(t, i, n) {
            setTimeout(function() {
                e.progress(t, i, n)
        var e = this;
        return this.progressedCount = 0, this.hasAnyBroken = !1, this.images.length ? void this.images.forEach(function(e) {
            e.once("progress", t), e.check()
        }) : void this.complete()
    }, o.prototype.progress = function(t, e, i) {
        this.progressedCount++, this.hasAnyBroken = this.hasAnyBroken || !t.isLoaded, this.emitEvent("progress", [this, t, e]), this.jqDeferred && this.jqDeferred.notify && this.jqDeferred.notify(this, t), this.progressedCount == this.images.length && this.complete(), this.options.debug && a && a.log("progress: " + i, t, e)
    }, o.prototype.complete = function() {
        var t = this.hasAnyBroken ? "fail" : "done";
        if (this.isComplete = !0, this.emitEvent(t, [this]), this.emitEvent("always", [this]), this.jqDeferred) {
            var e = this.hasAnyBroken ? "reject" : "resolve";
    }, r.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype), r.prototype.check = function() {
        var t = this.getIsImageComplete();
        return t ? void this.confirm(0 !== this.img.naturalWidth, "naturalWidth") : (this.proxyImage = new Image, this.proxyImage.addEventListener("load", this), this.proxyImage.addEventListener("error", this), this.img.addEventListener("load", this), this.img.addEventListener("error", this), void(this.proxyImage.src = this.img.src))
    }, r.prototype.getIsImageComplete = function() {
        return this.img.complete && void 0 !== this.img.naturalWidth
    }, r.prototype.confirm = function(t, e) {
        this.isLoaded = t, this.emitEvent("progress", [this, this.img, e])
    }, r.prototype.handleEvent = function(t) {
        var e = "on" + t.type;
        this[e] && this[e](t)
    }, r.prototype.onload = function() {
        this.confirm(!0, "onload"), this.unbindEvents()
    }, r.prototype.onerror = function() {
        this.confirm(!1, "onerror"), this.unbindEvents()
    }, r.prototype.unbindEvents = function() {
        this.proxyImage.removeEventListener("load", this), this.proxyImage.removeEventListener("error", this), this.img.removeEventListener("load", this), this.img.removeEventListener("error", this)
    }, s.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype), s.prototype.check = function() {
        this.img.addEventListener("load", this), this.img.addEventListener("error", this), this.img.src = this.url;
        var t = this.getIsImageComplete();
        t && (this.confirm(0 !== this.img.naturalWidth, "naturalWidth"), this.unbindEvents())
    }, s.prototype.unbindEvents = function() {
        this.img.removeEventListener("load", this), this.img.removeEventListener("error", this)
    }, s.prototype.confirm = function(t, e) {
        this.isLoaded = t, this.emitEvent("progress", [this, this.element, e])
    }, o.makeJQueryPlugin = function(e) {
        e = e || t.jQuery, e && (h = e, h.fn.imagesLoaded = function(t, e) {
            var i = new o(this, t, e);
            return i.jqDeferred.promise(h(this))
    }, o.makeJQueryPlugin(), o

/*! Magnific Popup - v1.1.0 - 2016-02-20
 * http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/
 * Copyright (c) 2016 Dmitry Semenov; */
! function(a) {
    "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], a) : a("object" == typeof exports ? require("jquery") : window.jQuery || window.Zepto)
}(function(a) {
    var b, c, d, e, f, g, h = "Close",
        i = "BeforeClose",
        j = "AfterClose",
        k = "BeforeAppend",
        l = "MarkupParse",
        m = "Open",
        n = "Change",
        o = "mfp",
        p = "." + o,
        q = "mfp-ready",
        r = "mfp-removing",
        s = "mfp-prevent-close",
        t = function() {},
        u = !!window.jQuery,
        v = a(window),
        w = function(a, c) {
            b.ev.on(o + a + p, c)
        x = function(b, c, d, e) {
            var f = document.createElement("div");
            return f.className = "mfp-" + b, d && (f.innerHTML = d), e ? c && c.appendChild(f) : (f = a(f), c && f.appendTo(c)), f
        y = function(c, d) {
            b.ev.triggerHandler(o + c, d), b.st.callbacks && (c = c.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + c.slice(1), b.st.callbacks[c] && b.st.callbacks[c].apply(b, a.isArray(d) ? d : [d]))
        z = function(c) {
            return c === g && b.currTemplate.closeBtn || (b.currTemplate.closeBtn = a(b.st.closeMarkup.replace("%title%", b.st.tClose)), g = c), b.currTemplate.closeBtn
        A = function() {
            a.magnificPopup.instance || (b = new t, b.init(), a.magnificPopup.instance = b)
        B = function() {
            var a = document.createElement("p").style,
                b = ["ms", "O", "Moz", "Webkit"];
            if (void 0 !== a.transition) return !0;
            for (; b.length;)
                if (b.pop() + "Transition" in a) return !0;
            return !1
    t.prototype = {
        constructor: t,
        init: function() {
            var c = navigator.appVersion;
            b.isLowIE = b.isIE8 = document.all && !document.addEventListener, b.isAndroid = /android/gi.test(c), b.isIOS = /iphone|ipad|ipod/gi.test(c), b.supportsTransition = B(), b.probablyMobile = b.isAndroid || b.isIOS || /(Opera Mini)|Kindle|webOS|BlackBerry|(Opera Mobi)|(Windows Phone)|IEMobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent), d = a(document), b.popupsCache = {}
        open: function(c) {
            var e;
            if (c.isObj === !1) {
                b.items = c.items.toArray(), b.index = 0;
                var g, h = c.items;
                for (e = 0; e < h.length; e++)
                    if (g = h[e], g.parsed && (g = g.el[0]), g === c.el[0]) {
                        b.index = e;
            } else b.items = a.isArray(c.items) ? c.items : [c.items], b.index = c.index || 0;
            if (b.isOpen) return void b.updateItemHTML();
            b.types = [], f = "", c.mainEl && c.mainEl.length ? b.ev = c.mainEl.eq(0) : b.ev = d, c.key ? (b.popupsCache[c.key] || (b.popupsCache[c.key] = {}), b.currTemplate = b.popupsCache[c.key]) : b.currTemplate = {}, b.st = a.extend(!0, {}, a.magnificPopup.defaults, c), b.fixedContentPos = "auto" === b.st.fixedContentPos ? !b.probablyMobile : b.st.fixedContentPos, b.st.modal && (b.st.closeOnContentClick = !1, b.st.closeOnBgClick = !1, b.st.showCloseBtn = !1, b.st.enableEscapeKey = !1), b.bgOverlay || (b.bgOverlay = x("bg").on("click" + p, function() {
            }), b.wrap = x("wrap").attr("tabindex", -1).on("click" + p, function(a) {
                b._checkIfClose(a.target) && b.close()
            }), b.container = x("container", b.wrap)), b.contentContainer = x("content"), b.st.preloader && (b.preloader = x("preloader", b.container, b.st.tLoading));
            var i = a.magnificPopup.modules;
            for (e = 0; e < i.length; e++) {
                var j = i[e];
                j = j.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + j.slice(1), b["init" + j].call(b)
            y("BeforeOpen"), b.st.showCloseBtn && (b.st.closeBtnInside ? (w(l, function(a, b, c, d) {
                c.close_replaceWith = z(d.type)
            }), f += " mfp-close-btn-in") : b.wrap.append(z())), b.st.alignTop && (f += " mfp-align-top"), b.fixedContentPos ? b.wrap.css({
                overflow: b.st.overflowY,
                overflowX: "hidden",
                overflowY: b.st.overflowY
            }) : b.wrap.css({
                top: v.scrollTop(),
                position: "absolute"
            }), (b.st.fixedBgPos === !1 || "auto" === b.st.fixedBgPos && !b.fixedContentPos) && b.bgOverlay.css({
                height: d.height(),
                position: "absolute"
            }), b.st.enableEscapeKey && d.on("keyup" + p, function(a) {
                27 === a.keyCode && b.close()
            }), v.on("resize" + p, function() {
            }), b.st.closeOnContentClick || (f += " mfp-auto-cursor"), f && b.wrap.addClass(f);
            var k = b.wH = v.height(),
                n = {};
            if (b.fixedContentPos && b._hasScrollBar(k)) {
                var o = b._getScrollbarSize();
                o && (n.marginRight = o)
            b.fixedContentPos && (b.isIE7 ? a("body, html").css("overflow", "hidden") : n.overflow = "hidden");
            var r = b.st.mainClass;
            return b.isIE7 && (r += " mfp-ie7"), r && b._addClassToMFP(r), b.updateItemHTML(), y("BuildControls"), a("html").css(n), b.bgOverlay.add(b.wrap).prependTo(b.st.prependTo || a(document.body)), b._lastFocusedEl = document.activeElement, setTimeout(function() {
                b.content ? (b._addClassToMFP(q), b._setFocus()) : b.bgOverlay.addClass(q), d.on("focusin" + p, b._onFocusIn)
            }, 16), b.isOpen = !0, b.updateSize(k), y(m), c
        close: function() {
            b.isOpen && (y(i), b.isOpen = !1, b.st.removalDelay && !b.isLowIE && b.supportsTransition ? (b._addClassToMFP(r), setTimeout(function() {
            }, b.st.removalDelay)) : b._close())
        _close: function() {
            var c = r + " " + q + " ";
            if (b.bgOverlay.detach(), b.wrap.detach(), b.container.empty(), b.st.mainClass && (c += b.st.mainClass + " "), b._removeClassFromMFP(c), b.fixedContentPos) {
                var e = {
                    marginRight: ""
                b.isIE7 ? a("body, html").css("overflow", "") : e.overflow = "", a("html").css(e)
            d.off("keyup" + p + " focusin" + p), b.ev.off(p), b.wrap.attr("class", "mfp-wrap").removeAttr("style"), b.bgOverlay.attr("class", "mfp-bg"), b.container.attr("class", "mfp-container"), !b.st.showCloseBtn || b.st.closeBtnInside && b.currTemplate[b.currItem.type] !== !0 || b.currTemplate.closeBtn && b.currTemplate.closeBtn.detach(), b.st.autoFocusLast && b._lastFocusedEl && a(b._lastFocusedEl).focus(), b.currItem = null, b.content = null, b.currTemplate = null, b.prevHeight = 0, y(j)
        updateSize: function(a) {
            if (b.isIOS) {
                var c = document.documentElement.clientWidth / window.innerWidth,
                    d = window.innerHeight * c;
                b.wrap.css("height", d), b.wH = d
            } else b.wH = a || v.height();
            b.fixedContentPos || b.wrap.css("height", b.wH), y("Resize")
        updateItemHTML: function() {
            var c = b.items[b.index];
            b.contentContainer.detach(), b.content && b.content.detach(), c.parsed || (c = b.parseEl(b.index));
            var d = c.type;
            if (y("BeforeChange", [b.currItem ? b.currItem.type : "", d]), b.currItem = c, !b.currTemplate[d]) {
                var f = b.st[d] ? b.st[d].markup : !1;
                y("FirstMarkupParse", f), f ? b.currTemplate[d] = a(f) : b.currTemplate[d] = !0
            e && e !== c.type && b.container.removeClass("mfp-" + e + "-holder");
            var g = b["get" + d.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + d.slice(1)](c, b.currTemplate[d]);
            b.appendContent(g, d), c.preloaded = !0, y(n, c), e = c.type, b.container.prepend(b.contentContainer), y("AfterChange")
        appendContent: function(a, c) {
            b.content = a, a ? b.st.showCloseBtn && b.st.closeBtnInside && b.currTemplate[c] === !0 ? b.content.find(".mfp-close").length || b.content.append(z()) : b.content = a : b.content = "", y(k), b.container.addClass("mfp-" + c + "-holder"), b.contentContainer.append(b.content)
        parseEl: function(c) {
            var d, e = b.items[c];
            if (e.tagName ? e = {
                    el: a(e)
                } : (d = e.type, e = {
                    data: e,
                    src: e.src
                }), e.el) {
                for (var f = b.types, g = 0; g < f.length; g++)
                    if (e.el.hasClass("mfp-" + f[g])) {
                        d = f[g];
                e.src = e.el.attr("data-mfp-src"), e.src || (e.src = e.el.attr("href"))
            return e.type = d || b.st.type || "inline", e.index = c, e.parsed = !0, b.items[c] = e, y("ElementParse", e), b.items[c]
        addGroup: function(a, c) {
            var d = function(d) {
                d.mfpEl = this, b._openClick(d, a, c)
            c || (c = {});
            var e = "click.magnificPopup";
            c.mainEl = a, c.items ? (c.isObj = !0, a.off(e).on(e, d)) : (c.isObj = !1, c.delegate ? a.off(e).on(e, c.delegate, d) : (c.items = a, a.off(e).on(e, d)))
        _openClick: function(c, d, e) {
            var f = void 0 !== e.midClick ? e.midClick : a.magnificPopup.defaults.midClick;
            if (f || !(2 === c.which || c.ctrlKey || c.metaKey || c.altKey || c.shiftKey)) {
                var g = void 0 !== e.disableOn ? e.disableOn : a.magnificPopup.defaults.disableOn;
                if (g)
                    if (a.isFunction(g)) {
                        if (!g.call(b)) return !0
                    } else if (v.width() < g) return !0;
                c.type && (c.preventDefault(), b.isOpen && c.stopPropagation()), e.el = a(c.mfpEl), e.delegate && (e.items = d.find(e.delegate)), b.open(e)
        updateStatus: function(a, d) {
            if (b.preloader) {
                c !== a && b.container.removeClass("mfp-s-" + c), d || "loading" !== a || (d = b.st.tLoading);
                var e = {
                    status: a,
                    text: d
                y("UpdateStatus", e), a = e.status, d = e.text, b.preloader.html(d), b.preloader.find("a").on("click", function(a) {
                }), b.container.addClass("mfp-s-" + a), c = a
        _checkIfClose: function(c) {
            if (!a(c).hasClass(s)) {
                var d = b.st.closeOnContentClick,
                    e = b.st.closeOnBgClick;
                if (d && e) return !0;
                if (!b.content || a(c).hasClass("mfp-close") || b.preloader && c === b.preloader[0]) return !0;
                if (c === b.content[0] || a.contains(b.content[0], c)) {
                    if (d) return !0
                } else if (e && a.contains(document, c)) return !0;
                return !1
        _addClassToMFP: function(a) {
            b.bgOverlay.addClass(a), b.wrap.addClass(a)
        _removeClassFromMFP: function(a) {
            this.bgOverlay.removeClass(a), b.wrap.removeClass(a)
        _hasScrollBar: function(a) {
            return (b.isIE7 ? d.height() : document.body.scrollHeight) > (a || v.height())
        _setFocus: function() {
            (b.st.focus ? b.content.find(b.st.focus).eq(0) : b.wrap).focus()
        _onFocusIn: function(c) {
            return c.target === b.wrap[0] || a.contains(b.wrap[0], c.target) ? void 0 : (b._setFocus(), !1)
        _parseMarkup: function(b, c, d) {
            var e;
            d.data && (c = a.extend(d.data, c)), y(l, [b, c, d]), a.each(c, function(c, d) {
                if (void 0 === d || d === !1) return !0;
                if (e = c.split("_"), e.length > 1) {
                    var f = b.find(p + "-" + e[0]);
                    if (f.length > 0) {
                        var g = e[1];
                        "replaceWith" === g ? f[0] !== d[0] && f.replaceWith(d) : "img" === g ? f.is("img") ? f.attr("src", d) : f.replaceWith(a("<img>").attr("src", d).attr("class", f.attr("class"))) : f.attr(e[1], d)
                } else b.find(p + "-" + c).html(d)
        _getScrollbarSize: function() {
            if (void 0 === b.scrollbarSize) {
                var a = document.createElement("div");
                a.style.cssText = "width: 99px; height: 99px; overflow: scroll; position: absolute; top: -9999px;", document.body.appendChild(a), b.scrollbarSize = a.offsetWidth - a.clientWidth, document.body.removeChild(a)
            return b.scrollbarSize
    }, a.magnificPopup = {
        instance: null,
        proto: t.prototype,
        modules: [],
        open: function(b, c) {
            return A(), b = b ? a.extend(!0, {}, b) : {}, b.isObj = !0, b.index = c || 0, this.instance.open(b)
        close: function() {
            return a.magnificPopup.instance && a.magnificPopup.instance.close()
        registerModule: function(b, c) {
            c.options && (a.magnificPopup.defaults[b] = c.options), a.extend(this.proto, c.proto), this.modules.push(b)
        defaults: {
            disableOn: 0,
            key: null,
            midClick: !1,
            mainClass: "",
            preloader: !0,
            focus: "",
            closeOnContentClick: !1,
            closeOnBgClick: !0,
            closeBtnInside: !0,
            showCloseBtn: !0,
            enableEscapeKey: !0,
            modal: !1,
            alignTop: !1,
            removalDelay: 0,
            prependTo: null,
            fixedContentPos: "auto",
            fixedBgPos: "auto",
            overflowY: "auto",
            closeMarkup: '<button title="%title%" type="button" class="mfp-close">&#215;</button>',
            tClose: "Close (Esc)",
            tLoading: "Loading...",
            autoFocusLast: !0
    }, a.fn.magnificPopup = function(c) {
        var d = a(this);
        if ("string" == typeof c)
            if ("open" === c) {
                var e, f = u ? d.data("magnificPopup") : d[0].magnificPopup,
                    g = parseInt(arguments[1], 10) || 0;
                f.items ? e = f.items[g] : (e = d, f.delegate && (e = e.find(f.delegate)), e = e.eq(g)), b._openClick({
                    mfpEl: e
                }, d, f)
            } else b.isOpen && b[c].apply(b, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
        else c = a.extend(!0, {}, c), u ? d.data("magnificPopup", c) : d[0].magnificPopup = c, b.addGroup(d, c);
        return d
    var C, D, E, F = "inline",
        G = function() {
            E && (D.after(E.addClass(C)).detach(), E = null)
    a.magnificPopup.registerModule(F, {
        options: {
            hiddenClass: "hide",
            markup: "",
            tNotFound: "Content not found"
        proto: {
            initInline: function() {
                b.types.push(F), w(h + "." + F, function() {
            getInline: function(c, d) {
                if (G(), c.src) {
                    var e = b.st.inline,
                        f = a(c.src);
                    if (f.length) {
                        var g = f[0].parentNode;
                        g && g.tagName && (D || (C = e.hiddenClass, D = x(C), C = "mfp-" + C), E = f.after(D).detach().removeClass(C)), b.updateStatus("ready")
                    } else b.updateStatus("error", e.tNotFound), f = a("<div>");
                    return c.inlineElement = f, f
                return b.updateStatus("ready"), b._parseMarkup(d, {}, c), d
    var H, I = "ajax",
        J = function() {
            H && a(document.body).removeClass(H)
        K = function() {
            J(), b.req && b.req.abort()
    a.magnificPopup.registerModule(I, {
        options: {
            settings: null,
            cursor: "mfp-ajax-cur",
            tError: '<a href="%url%">The content</a> could not be loaded.'
        proto: {
            initAjax: function() {
                b.types.push(I), H = b.st.ajax.cursor, w(h + "." + I, K), w("BeforeChange." + I, K)
            getAjax: function(c) {
                H && a(document.body).addClass(H), b.updateStatus("loading");
                var d = a.extend({
                    url: c.src,
                    success: function(d, e, f) {
                        var g = {
                            data: d,
                            xhr: f
                        y("ParseAjax", g), b.appendContent(a(g.data), I), c.finished = !0, J(), b._setFocus(), setTimeout(function() {
                        }, 16), b.updateStatus("ready"), y("AjaxContentAdded")
                    error: function() {
                        J(), c.finished = c.loadError = !0, b.updateStatus("error", b.st.ajax.tError.replace("%url%", c.src))
                }, b.st.ajax.settings);
                return b.req = a.ajax(d), ""
    var L, M = function(c) {
        if (c.data && void 0 !== c.data.title) return c.data.title;
        var d = b.st.image.titleSrc;
        if (d) {
            if (a.isFunction(d)) return d.call(b, c);
            if (c.el) return c.el.attr(d) || ""
        return ""
    a.magnificPopup.registerModule("image", {
        options: {
            markup: '<div class="mfp-figure"><div class="mfp-close"></div><figure><div class="mfp-img"></div><figcaption><div class="mfp-bottom-bar"><div class="mfp-title"></div><div class="mfp-counter"></div></div></figcaption></figure></div>',
            cursor: "mfp-zoom-out-cur",
            titleSrc: "title",
            verticalFit: !0,
            tError: '<a href="%url%">The image</a> could not be loaded.'
        proto: {
            initImage: function() {
                var c = b.st.image,
                    d = ".image";
                b.types.push("image"), w(m + d, function() {
                    "image" === b.currItem.type && c.cursor && a(document.body).addClass(c.cursor)
                }), w(h + d, function() {
                    c.cursor && a(document.body).removeClass(c.cursor), v.off("resize" + p)
                }), w("Resize" + d, b.resizeImage), b.isLowIE && w("AfterChange", b.resizeImage)
            resizeImage: function() {
                var a = b.currItem;
                if (a && a.img && b.st.image.verticalFit) {
                    var c = 0;
                    b.isLowIE && (c = parseInt(a.img.css("padding-top"), 10) + parseInt(a.img.css("padding-bottom"), 10)), a.img.css("max-height", b.wH - c)
            _onImageHasSize: function(a) {
                a.img && (a.hasSize = !0, L && clearInterval(L), a.isCheckingImgSize = !1, y("ImageHasSize", a), a.imgHidden && (b.content && b.content.removeClass("mfp-loading"), a.imgHidden = !1))
            findImageSize: function(a) {
                var c = 0,
                    d = a.img[0],
                    e = function(f) {
                        L && clearInterval(L), L = setInterval(function() {
                            return d.naturalWidth > 0 ? void b._onImageHasSize(a) : (c > 200 && clearInterval(L), c++, void(3 === c ? e(10) : 40 === c ? e(50) : 100 === c && e(500)))
                        }, f)
            getImage: function(c, d) {
                var e = 0,
                    f = function() {
                        c && (c.img[0].complete ? (c.img.off(".mfploader"), c === b.currItem && (b._onImageHasSize(c), b.updateStatus("ready")), c.hasSize = !0, c.loaded = !0, y("ImageLoadComplete")) : (e++, 200 > e ? setTimeout(f, 100) : g()))
                    g = function() {
                        c && (c.img.off(".mfploader"), c === b.currItem && (b._onImageHasSize(c), b.updateStatus("error", h.tError.replace("%url%", c.src))), c.hasSize = !0, c.loaded = !0, c.loadError = !0)
                    h = b.st.image,
                    i = d.find(".mfp-img");
                if (i.length) {
                    var j = document.createElement("img");
                    j.className = "mfp-img", c.el && c.el.find("img").length && (j.alt = c.el.find("img").attr("alt")), c.img = a(j).on("load.mfploader", f).on("error.mfploader", g), j.src = c.src, i.is("img") && (c.img = c.img.clone()), j = c.img[0], j.naturalWidth > 0 ? c.hasSize = !0 : j.width || (c.hasSize = !1)
                return b._parseMarkup(d, {
                    title: M(c),
                    img_replaceWith: c.img
                }, c), b.resizeImage(), c.hasSize ? (L && clearInterval(L), c.loadError ? (d.addClass("mfp-loading"), b.updateStatus("error", h.tError.replace("%url%", c.src))) : (d.removeClass("mfp-loading"), b.updateStatus("ready")), d) : (b.updateStatus("loading"), c.loading = !0, c.hasSize || (c.imgHidden = !0, d.addClass("mfp-loading"), b.findImageSize(c)), d)
    var N, O = function() {
        return void 0 === N && (N = void 0 !== document.createElement("p").style.MozTransform), N
    a.magnificPopup.registerModule("zoom", {
        options: {
            enabled: !1,
            easing: "ease-in-out",
            duration: 300,
            opener: function(a) {
                return a.is("img") ? a : a.find("img")
        proto: {
            initZoom: function() {
                var a, c = b.st.zoom,
                    d = ".zoom";
                if (c.enabled && b.supportsTransition) {
                    var e, f, g = c.duration,
                        j = function(a) {
                            var b = a.clone().removeAttr("style").removeAttr("class").addClass("mfp-animated-image"),
                                d = "all " + c.duration / 1e3 + "s " + c.easing,
                                e = {
                                    position: "fixed",
                                    zIndex: 9999,
                                    left: 0,
                                    top: 0,
                                    "-webkit-backface-visibility": "hidden"
                                f = "transition";
                            return e["-webkit-" + f] = e["-moz-" + f] = e["-o-" + f] = e[f] = d, b.css(e), b
                        k = function() {
                            b.content.css("visibility", "visible")
                    w("BuildControls" + d, function() {
                        if (b._allowZoom()) {
                            if (clearTimeout(e), b.content.css("visibility", "hidden"), a = b._getItemToZoom(), !a) return void k();
                            f = j(a), f.css(b._getOffset()), b.wrap.append(f), e = setTimeout(function() {
                                f.css(b._getOffset(!0)), e = setTimeout(function() {
                                    k(), setTimeout(function() {
                                        f.remove(), a = f = null, y("ZoomAnimationEnded")
                                    }, 16)
                                }, g)
                            }, 16)
                    }), w(i + d, function() {
                        if (b._allowZoom()) {
                            if (clearTimeout(e), b.st.removalDelay = g, !a) {
                                if (a = b._getItemToZoom(), !a) return;
                                f = j(a)
                            f.css(b._getOffset(!0)), b.wrap.append(f), b.content.css("visibility", "hidden"), setTimeout(function() {
                            }, 16)
                    }), w(h + d, function() {
                        b._allowZoom() && (k(), f && f.remove(), a = null)
            _allowZoom: function() {
                return "image" === b.currItem.type
            _getItemToZoom: function() {
                return b.currItem.hasSize ? b.currItem.img : !1
            _getOffset: function(c) {
                var d;
                d = c ? b.currItem.img : b.st.zoom.opener(b.currItem.el || b.currItem);
                var e = d.offset(),
                    f = parseInt(d.css("padding-top"), 10),
                    g = parseInt(d.css("padding-bottom"), 10);
                e.top -= a(window).scrollTop() - f;
                var h = {
                    width: d.width(),
                    height: (u ? d.innerHeight() : d[0].offsetHeight) - g - f
                return O() ? h["-moz-transform"] = h.transform = "translate(" + e.left + "px," + e.top + "px)" : (h.left = e.left, h.top = e.top), h
    var P = "iframe",
        Q = "//about:blank",
        R = function(a) {
            if (b.currTemplate[P]) {
                var c = b.currTemplate[P].find("iframe");
                c.length && (a || (c[0].src = Q), b.isIE8 && c.css("display", a ? "block" : "none"))
    a.magnificPopup.registerModule(P, {
        options: {
            markup: '<div class="mfp-iframe-scaler"><div class="mfp-close"></div><iframe class="mfp-iframe" src="//about:blank" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>',
            srcAction: "iframe_src",
            patterns: {
                youtube: {
                    index: "youtube.com",
                    id: "v=",
                    src: "//www.youtube.com/embed/%id%?autoplay=1"
                vimeo: {
                    index: "vimeo.com/",
                    id: "/",
                    src: "//player.vimeo.com/video/%id%?autoplay=1"
                gmaps: {
                    index: "//maps.google.",
                    src: "%id%&output=embed"
        proto: {
            initIframe: function() {
                b.types.push(P), w("BeforeChange", function(a, b, c) {
                    b !== c && (b === P ? R() : c === P && R(!0))
                }), w(h + "." + P, function() {
            getIframe: function(c, d) {
                var e = c.src,
                    f = b.st.iframe;
                a.each(f.patterns, function() {
                    return e.indexOf(this.index) > -1 ? (this.id && (e = "string" == typeof this.id ? e.substr(e.lastIndexOf(this.id) + this.id.length, e.length) : this.id.call(this, e)), e = this.src.replace("%id%", e), !1) : void 0
                var g = {};
                return f.srcAction && (g[f.srcAction] = e), b._parseMarkup(d, g, c), b.updateStatus("ready"), d
    var S = function(a) {
            var c = b.items.length;
            return a > c - 1 ? a - c : 0 > a ? c + a : a
        T = function(a, b, c) {
            return a.replace(/%curr%/gi, b + 1).replace(/%total%/gi, c)
    a.magnificPopup.registerModule("gallery", {
        options: {
            enabled: !1,
            arrowMarkup: '<button title="%title%" type="button" class="mfp-arrow mfp-arrow-%dir%"></button>',
            preload: [0, 2],
            navigateByImgClick: !0,
            arrows: !0,
            tPrev: "Previous (Left arrow key)",
            tNext: "Next (Right arrow key)",
            tCounter: "%curr% of %total%"
        proto: {
            initGallery: function() {
                var c = b.st.gallery,
                    e = ".mfp-gallery";
                return b.direction = !0, c && c.enabled ? (f += " mfp-gallery", w(m + e, function() {
                    c.navigateByImgClick && b.wrap.on("click" + e, ".mfp-img", function() {
                        return b.items.length > 1 ? (b.next(), !1) : void 0
                    }), d.on("keydown" + e, function(a) {
                        37 === a.keyCode ? b.prev() : 39 === a.keyCode && b.next()
                }), w("UpdateStatus" + e, function(a, c) {
                    c.text && (c.text = T(c.text, b.currItem.index, b.items.length))
                }), w(l + e, function(a, d, e, f) {
                    var g = b.items.length;
                    e.counter = g > 1 ? T(c.tCounter, f.index, g) : ""
                }), w("BuildControls" + e, function() {
                    if (b.items.length > 1 && c.arrows && !b.arrowLeft) {
                        var d = c.arrowMarkup,
                            e = b.arrowLeft = a(d.replace(/%title%/gi, c.tPrev).replace(/%dir%/gi, "left")).addClass(s),
                            f = b.arrowRight = a(d.replace(/%title%/gi, c.tNext).replace(/%dir%/gi, "right")).addClass(s);
                        e.click(function() {
                        }), f.click(function() {
                        }), b.container.append(e.add(f))
                }), w(n + e, function() {
                    b._preloadTimeout && clearTimeout(b._preloadTimeout), b._preloadTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                        b.preloadNearbyImages(), b._preloadTimeout = null
                    }, 16)
                }), void w(h + e, function() {
                    d.off(e), b.wrap.off("click" + e), b.arrowRight = b.arrowLeft = null
                })) : !1
            next: function() {
                b.direction = !0, b.index = S(b.index + 1), b.updateItemHTML()
            prev: function() {
                b.direction = !1, b.index = S(b.index - 1), b.updateItemHTML()
            goTo: function(a) {
                b.direction = a >= b.index, b.index = a, b.updateItemHTML()
            preloadNearbyImages: function() {
                var a, c = b.st.gallery.preload,
                    d = Math.min(c[0], b.items.length),
                    e = Math.min(c[1], b.items.length);
                for (a = 1; a <= (b.direction ? e : d); a++) b._preloadItem(b.index + a);
                for (a = 1; a <= (b.direction ? d : e); a++) b._preloadItem(b.index - a)
            _preloadItem: function(c) {
                if (c = S(c), !b.items[c].preloaded) {
                    var d = b.items[c];
                    d.parsed || (d = b.parseEl(c)), y("LazyLoad", d), "image" === d.type && (d.img = a('<img class="mfp-img" />').on("load.mfploader", function() {
                        d.hasSize = !0
                    }).on("error.mfploader", function() {
                        d.hasSize = !0, d.loadError = !0, y("LazyLoadError", d)
                    }).attr("src", d.src)), d.preloaded = !0
    var U = "retina";
    a.magnificPopup.registerModule(U, {
        options: {
            replaceSrc: function(a) {
                return a.src.replace(/\.\w+$/, function(a) {
                    return "@2x" + a
            ratio: 1
        proto: {
            initRetina: function() {
                if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1) {
                    var a = b.st.retina,
                        c = a.ratio;
                    c = isNaN(c) ? c() : c, c > 1 && (w("ImageHasSize." + U, function(a, b) {
                            "max-width": b.img[0].naturalWidth / c,
                            width: "100%"
                    }), w("ElementParse." + U, function(b, d) {
                        d.src = a.replaceSrc(d, c)
    }), A()

 * jquery-match-height 0.7.0 by @liabru
 * http://brm.io/jquery-match-height/
 * License MIT
! function(t) {
    "use strict";
    "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], t) : "undefined" != typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = t(require("jquery")) : t(jQuery)
}(function(t) {
    var e = -1,
        o = -1,
        i = function(t) {
            return parseFloat(t) || 0
        a = function(e) {
            var o = 1,
                a = t(e),
                n = null,
                r = [];
            return a.each(function() {
                var e = t(this),
                    a = e.offset().top - i(e.css("margin-top")),
                    s = r.length > 0 ? r[r.length - 1] : null;
                null === s ? r.push(e) : Math.floor(Math.abs(n - a)) <= o ? r[r.length - 1] = s.add(e) : r.push(e), n = a
            }), r
        n = function(e) {
            var o = {
                byRow: !0,
                property: "height",
                target: null,
                remove: !1
            return "object" == typeof e ? t.extend(o, e) : ("boolean" == typeof e ? o.byRow = e : "remove" === e && (o.remove = !0), o)
        r = t.fn.matchHeight = function(e) {
            var o = n(e);
            if (o.remove) {
                var i = this;
                return this.css(o.property, ""), t.each(r._groups, function(t, e) {
                    e.elements = e.elements.not(i)
                }), this
            return this.length <= 1 && !o.target ? this : (r._groups.push({
                elements: this,
                options: o
            }), r._apply(this, o), this)
    r.version = "0.7.0", r._groups = [], r._throttle = 80, r._maintainScroll = !1, r._beforeUpdate = null,
        r._afterUpdate = null, r._rows = a, r._parse = i, r._parseOptions = n, r._apply = function(e, o) {
            var s = n(o),
                h = t(e),
                l = [h],
                c = t(window).scrollTop(),
                p = t("html").outerHeight(!0),
                d = h.parents().filter(":hidden");
            return d.each(function() {
                    var e = t(this);
                    e.data("style-cache", e.attr("style"))
                }), d.css("display", "block"), s.byRow && !s.target && (h.each(function() {
                    var e = t(this),
                        o = e.css("display");
                    "inline-block" !== o && "flex" !== o && "inline-flex" !== o && (o = "block"), e.data("style-cache", e.attr("style")), e.css({
                        display: o,
                        "padding-top": "0",
                        "padding-bottom": "0",
                        "margin-top": "0",
                        "margin-bottom": "0",
                        "border-top-width": "0",
                        "border-bottom-width": "0",
                        height: "100px",
                        overflow: "hidden"
                }), l = a(h), h.each(function() {
                    var e = t(this);
                    e.attr("style", e.data("style-cache") || "")
                })), t.each(l, function(e, o) {
                    var a = t(o),
                        n = 0;
                    if (s.target) n = s.target.outerHeight(!1);
                    else {
                        if (s.byRow && a.length <= 1) return void a.css(s.property, "");
                        a.each(function() {
                            var e = t(this),
                                o = e.attr("style"),
                                i = e.css("display");
                            "inline-block" !== i && "flex" !== i && "inline-flex" !== i && (i = "block");
                            var a = {
                                display: i
                            a[s.property] = "", e.css(a), e.outerHeight(!1) > n && (n = e.outerHeight(!1)), o ? e.attr("style", o) : e.css("display", "")
                    a.each(function() {
                        var e = t(this),
                            o = 0;
                        s.target && e.is(s.target) || ("border-box" !== e.css("box-sizing") && (o += i(e.css("border-top-width")) + i(e.css("border-bottom-width")), o += i(e.css("padding-top")) + i(e.css("padding-bottom"))), e.css(s.property, n - o + "px"))
                }), d.each(function() {
                    var e = t(this);
                    e.attr("style", e.data("style-cache") || null)
                }), r._maintainScroll && t(window).scrollTop(c / p * t("html").outerHeight(!0)),
        }, r._applyDataApi = function() {
            var e = {};
            t("[data-match-height], [data-mh]").each(function() {
                var o = t(this),
                    i = o.attr("data-mh") || o.attr("data-match-height");
                i in e ? e[i] = e[i].add(o) : e[i] = o
            }), t.each(e, function() {
    var s = function(e) {
        r._beforeUpdate && r._beforeUpdate(e, r._groups), t.each(r._groups, function() {
            r._apply(this.elements, this.options)
        }), r._afterUpdate && r._afterUpdate(e, r._groups)
    r._update = function(i, a) {
        if (a && "resize" === a.type) {
            var n = t(window).width();
            if (n === e) return;
            e = n;
        i ? -1 === o && (o = setTimeout(function() {
            s(a), o = -1
        }, r._throttle)) : s(a)
    }, t(r._applyDataApi), t(window).bind("load", function(t) {
        r._update(!1, t)
    }), t(window).bind("resize orientationchange", function(t) {
        r._update(!0, t)

 * segment - A little JavaScript class (without dependencies) to draw and animate SVG path strokes
 * @version v0.0.2
 * @link https://github.com/lmgonzalves/segment
 * @license MIT
function Segment(t, e, n) {
    this.path = t, this.length = t.getTotalLength(), this.path.style.strokeDashoffset = 2 * this.length, this.begin = e ? this.valueOf(e) : 0, this.end = n ? this.valueOf(n) : this.length, this.timer = null, this.draw(this.begin, this.end)
Segment.prototype = {
    draw: function(t, e, n, i) {
        if (n) {
            var s = i.hasOwnProperty("delay") ? 1e3 * parseFloat(i.delay) : 0,
                a = i.hasOwnProperty("easing") ? i.easing : null,
                h = i.hasOwnProperty("callback") ? i.callback : null,
                r = this;
            if (this.stop(), s) return delete i.delay, this.timer = setTimeout(function() {
                r.draw(t, e, n, i)
            }, s), this.timer;
            var l = new Date,
                o = 1e3 / 60,
                g = this.begin,
                f = this.end,
                u = this.valueOf(t),
                d = this.valueOf(e);
            ! function p() {
                var t = new Date,
                    e = (t - l) / 1e3,
                    i = e / parseFloat(n),
                    s = i;
                return "function" == typeof a && (s = a(s)), i > 1 ? (r.stop(), s = 1) : r.timer = setTimeout(p, o), r.begin = g + (u - g) * s, r.end = f + (d - f) * s, r.begin < 0 && (r.begin = 0), r.end > r.length && (r.end = r.length), r.begin < r.end ? r.draw(r.begin, r.end) : r.draw(r.begin + (r.end - r.begin), r.end - (r.end - r.begin)), i > 1 && "function" == typeof h ? h.call(r.context) : void 0
        } else this.path.style.strokeDasharray = this.strokeDasharray(t, e)
    strokeDasharray: function(t, e) {
        return this.begin = this.valueOf(t), this.end = this.valueOf(e), [this.length, this.length + this.begin, this.end - this.begin].join(" ")
    valueOf: function(t) {
        var e = parseFloat(t);
        if (("string" == typeof t || t instanceof String) && ~t.indexOf("%")) {
            var n;
            ~t.indexOf("+") ? (n = t.split("+"), e = this.percent(n[0]) + parseFloat(n[1])) : ~t.indexOf("-") ? (n = t.split("-"), e = this.percent(n[0]) - parseFloat(n[1])) : e = this.percent(t)
        return e
    stop: function() {
        clearTimeout(this.timer), this.timer = null
    percent: function(t) {
        return parseFloat(t) / 100 * this.length

! function(n, t) {
    "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? t(exports) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["exports"], t) : t(n.ease = {})
}(this, function(n) {
    "use strict";

    function t(n, t) {
        return null == n || isNaN(n) ? t : +n

    function u(n, u) {
        n = Math.max(1, t(n, 1)), u = t(u, .3) * A;
        var i = u * Math.asin(1 / n);
        return function(t) {
            return n * Math.pow(2, 10 * --t) * Math.sin((i - t) / u)

    function i(n, u) {
        n = Math.max(1, t(n, 1)), u = t(u, .3) * A;
        var i = u * Math.asin(1 / n);
        return function(t) {
            return n * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t - i) / u) + 1

    function r(n, u) {
        n = Math.max(1, t(n, 1)), u = 1.5 * t(u, .3) * A;
        var i = u * Math.asin(1 / n);
        return function(t) {
            return n * ((t = 2 * t - 1) < 0 ? Math.pow(2, 10 * t) * Math.sin((i - t) / u) : Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t - i) / u) + 2) / 2

    function o(n) {
        return n = t(n, 1.70158),
            function(t) {
                return t * t * ((n + 1) * t - n)

    function e(n) {
        return n = t(n, 1.70158),
            function(t) {
                return --t * t * ((n + 1) * t + n) + 1

    function c(n) {
        return n = 1.525 * t(n, 1.70158),
            function(t) {
                return ((t *= 2) < 1 ? t * t * ((n + 1) * t - n) : (t -= 2) * t * ((n + 1) * t + n) + 2) / 2

    function a(n) {
        return 1 - f(1 - n)

    function f(n) {
        return B > n ? L * n * n : D > n ? L * (n -= C) * n + E : G > n ? L * (n -= F) * n + H : L * (n -= J) * n + K

    function h(n) {
        return ((n *= 2) <= 1 ? 1 - f(1 - n) : f(n - 1) + 1) / 2

    function s(n) {
        return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - n * n)

    function M(n) {
        return Math.sqrt(1 - --n * n)

    function p(n) {
        return ((n *= 2) <= 1 ? 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - n * n) : Math.sqrt(1 - (n -= 2) * n) + 1) / 2

    function l(n) {
        return Math.pow(2, 10 * n - 10)

    function w(n) {
        return 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * n)

    function b(n) {
        return ((n *= 2) <= 1 ? Math.pow(2, 10 * n - 10) : 2 - Math.pow(2, 10 - 10 * n)) / 2

    function d(n) {
        return 1 - Math.cos(n * R)

    function y(n) {
        return Math.sin(n * R)

    function x(n) {
        return (1 - Math.cos(Q * n)) / 2

    function q(n) {
        return n * n * n

    function k(n) {
        return --n * n * n + 1

    function m(n) {
        return ((n *= 2) <= 1 ? n * n * n : (n -= 2) * n * n + 2) / 2

    function v(n) {
        return n * n

    function P(n) {
        return n * (2 - n)

    function O(n) {
        return ((n *= 2) <= 1 ? n * n : --n * (2 - n) + 1) / 2

    function g(n) {
        return +n

    function I(n) {
        return n = t(n, 3),
            function(t) {
                return Math.pow(t, n)

    function N(n) {
        return n = t(n, 3),
            function(t) {
                return 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, n)

    function j(n) {
        return n = t(n, 3),
            function(t) {
                return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? Math.pow(t, n) : 2 - Math.pow(2 - t, n)) / 2

    function z(n, t, u) {
        var i = (n += "").indexOf("-");
        return 0 > i && (n += "-in"), arguments.length > 1 && T.hasOwnProperty(n) ? T[n](t, u) : S.hasOwnProperty(n) ? S[n] : g
    var A = 1 / (2 * Math.PI),
        B = 4 / 11,
        C = 6 / 11,
        D = 8 / 11,
        E = .75,
        F = 9 / 11,
        G = 10 / 11,
        H = .9375,
        J = 21 / 22,
        K = 63 / 64,
        L = 1 / B / B,
        Q = Math.PI,
        R = Q / 2,
        S = {
            "linear-in": g,
            "linear-out": g,
            "linear-in-out": g,
            "quad-in": v,
            "quad-out": P,
            "quad-in-out": O,
            "cubic-in": q,
            "cubic-out": k,
            "cubic-in-out": m,
            "poly-in": q,
            "poly-out": k,
            "poly-in-out": m,
            "sin-in": d,
            "sin-out": y,
            "sin-in-out": x,
            "exp-in": l,
            "exp-out": w,
            "exp-in-out": b,
            "circle-in": s,
            "circle-out": M,
            "circle-in-out": p,
            "bounce-in": a,
            "bounce-out": f,
            "bounce-in-out": h,
            "back-in": o(),
            "back-out": e(),
            "back-in-out": c(),
            "elastic-in": u(),
            "elastic-out": i(),
            "elastic-in-out": r()
        T = {
            "poly-in": I,
            "poly-out": N,
            "poly-in-out": j,
            "back-in": o,
            "back-out": e,
            "back-in-out": c,
            "elastic-in": u,
            "elastic-out": i,
            "elastic-in-out": r
    n.ease = z

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Bootstrap (v4.0.0-alpha.2): collapse.js
 * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

if ("undefined" == typeof jQuery) throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery"); + function(t) {
    "use strict";
    var e = t.fn.jquery.split(" ")[0].split(".");
    if (e[0] < 2 && e[1] < 9 || 1 == e[0] && 9 == e[1] && e[2] < 1 || e[0] > 3) throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 4")
}(jQuery), + function(t) {
    "use strict";

    function e(e) {
        var a, s = e.attr("data-target") || (a = e.attr("href")) && a.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, "");
        return t(s)

    function a(e) {
        return this.each(function() {
            var a = t(this),
                i = a.data("bs.collapse"),
                n = t.extend({}, s.DEFAULTS, a.data(), "object" == typeof e && e);
            !i && n.toggle && /show|hide/.test(e) && (n.toggle = !1), i || a.data("bs.collapse", i = new s(this, n)), "string" == typeof e && i[e]()
    var s = function(e, a) {
        this.$element = t(e), this.options = t.extend({}, s.DEFAULTS, a), this.$trigger = t('[data-toggle="collapse"][href="#' + e.id + '"],[data-toggle="collapse"][data-target="#' + e.id + '"]'), this.transitioning = null, this.options.parent ? this.$parent = this.getParent() : this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(this.$element, this.$trigger), this.options.toggle && this.toggle()
    s.VERSION = "3.3.7", s.TRANSITION_DURATION = 350, s.DEFAULTS = {
        toggle: !0
    }, s.prototype.dimension = function() {
        var t = this.$element.hasClass("width");
        return t ? "width" : "height"
    }, s.prototype.show = function() {
        if (!this.transitioning && !this.$element.hasClass("in")) {
            var e, i = this.$parent && this.$parent.children(".panel").children(".in, .collapsing");
            if (!(i && i.length && (e = i.data("bs.collapse"), e && e.transitioning))) {
                var n = t.Event("show.bs.collapse");
                if (this.$element.trigger(n), !n.isDefaultPrevented()) {
                    i && i.length && (a.call(i, "hide"), e || i.data("bs.collapse", null));
                    var r = this.dimension();
                    this.$element.removeClass("collapse").addClass("collapsing")[r](0).attr("aria-expanded", !0), this.$trigger.removeClass("collapsed").attr("aria-expanded", !0), this.transitioning = 1;
                    var l = function() {
                        this.$element.removeClass("collapsing").addClass("collapse in")[r](""), this.transitioning = 0, this.$element.trigger("shown.bs.collapse")
                    if (!t.support.transition) return l.call(this);
                    var o = t.camelCase(["scroll", r].join("-"));
                    this.$element.one("bsTransitionEnd", t.proxy(l, this)).emulateTransitionEnd(s.TRANSITION_DURATION)[r](this.$element[0][o])
    }, s.prototype.hide = function() {
        if (!this.transitioning && this.$element.hasClass("in")) {
            var e = t.Event("hide.bs.collapse");
            if (this.$element.trigger(e), !e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
                var a = this.dimension();
                this.$element[a](this.$element[a]())[0].offsetHeight, this.$element.addClass("collapsing").removeClass("collapse in").attr("aria-expanded", !1), this.$trigger.addClass("collapsed").attr("aria-expanded", !1), this.transitioning = 1;
                var i = function() {
                    this.transitioning = 0, this.$element.removeClass("collapsing").addClass("collapse").trigger("hidden.bs.collapse")
                return t.support.transition ? void this.$element[a](0).one("bsTransitionEnd", t.proxy(i, this)).emulateTransitionEnd(s.TRANSITION_DURATION) : i.call(this)
    }, s.prototype.toggle = function() {
        this[this.$element.hasClass("in") ? "hide" : "show"]()
    }, s.prototype.getParent = function() {
        return t(this.options.parent).find('[data-toggle="collapse"][data-parent="' + this.options.parent + '"]').each(t.proxy(function(a, s) {
            var i = t(s);
            this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(e(i), i)
        }, this)).end()
    }, s.prototype.addAriaAndCollapsedClass = function(t, e) {
        var a = t.hasClass("in");
        t.attr("aria-expanded", a), e.toggleClass("collapsed", !a).attr("aria-expanded", a)
    var i = t.fn.collapse;
    t.fn.collapse = a, t.fn.collapse.Constructor = s, t.fn.collapse.noConflict = function() {
        return t.fn.collapse = i, this
    }, t(document).on("click.bs.collapse.data-api", '[data-toggle="collapse"]', function(s) {
        var i = t(this);
        i.attr("data-target") || s.preventDefault();
        var n = e(i),
            r = n.data("bs.collapse"),
            l = r ? "toggle" : i.data();
        a.call(n, l)

if ("undefined" == typeof jQuery) throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery"); + function(n) {
    "use strict";
    var t = n.fn.jquery.split(" ")[0].split(".");
    if (t[0] < 2 && t[1] < 9 || 1 == t[0] && 9 == t[1] && t[2] < 1 || t[0] > 3) throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 4")
}(jQuery), + function(n) {
    "use strict";

    function t() {
        var n = document.createElement("bootstrap"),
            t = {
                WebkitTransition: "webkitTransitionEnd",
                MozTransition: "transitionend",
                OTransition: "oTransitionEnd otransitionend",
                transition: "transitionend"
        for (var i in t)
            if (void 0 !== n.style[i]) return {
                end: t[i]
        return !1
    n.fn.emulateTransitionEnd = function(t) {
        var i = !1,
            r = this;
        n(this).one("bsTransitionEnd", function() {
            i = !0
        var e = function() {
            i || n(r).trigger(n.support.transition.end)
        return setTimeout(e, t), this
    }, n(function() {
        n.support.transition = t(), n.support.transition && (n.event.special.bsTransitionEnd = {
            bindType: n.support.transition.end,
            delegateType: n.support.transition.end,
            handle: function(t) {
                return n(t.target).is(this) ? t.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments) : void 0

if ("undefined" == typeof jQuery) throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery"); + function(t) {
    "use strict";
    var e = t.fn.jquery.split(" ")[0].split(".");
    if (e[0] < 2 && e[1] < 9 || 1 == e[0] && 9 == e[1] && e[2] < 1 || e[0] > 3) throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 4")
}(jQuery), + function(t) {
    "use strict";

    function e(e) {
        return this.each(function() {
            var n = t(this),
                r = n.data("bs.tab");
            r || n.data("bs.tab", r = new a(this)), "string" == typeof e && r[e]()
    var a = function(e) {
        this.element = t(e)
    a.VERSION = "3.3.7", a.TRANSITION_DURATION = 150, a.prototype.show = function() {
        var e = this.element,
            a = e.closest("ul:not(.dropdown-menu)"),
            n = e.data("target");
        if (n || (n = e.attr("href"), n = n && n.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, "")), !e.parent("li").hasClass("active")) {
            var r = a.find(".active:last a"),
                i = t.Event("hide.bs.tab", {
                    relatedTarget: e[0]
                s = t.Event("show.bs.tab", {
                    relatedTarget: r[0]
            if (r.trigger(i), e.trigger(s), !s.isDefaultPrevented() && !i.isDefaultPrevented()) {
                var o = t(n);
                this.activate(e.closest("li"), a), this.activate(o, o.parent(), function() {
                        type: "hidden.bs.tab",
                        relatedTarget: e[0]
                    }), e.trigger({
                        type: "shown.bs.tab",
                        relatedTarget: r[0]
    }, a.prototype.activate = function(e, n, r) {
        function i() {
            s.removeClass("active").find("> .dropdown-menu > .active").removeClass("active").end().find('[data-toggle="tab"]').attr("aria-expanded", !1), e.addClass("active").find('[data-toggle="tab"]').attr("aria-expanded", !0), o ? (e[0].offsetWidth, e.addClass("in")) : e.removeClass("fade"), e.parent(".dropdown-menu").length && e.closest("li.dropdown").addClass("active").end().find('[data-toggle="tab"]').attr("aria-expanded", !0), r && r()
        var s = n.find("> .active"),
            o = r && t.support.transition && (s.length && s.hasClass("fade") || !!n.find("> .fade").length);
        s.length && o ? s.one("bsTransitionEnd", i).emulateTransitionEnd(a.TRANSITION_DURATION) : i(), s.removeClass("in")
    var n = t.fn.tab;
    t.fn.tab = e, t.fn.tab.Constructor = a, t.fn.tab.noConflict = function() {
        return t.fn.tab = n, this
    var r = function(a) {
        a.preventDefault(), e.call(t(this), "show")
    t(document).on("click.bs.tab.data-api", '[data-toggle="tab"]', r).on("click.bs.tab.data-api", '[data-toggle="pill"]', r)

*  jquery-circle-progress - jQuery Plugin to draw animated circular progress bars

 URL: http://kottenator.github.io/jquery-circle-progress/
 Author: Rostyslav Bryzgunov <kottenator@gmail.com>
 Version: 1.1.3
 License: MIT

! function(i) {
    function t(i) {
    t.prototype = {
        value: 0,
        size: 100,
        startAngle: -Math.PI,
        thickness: "auto",
        fill: {
            gradient: ["#3aeabb", "#fdd250"]
        emptyFill: "rgba(0, 0, 0, .1)",
        animation: {
            duration: 1200,
            easing: "circleProgressEasing"
        animationStartValue: 0,
        reverse: !1,
        lineCap: "butt",
        constructor: t,
        el: null,
        canvas: null,
        ctx: null,
        radius: 0,
        arcFill: null,
        lastFrameValue: 0,
        init: function(t) {
            i.extend(this, t), this.radius = this.size / 2, this.initWidget(), this.initFill(), this.draw()
        initWidget: function() {
            var t = this.canvas = this.canvas || i("<canvas>").prependTo(this.el)[0];
            t.width = this.size, t.height = this.size, this.ctx = t.getContext("2d")
        initFill: function() {
            function t() {
                var t = i("<canvas>")[0];
                t.width = e.size, t.height = e.size, t.getContext("2d").drawImage(g, 0, 0, r, r), e.arcFill = e.ctx.createPattern(t, "no-repeat"), e.drawFrame(e.lastFrameValue)
            var e = this,
                a = this.fill,
                n = this.ctx,
                r = this.size;
            if (!a) throw Error("The fill is not specified!");
            if (a.color && (this.arcFill = a.color), a.gradient) {
                var s = a.gradient;
                if (1 == s.length) this.arcFill = s[0];
                else if (s.length > 1) {
                    for (var l = a.gradientAngle || 0, h = a.gradientDirection || [r / 2 * (1 - Math.cos(l)), r / 2 * (1 + Math.sin(l)), r / 2 * (1 + Math.cos(l)), r / 2 * (1 - Math.sin(l))], o = n.createLinearGradient.apply(n, h), c = 0; c < s.length; c++) {
                        var d = s[c],
                            u = c / (s.length - 1);
                        i.isArray(d) && (u = d[1], d = d[0]), o.addColorStop(u, d)
                    this.arcFill = o
            if (a.image) {
                var g;
                a.image instanceof Image ? g = a.image : (g = new Image, g.src = a.image), g.complete ? t() : g.onload = t
        draw: function() {
            this.animation ? this.drawAnimated(this.value) : this.drawFrame(this.value)
        drawFrame: function(i) {
            this.lastFrameValue = i, this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.size, this.size), this.drawEmptyArc(i), this.drawArc(i)
        drawArc: function(i) {
            var t = this.ctx,
                e = this.radius,
                a = this.getThickness(),
                n = this.startAngle;
            t.save(), t.beginPath(), this.reverse ? t.arc(e, e, e - a / 2, n - 2 * Math.PI * i, n) : t.arc(e, e, e - a / 2, n, n + 2 * Math.PI * i), t.lineWidth = a, t.lineCap = this.lineCap, t.strokeStyle = this.arcFill, t.stroke(), t.restore()
        drawEmptyArc: function(i) {
            var t = this.ctx,
                e = this.radius,
                a = this.getThickness(),
                n = this.startAngle;
            1 > i && (t.save(), t.beginPath(), 0 >= i ? t.arc(e, e, e - a / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI) : this.reverse ? t.arc(e, e, e - a / 2, n, n - 2 * Math.PI * i) : t.arc(e, e, e - a / 2, n + 2 * Math.PI * i, n), t.lineWidth = a, t.strokeStyle = this.emptyFill, t.stroke(), t.restore())
        drawAnimated: function(t) {
            var e = this,
                a = this.el,
                n = i(this.canvas);
            n.stop(!0, !1), a.trigger("circle-animation-start"), n.css({
                animationProgress: 0
                animationProgress: 1
            }, i.extend({}, this.animation, {
                step: function(i) {
                    var n = e.animationStartValue * (1 - i) + t * i;
                    e.drawFrame(n), a.trigger("circle-animation-progress", [i, n])
            })).promise().always(function() {
        getThickness: function() {
            return i.isNumeric(this.thickness) ? this.thickness : this.size / 14
        getValue: function() {
            return this.value
        setValue: function(i) {
            this.animation && (this.animationStartValue = this.lastFrameValue), this.value = i, this.draw()
    }, i.circleProgress = {
        defaults: t.prototype
    }, i.easing.circleProgressEasing = function(i, t, e, a, n) {
        return (t /= n / 2) < 1 ? a / 2 * t * t * t + e : a / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t + 2) + e
    }, i.fn.circleProgress = function(e, a) {
        var n = "circle-progress",
            r = this.data(n);
        if ("widget" == e) {
            if (!r) throw Error('Calling "widget" method on not initialized instance is forbidden');
            return r.canvas
        if ("value" == e) {
            if (!r) throw Error('Calling "value" method on not initialized instance is forbidden');
            if ("undefined" == typeof a) return r.getValue();
            var s = arguments[1];
            return this.each(function() {
        return this.each(function() {
            var a = i(this),
                r = a.data(n),
                s = i.isPlainObject(e) ? e : {};
            if (r) r.init(s);
            else {
                var l = i.extend({}, a.data());
                "string" == typeof l.fill && (l.fill = JSON.parse(l.fill)), "string" == typeof l.animation && (l.animation = JSON.parse(l.animation)), s = i.extend(l, s), s.el = a, r = new t(s), a.data(n, r)

 * headroom.js v0.9.3 - Give your page some headroom. Hide your header until you need it
 * Copyright (c) 2016 Nick Williams - http://wicky.nillia.ms/headroom.js
 * License: MIT

! function(a, b) {
    "use strict";
    "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], b) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = b() : a.Headroom = b()
}(this, function() {
    "use strict";

    function a(a) {
        this.callback = a, this.ticking = !1

    function b(a) {
        return a && "undefined" != typeof window && (a === window || a.nodeType)

    function c(a) {
        if (arguments.length <= 0) throw new Error("Missing arguments in extend function");
        var d, e, f = a || {};
        for (e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) {
            var g = arguments[e] || {};
            for (d in g) "object" != typeof f[d] || b(f[d]) ? f[d] = f[d] || g[d] : f[d] = c(f[d], g[d])
        return f

    function d(a) {
        return a === Object(a) ? a : {
            down: a,
            up: a

    function e(a, b) {
        b = c(b, e.options), this.lastKnownScrollY = 0, this.elem = a, this.tolerance = d(b.tolerance), this.classes = b.classes, this.offset = b.offset, this.scroller = b.scroller, this.initialised = !1, this.onPin = b.onPin, this.onUnpin = b.onUnpin, this.onTop = b.onTop, this.onNotTop = b.onNotTop, this.onBottom = b.onBottom, this.onNotBottom = b.onNotBottom
    var f = {
        bind: !! function() {}.bind,
        classList: "classList" in document.documentElement,
        rAF: !!(window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame)
    return window.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame, a.prototype = {
        constructor: a,
        update: function() {
            this.callback && this.callback(), this.ticking = !1
        requestTick: function() {
            this.ticking || (requestAnimationFrame(this.rafCallback || (this.rafCallback = this.update.bind(this))), this.ticking = !0)
        handleEvent: function() {
    }, e.prototype = {
        constructor: e,
        init: function() {
            return e.cutsTheMustard ? (this.debouncer = new a(this.update.bind(this)), this.elem.classList.add(this.classes.initial), setTimeout(this.attachEvent.bind(this), 100), this) : void 0
        destroy: function() {
            var a = this.classes;
            this.initialised = !1, this.elem.classList.remove(a.unpinned, a.pinned, a.top, a.notTop, a.initial), this.scroller.removeEventListener("scroll", this.debouncer, !1)
        attachEvent: function() {
            this.initialised || (this.lastKnownScrollY = this.getScrollY(), this.initialised = !0, this.scroller.addEventListener("scroll", this.debouncer, !1), this.debouncer.handleEvent())
        unpin: function() {
            var a = this.elem.classList,
                b = this.classes;
            !a.contains(b.pinned) && a.contains(b.unpinned) || (a.add(b.unpinned), a.remove(b.pinned), this.onUnpin && this.onUnpin.call(this))
        pin: function() {
            var a = this.elem.classList,
                b = this.classes;
            a.contains(b.unpinned) && (a.remove(b.unpinned), a.add(b.pinned), this.onPin && this.onPin.call(this))
        top: function() {
            var a = this.elem.classList,
                b = this.classes;
            a.contains(b.top) || (a.add(b.top), a.remove(b.notTop), this.onTop && this.onTop.call(this))
        notTop: function() {
            var a = this.elem.classList,
                b = this.classes;
            a.contains(b.notTop) || (a.add(b.notTop), a.remove(b.top), this.onNotTop && this.onNotTop.call(this))
        bottom: function() {
            var a = this.elem.classList,
                b = this.classes;
            a.contains(b.bottom) || (a.add(b.bottom), a.remove(b.notBottom), this.onBottom && this.onBottom.call(this))
        notBottom: function() {
            var a = this.elem.classList,
                b = this.classes;
            a.contains(b.notBottom) || (a.add(b.notBottom), a.remove(b.bottom), this.onNotBottom && this.onNotBottom.call(this))
        getScrollY: function() {
            return void 0 !== this.scroller.pageYOffset ? this.scroller.pageYOffset : void 0 !== this.scroller.scrollTop ? this.scroller.scrollTop : (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollTop
        getViewportHeight: function() {
            return window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight
        getElementPhysicalHeight: function(a) {
            return Math.max(a.offsetHeight, a.clientHeight)
        getScrollerPhysicalHeight: function() {
            return this.scroller === window || this.scroller === document.body ? this.getViewportHeight() : this.getElementPhysicalHeight(this.scroller)
        getDocumentHeight: function() {
            var a = document.body,
                b = document.documentElement;
            return Math.max(a.scrollHeight, b.scrollHeight, a.offsetHeight, b.offsetHeight, a.clientHeight, b.clientHeight)
        getElementHeight: function(a) {
            return Math.max(a.scrollHeight, a.offsetHeight, a.clientHeight)
        getScrollerHeight: function() {
            return this.scroller === window || this.scroller === document.body ? this.getDocumentHeight() : this.getElementHeight(this.scroller)
        isOutOfBounds: function(a) {
            var b = 0 > a,
                c = a + this.getScrollerPhysicalHeight() > this.getScrollerHeight();
            return b || c
        toleranceExceeded: function(a, b) {
            return Math.abs(a - this.lastKnownScrollY) >= this.tolerance[b]
        shouldUnpin: function(a, b) {
            var c = a > this.lastKnownScrollY,
                d = a >= this.offset;
            return c && d && b
        shouldPin: function(a, b) {
            var c = a < this.lastKnownScrollY,
                d = a <= this.offset;
            return c && b || d
        update: function() {
            var a = this.getScrollY(),
                b = a > this.lastKnownScrollY ? "down" : "up",
                c = this.toleranceExceeded(a, b);
            this.isOutOfBounds(a) || (a <= this.offset ? this.top() : this.notTop(), a + this.getViewportHeight() >= this.getScrollerHeight() ? this.bottom() : this.notBottom(), this.shouldUnpin(a, c) ? this.unpin() : this.shouldPin(a, c) && this.pin(), this.lastKnownScrollY = a)
    }, e.options = {
        tolerance: {
            up: 0,
            down: 0
        offset: 0,
        scroller: window,
        classes: {
            pinned: "headroom--pinned",
            unpinned: "headroom--unpinned",
            top: "headroom--top",
            notTop: "headroom--not-top",
            bottom: "headroom--bottom",
            notBottom: "headroom--not-bottom",
            initial: "headroom"
    }, e.cutsTheMustard = "undefined" != typeof f && f.rAF && f.bind && f.classList, e

/*jQuery adaper for headroom JS*/
! function(o) {
    o && (o.fn.headroom = function(e) {
        return this.each(function() {
            var t = o(this),
                n = t.data("headroom"),
                a = "object" == typeof e && e;
            a = o.extend(!0, {}, Headroom.options, a), n || (n = new Headroom(this, a), n.init(), t.data("headroom", n)), "string" == typeof e && (n[e](), "destroy" === e && t.removeData("headroom"))
}(window.Zepto || window.jQuery);

/*! smooth-scroll v10.0.1 | (c) 2016 Chris Ferdinandi | MIT License | http://github.com/cferdinandi/smooth-scroll */
! function(e, t) {
    "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], t(e)) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = t(e) : e.smoothScroll = t(e)
}("undefined" != typeof global ? global : this.window || this.global, function(e) {
    "use strict";
    var t, n, o, r, a, i, u, c = {},
        l = "querySelector" in document && "addEventListener" in e,
        s = {
            selector: "[data-scroll]",
            selectorHeader: null,
            speed: 500,
            easing: "easeInOutCubic",
            offset: 0,
            callback: function() {}
        f = function() {
            var e = {},
                t = !1,
                n = 0,
                o = arguments.length;
            "[object Boolean]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(arguments[0]) && (t = arguments[0], n++);
            for (var r = function(n) {
                    for (var o in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, o) && (t && "[object Object]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(n[o]) ? e[o] = f(!0, e[o], n[o]) : e[o] = n[o])
                }; o > n; n++) {
                var a = arguments[n];
            return e
        d = function(e) {
            return Math.max(e.scrollHeight, e.offsetHeight, e.clientHeight)
        h = function(e, t) {
            var n, o, r = t.charAt(0),
                a = "classList" in document.documentElement;
            for ("[" === r && (t = t.substr(1, t.length - 2), n = t.split("="), n.length > 1 && (o = !0, n[1] = n[1].replace(/"/g, "").replace(/'/g, ""))); e && e !== document && 1 === e.nodeType; e = e.parentNode) {
                if ("." === r)
                    if (a) {
                        if (e.classList.contains(t.substr(1))) return e
                    } else if (new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + t.substr(1) + "(\\s|$)").test(e.className)) return e;
                if ("#" === r && e.id === t.substr(1)) return e;
                if ("[" === r && e.hasAttribute(n[0])) {
                    if (!o) return e;
                    if (e.getAttribute(n[0]) === n[1]) return e
                if (e.tagName.toLowerCase() === t) return e
            return null
        m = function(e) {
            "#" === e.charAt(0) && (e = e.substr(1));
            for (var t, n = String(e), o = n.length, r = -1, a = "", i = n.charCodeAt(0); ++r < o;) {
                if (t = n.charCodeAt(r), 0 === t) throw new InvalidCharacterError("Invalid character: the input contains U+0000.");
                a += t >= 1 && 31 >= t || 127 == t || 0 === r && t >= 48 && 57 >= t || 1 === r && t >= 48 && 57 >= t && 45 === i ? "\\" + t.toString(16) + " " : t >= 128 || 45 === t || 95 === t || t >= 48 && 57 >= t || t >= 65 && 90 >= t || t >= 97 && 122 >= t ? n.charAt(r) : "\\" + n.charAt(r)
            return "#" + a
        g = function(e, t) {
            var n;
            return "easeInQuad" === e && (n = t * t), "easeOutQuad" === e && (n = t * (2 - t)), "easeInOutQuad" === e && (n = .5 > t ? 2 * t * t : -1 + (4 - 2 * t) * t), "easeInCubic" === e && (n = t * t * t), "easeOutCubic" === e && (n = --t * t * t + 1), "easeInOutCubic" === e && (n = .5 > t ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1), "easeInQuart" === e && (n = t * t * t * t), "easeOutQuart" === e && (n = 1 - --t * t * t * t), "easeInOutQuart" === e && (n = .5 > t ? 8 * t * t * t * t : 1 - 8 * --t * t * t * t), "easeInQuint" === e && (n = t * t * t * t * t), "easeOutQuint" === e && (n = 1 + --t * t * t * t * t), "easeInOutQuint" === e && (n = .5 > t ? 16 * t * t * t * t * t : 1 + 16 * --t * t * t * t * t), n || t
        p = function(e, t, n) {
            var o = 0;
            if (e.offsetParent)
                do o += e.offsetTop, e = e.offsetParent; while (e);
            return o = Math.max(o - t - n, 0), Math.min(o, v() - b())
        b = function() {
            return Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, e.innerHeight || 0)
        v = function() {
            return Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight, document.body.offsetHeight, document.documentElement.offsetHeight, document.body.clientHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight)
        y = function(e) {
            return e && "object" == typeof JSON && "function" == typeof JSON.parse ? JSON.parse(e) : {}
        O = function(e) {
            return e ? d(e) + e.offsetTop : 0
        H = function(t, n, o) {
            o || (t.focus(), document.activeElement.id !== t.id && (t.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"), t.focus(), t.style.outline = "none"), e.scrollTo(0, n))
    c.animateScroll = function(n, o, i) {
        var c = y(o ? o.getAttribute("data-options") : null),
            l = f(t || s, i || {}, c),
            d = "[object Number]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(n) ? !0 : !1,
            h = d || !n.tagName ? null : n;
        if (d || h) {
            var m = e.pageYOffset;
            l.selectorHeader && !r && (r = document.querySelector(l.selectorHeader)), a || (a = O(r));
            var b, I, S = d ? n : p(h, a, parseInt(l.offset, 10)),
                E = S - m,
                A = v(),
                j = 0,
                L = function(t, r, a) {
                    var i = e.pageYOffset;
                    (t == r || i == r || e.innerHeight + i >= A) && (clearInterval(a), H(n, r, d), l.callback(n, o))
                w = function() {
                    j += 16, b = j / parseInt(l.speed, 10), b = b > 1 ? 1 : b, I = m + E * g(l.easing, b), e.scrollTo(0, Math.floor(I)), L(I, S, u)
                C = function() {
                    clearInterval(u), u = setInterval(w, 16)
            0 === e.pageYOffset && e.scrollTo(0, 0), C()
    var I = function(t) {
            n && (n.id = n.getAttribute("data-scroll-id"), c.animateScroll(n, o), n = null, o = null)
        S = function(r) {
            if (0 === r.button && !r.metaKey && !r.ctrlKey && (o = h(r.target, t.selector), o && "a" === o.tagName.toLowerCase() && o.hostname === e.location.hostname && o.pathname === e.location.pathname && /#/.test(o.href))) {
                var a = m(o.hash);
                if ("#" === a) {
                    r.preventDefault(), n = document.body;
                    var i = n.id ? n.id : "smooth-scroll-top";
                    return n.setAttribute("data-scroll-id", i), n.id = "", void(e.location.hash.substring(1) === i ? I() : e.location.hash = i)
                n = document.querySelector(a), n && (n.setAttribute("data-scroll-id", n.id), n.id = "", o.hash === e.location.hash && (r.preventDefault(), I()))
        E = function(e) {
            i || (i = setTimeout(function() {
                i = null, a = O(r)
            }, 66))
    return c.destroy = function() {
        t && (document.removeEventListener("click", S, !1), e.removeEventListener("resize", E, !1), t = null, n = null, o = null, r = null, a = null, i = null, u = null)
    }, c.init = function(n) {
        l && (c.destroy(), t = f(s, n || {}), r = t.selectorHeader ? document.querySelector(t.selectorHeader) : null, a = O(r), document.addEventListener("click", S, !1), e.addEventListener("hashchange", I, !1), r && e.addEventListener("resize", E, !1))
    }, c

/*  jQuery Nice Select - v1.0
 Made by Hernán Sartorio  */
! function(e) {
    e.fn.niceSelect = function(t) {
        function s(t) {
            t.after(e("<div></div>").addClass("nice-select").addClass(t.attr("class") || "").addClass(t.attr("disabled") ? "disabled" : "").attr("tabindex", t.attr("disabled") ? null : "0").html('<span class="current"></span><ul class="list"></ul>'));
            var s = t.next(),
                n = t.find("option"),
                i = t.find("option:selected");
            s.find(".current").html(i.data("display") || i.text()), n.each(function(t) {
                var n = e(this),
                    i = n.data("display");
                s.find("ul").append(e("<li></li>").attr("data-value", n.val()).attr("data-display", i || null).addClass("option" + (n.is(":selected") ? " selected" : "") + (n.is(":disabled") ? " disabled" : "")).html(n.text()))
        if ("string" == typeof t) return "update" == t ? this.each(function() {
            var t = e(this),
                n = e(this).next(".nice-select"),
                i = n.hasClass("open");
            n.length && (n.remove(), s(t), i && t.next().trigger("click"))
        }) : "destroy" == t ? (this.each(function() {
            var t = e(this),
                s = e(this).next(".nice-select");
            s.length && (s.remove(), t.css("display", ""))
        }), 0 == e(".nice-select").length && e(document).off(".nice_select")) : console.log('Method "' + t + '" does not exist.'), this;
        this.hide(), this.each(function() {
            var t = e(this);
            t.next().hasClass("nice-select") || s(t)
        }), e(document).off(".nice_select"), e(document).on("click.nice_select", ".nice-select", function(t) {
            var s = e(this);
            e(".nice-select").not(s).removeClass("open"), s.toggleClass("open"), s.hasClass("open") ? (s.find(".option"), s.find(".focus").removeClass("focus"), s.find(".selected").addClass("focus")) : s.focus()
        }), e(document).on("click.nice_select", function(t) {
            0 === e(t.target).closest(".nice-select").length && e(".nice-select").removeClass("open").find(".option")
        }), e(document).on("click.nice_select", ".nice-select .option:not(.disabled)", function(t) {
            var s = e(this),
                n = s.closest(".nice-select");
            n.find(".selected").removeClass("selected"), s.addClass("selected");
            var i = s.data("display") || s.text();
            n.find(".current").text(i), n.prev("select").val(s.data("value")).trigger("change")
        }), e(document).on("keydown.nice_select", ".nice-select", function(t) {
            var s = e(this),
                n = e(s.find(".focus") || s.find(".list .option.selected"));
            if (32 == t.keyCode || 13 == t.keyCode) return s.hasClass("open") ? n.trigger("click") : s.trigger("click"), !1;
            if (40 == t.keyCode) {
                if (s.hasClass("open")) {
                    var i = n.nextAll(".option:not(.disabled)").first();
                    i.length > 0 && (s.find(".focus").removeClass("focus"), i.addClass("focus"))
                } else s.trigger("click");
                return !1
            if (38 == t.keyCode) {
                if (s.hasClass("open")) {
                    var l = n.prevAll(".option:not(.disabled)").first();
                    l.length > 0 && (s.find(".focus").removeClass("focus"), l.addClass("focus"))
                } else s.trigger("click");
                return !1
            if (27 == t.keyCode) s.hasClass("open") && s.trigger("click");
            else if (9 == t.keyCode && s.hasClass("open")) return !1
        var n = document.createElement("a").style;
        return n.cssText = "pointer-events:auto", "auto" !== n.pointerEvents && e("html").addClass("no-csspointerevents"), this

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0