
Mini Shell

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Current File : /home/importfo/public_html/inddigmedia.in/jss/velocity.min.js

/*! VelocityJS.org (1.2.3). (C) 2014 Julian Shapiro. MIT @license: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License */
/*! VelocityJS.org jQuery Shim (1.0.1). (C) 2014 The jQuery Foundation. MIT @license: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License. */
! function(a) {
    function b(a) {
        var b = a.length,
            d = c.type(a);
        return "function" === d || c.isWindow(a) ? !1 : 1 === a.nodeType && b ? !0 : "array" === d || 0 === b || "number" == typeof b && b > 0 && b - 1 in a
    if (!a.jQuery) {
        var c = function(a, b) {
            return new c.fn.init(a, b)
        c.isWindow = function(a) {
            return null != a && a == a.window
        }, c.type = function(a) {
            return null == a ? a + "" : "object" == typeof a || "function" == typeof a ? e[g.call(a)] || "object" : typeof a
        }, c.isArray = Array.isArray || function(a) {
            return "array" === c.type(a)
        }, c.isPlainObject = function(a) {
            var b;
            if (!a || "object" !== c.type(a) || a.nodeType || c.isWindow(a)) return !1;
            try {
                if (a.constructor && !f.call(a, "constructor") && !f.call(a.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf")) return !1
            } catch (d) {
                return !1
            for (b in a);
            return void 0 === b || f.call(a, b)
        }, c.each = function(a, c, d) {
            var e, f = 0,
                g = a.length,
                h = b(a);
            if (d) {
                if (h)
                    for (; g > f && (e = c.apply(a[f], d), e !== !1); f++);
                    for (f in a)
                        if (e = c.apply(a[f], d), e === !1) break
            } else if (h)
                for (; g > f && (e = c.call(a[f], f, a[f]), e !== !1); f++);
                for (f in a)
                    if (e = c.call(a[f], f, a[f]), e === !1) break;
            return a
        }, c.data = function(a, b, e) {
            if (void 0 === e) {
                var f = a[c.expando],
                    g = f && d[f];
                if (void 0 === b) return g;
                if (g && b in g) return g[b]
            } else if (void 0 !== b) {
                var f = a[c.expando] || (a[c.expando] = ++c.uuid);
                return d[f] = d[f] || {}, d[f][b] = e, e
        }, c.removeData = function(a, b) {
            var e = a[c.expando],
                f = e && d[e];
            f && c.each(b, function(a, b) {
                delete f[b]
        }, c.extend = function() {
            var a, b, d, e, f, g, h = arguments[0] || {},
                i = 1,
                j = arguments.length,
                k = !1;
            for ("boolean" == typeof h && (k = h, h = arguments[i] || {}, i++), "object" != typeof h && "function" !== c.type(h) && (h = {}), i === j && (h = this, i--); j > i; i++)
                if (null != (f = arguments[i]))
                    for (e in f) a = h[e], d = f[e], h !== d && (k && d && (c.isPlainObject(d) || (b = c.isArray(d))) ? (b ? (b = !1, g = a && c.isArray(a) ? a : []) : g = a && c.isPlainObject(a) ? a : {}, h[e] = c.extend(k, g, d)) : void 0 !== d && (h[e] = d));
            return h
        }, c.queue = function(a, d, e) {
            function f(a, c) {
                var d = c || [];
                return null != a && (b(Object(a)) ? ! function(a, b) {
                    for (var c = +b.length, d = 0, e = a.length; c > d;) a[e++] = b[d++];
                    if (c !== c)
                        for (; void 0 !== b[d];) a[e++] = b[d++];
                    return a.length = e, a
                }(d, "string" == typeof a ? [a] : a) : [].push.call(d, a)), d
            if (a) {
                d = (d || "fx") + "queue";
                var g = c.data(a, d);
                return e ? (!g || c.isArray(e) ? g = c.data(a, d, f(e)) : g.push(e), g) : g || []
        }, c.dequeue = function(a, b) {
            c.each(a.nodeType ? [a] : a, function(a, d) {
                b = b || "fx";
                var e = c.queue(d, b),
                    f = e.shift();
                "inprogress" === f && (f = e.shift()), f && ("fx" === b && e.unshift("inprogress"), f.call(d, function() {
                    c.dequeue(d, b)
        }, c.fn = c.prototype = {
            init: function(a) {
                if (a.nodeType) return this[0] = a, this;
                throw new Error("Not a DOM node.")
            offset: function() {
                var b = this[0].getBoundingClientRect ? this[0].getBoundingClientRect() : {
                    top: 0,
                    left: 0
                return {
                    top: b.top + (a.pageYOffset || document.scrollTop || 0) - (document.clientTop || 0),
                    left: b.left + (a.pageXOffset || document.scrollLeft || 0) - (document.clientLeft || 0)
            position: function() {
                function a() {
                    for (var a = this.offsetParent || document; a && "html" === !a.nodeType.toLowerCase && "static" === a.style.position;) a = a.offsetParent;
                    return a || document
                var b = this[0],
                    a = a.apply(b),
                    d = this.offset(),
                    e = /^(?:body|html)$/i.test(a.nodeName) ? {
                        top: 0,
                        left: 0
                    } : c(a).offset();
                return d.top -= parseFloat(b.style.marginTop) || 0, d.left -= parseFloat(b.style.marginLeft) || 0, a.style && (e.top += parseFloat(a.style.borderTopWidth) || 0, e.left += parseFloat(a.style.borderLeftWidth) || 0), {
                    top: d.top - e.top,
                    left: d.left - e.left
        var d = {};
        c.expando = "velocity" + (new Date).getTime(), c.uuid = 0;
        for (var e = {}, f = e.hasOwnProperty, g = e.toString, h = "Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error".split(" "), i = 0; i < h.length; i++) e["[object " + h[i] + "]"] = h[i].toLowerCase();
        c.fn.init.prototype = c.fn, a.Velocity = {
            Utilities: c
function(a) {
    "object" == typeof module && "object" == typeof module.exports ? module.exports = a() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(a) : a()
}(function() {
    return function(a, b, c, d) {
        function e(a) {
            for (var b = -1, c = a ? a.length : 0, d = []; ++b < c;) {
                var e = a[b];
                e && d.push(e)
            return d

        function f(a) {
            return p.isWrapped(a) ? a = [].slice.call(a) : p.isNode(a) && (a = [a]), a

        function g(a) {
            var b = m.data(a, "velocity");
            return null === b ? d : b

        function h(a) {
            return function(b) {
                return Math.round(b * a) * (1 / a)

        function i(a, c, d, e) {
            function f(a, b) {
                return 1 - 3 * b + 3 * a

            function g(a, b) {
                return 3 * b - 6 * a

            function h(a) {
                return 3 * a

            function i(a, b, c) {
                return ((f(b, c) * a + g(b, c)) * a + h(b)) * a

            function j(a, b, c) {
                return 3 * f(b, c) * a * a + 2 * g(b, c) * a + h(b)

            function k(b, c) {
                for (var e = 0; p > e; ++e) {
                    var f = j(c, a, d);
                    if (0 === f) return c;
                    var g = i(c, a, d) - b;
                    c -= g / f
                return c

            function l() {
                for (var b = 0; t > b; ++b) x[b] = i(b * u, a, d)

            function m(b, c, e) {
                var f, g, h = 0;
                do g = c + (e - c) / 2, f = i(g, a, d) - b, f > 0 ? e = g : c = g; while (Math.abs(f) > r && ++h < s);
                return g

            function n(b) {
                for (var c = 0, e = 1, f = t - 1; e != f && x[e] <= b; ++e) c += u;
                var g = (b - x[e]) / (x[e + 1] - x[e]),
                    h = c + g * u,
                    i = j(h, a, d);
                return i >= q ? k(b, h) : 0 == i ? h : m(b, c, c + u)

            function o() {
                y = !0, (a != c || d != e) && l()
            var p = 4,
                q = .001,
                r = 1e-7,
                s = 10,
                t = 11,
                u = 1 / (t - 1),
                v = "Float32Array" in b;
            if (4 !== arguments.length) return !1;
            for (var w = 0; 4 > w; ++w)
                if ("number" != typeof arguments[w] || isNaN(arguments[w]) || !isFinite(arguments[w])) return !1;
            a = Math.min(a, 1), d = Math.min(d, 1), a = Math.max(a, 0), d = Math.max(d, 0);
            var x = v ? new Float32Array(t) : new Array(t),
                y = !1,
                z = function(b) {
                    return y || o(), a === c && d === e ? b : 0 === b ? 0 : 1 === b ? 1 : i(n(b), c, e)
            z.getControlPoints = function() {
                return [{
                    x: a,
                    y: c
                }, {
                    x: d,
                    y: e
            var A = "generateBezier(" + [a, c, d, e] + ")";
            return z.toString = function() {
                return A
            }, z

        function j(a, b) {
            var c = a;
            return p.isString(a) ? t.Easings[a] || (c = !1) : c = p.isArray(a) && 1 === a.length ? h.apply(null, a) : p.isArray(a) && 2 === a.length ? u.apply(null, a.concat([b])) : p.isArray(a) && 4 === a.length ? i.apply(null, a) : !1, c === !1 && (c = t.Easings[t.defaults.easing] ? t.defaults.easing : s), c

        function k(a) {
            if (a) {
                var b = (new Date).getTime(),
                    c = t.State.calls.length;
                c > 1e4 && (t.State.calls = e(t.State.calls));
                for (var f = 0; c > f; f++)
                    if (t.State.calls[f]) {
                        var h = t.State.calls[f],
                            i = h[0],
                            j = h[2],
                            n = h[3],
                            o = !!n,
                            q = null;
                        n || (n = t.State.calls[f][3] = b - 16);
                        for (var r = Math.min((b - n) / j.duration, 1), s = 0, u = i.length; u > s; s++) {
                            var w = i[s],
                                y = w.element;
                            if (g(y)) {
                                var z = !1;
                                if (j.display !== d && null !== j.display && "none" !== j.display) {
                                    if ("flex" === j.display) {
                                        var A = ["-webkit-box", "-moz-box", "-ms-flexbox", "-webkit-flex"];
                                        m.each(A, function(a, b) {
                                            v.setPropertyValue(y, "display", b)
                                    v.setPropertyValue(y, "display", j.display)
                                j.visibility !== d && "hidden" !== j.visibility && v.setPropertyValue(y, "visibility", j.visibility);
                                for (var B in w)
                                    if ("element" !== B) {
                                        var C, D = w[B],
                                            E = p.isString(D.easing) ? t.Easings[D.easing] : D.easing;
                                        if (1 === r) C = D.endValue;
                                        else {
                                            var F = D.endValue - D.startValue;
                                            if (C = D.startValue + F * E(r, j, F), !o && C === D.currentValue) continue
                                        if (D.currentValue = C, "tween" === B) q = C;
                                        else {
                                            if (v.Hooks.registered[B]) {
                                                var G = v.Hooks.getRoot(B),
                                                    H = g(y).rootPropertyValueCache[G];
                                                H && (D.rootPropertyValue = H)
                                            var I = v.setPropertyValue(y, B, D.currentValue + (0 === parseFloat(C) ? "" : D.unitType), D.rootPropertyValue, D.scrollData);
                                            v.Hooks.registered[B] && (g(y).rootPropertyValueCache[G] = v.Normalizations.registered[G] ? v.Normalizations.registered[G]("extract", null, I[1]) : I[1]), "transform" === I[0] && (z = !0)
                                j.mobileHA && g(y).transformCache.translate3d === d && (g(y).transformCache.translate3d = "(0px, 0px, 0px)", z = !0), z && v.flushTransformCache(y)
                        j.display !== d && "none" !== j.display && (t.State.calls[f][2].display = !1), j.visibility !== d && "hidden" !== j.visibility && (t.State.calls[f][2].visibility = !1), j.progress && j.progress.call(h[1], h[1], r, Math.max(0, n + j.duration - b), n, q), 1 === r && l(f)
            t.State.isTicking && x(k)

        function l(a, b) {
            if (!t.State.calls[a]) return !1;
            for (var c = t.State.calls[a][0], e = t.State.calls[a][1], f = t.State.calls[a][2], h = t.State.calls[a][4], i = !1, j = 0, k = c.length; k > j; j++) {
                var l = c[j].element;
                if (b || f.loop || ("none" === f.display && v.setPropertyValue(l, "display", f.display), "hidden" === f.visibility && v.setPropertyValue(l, "visibility", f.visibility)), f.loop !== !0 && (m.queue(l)[1] === d || !/\.velocityQueueEntryFlag/i.test(m.queue(l)[1])) && g(l)) {
                    g(l).isAnimating = !1, g(l).rootPropertyValueCache = {};
                    var n = !1;
                    m.each(v.Lists.transforms3D, function(a, b) {
                        var c = /^scale/.test(b) ? 1 : 0,
                            e = g(l).transformCache[b];
                        g(l).transformCache[b] !== d && new RegExp("^\\(" + c + "[^.]").test(e) && (n = !0, delete g(l).transformCache[b])
                    }), f.mobileHA && (n = !0, delete g(l).transformCache.translate3d), n && v.flushTransformCache(l), v.Values.removeClass(l, "velocity-animating")
                if (!b && f.complete && !f.loop && j === k - 1) try {
                    f.complete.call(e, e)
                } catch (o) {
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        throw o
                    }, 1)
                h && f.loop !== !0 && h(e), g(l) && f.loop === !0 && !b && (m.each(g(l).tweensContainer, function(a, b) {
                    /^rotate/.test(a) && 360 === parseFloat(b.endValue) && (b.endValue = 0, b.startValue = 360), /^backgroundPosition/.test(a) && 100 === parseFloat(b.endValue) && "%" === b.unitType && (b.endValue = 0, b.startValue = 100)
                }), t(l, "reverse", {
                    loop: !0,
                    delay: f.delay
                })), f.queue !== !1 && m.dequeue(l, f.queue)
            t.State.calls[a] = !1;
            for (var p = 0, q = t.State.calls.length; q > p; p++)
                if (t.State.calls[p] !== !1) {
                    i = !0;
            i === !1 && (t.State.isTicking = !1, delete t.State.calls, t.State.calls = [])
        var m, n = function() {
                if (c.documentMode) return c.documentMode;
                for (var a = 7; a > 4; a--) {
                    var b = c.createElement("div");
                    if (b.innerHTML = "<!--[if IE " + a + "]><span></span><![endif]-->", b.getElementsByTagName("span").length) return b = null, a
                return d
            o = function() {
                var a = 0;
                return b.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || b.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function(b) {
                    var c, d = (new Date).getTime();
                    return c = Math.max(0, 16 - (d - a)), a = d + c, setTimeout(function() {
                        b(d + c)
                    }, c)
            p = {
                isString: function(a) {
                    return "string" == typeof a
                isArray: Array.isArray || function(a) {
                    return "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(a)
                isFunction: function(a) {
                    return "[object Function]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(a)
                isNode: function(a) {
                    return a && a.nodeType
                isNodeList: function(a) {
                    return "object" == typeof a && /^\[object (HTMLCollection|NodeList|Object)\]$/.test(Object.prototype.toString.call(a)) && a.length !== d && (0 === a.length || "object" == typeof a[0] && a[0].nodeType > 0)
                isWrapped: function(a) {
                    return a && (a.jquery || b.Zepto && b.Zepto.zepto.isZ(a))
                isSVG: function(a) {
                    return b.SVGElement && a instanceof b.SVGElement
                isEmptyObject: function(a) {
                    for (var b in a) return !1;
                    return !0
            q = !1;
        if (a.fn && a.fn.jquery ? (m = a, q = !0) : m = b.Velocity.Utilities, 8 >= n && !q) throw new Error("Velocity: IE8 and below require jQuery to be loaded before Velocity.");
        if (7 >= n) return void(jQuery.fn.velocity = jQuery.fn.animate);
        var r = 400,
            s = "swing",
            t = {
                State: {
                    isMobile: /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
                    isAndroid: /Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
                    isGingerbread: /Android 2\.3\.[3-7]/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
                    isChrome: b.chrome,
                    isFirefox: /Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
                    prefixElement: c.createElement("div"),
                    prefixMatches: {},
                    scrollAnchor: null,
                    scrollPropertyLeft: null,
                    scrollPropertyTop: null,
                    isTicking: !1,
                    calls: []
                CSS: {},
                Utilities: m,
                Redirects: {},
                Easings: {},
                Promise: b.Promise,
                defaults: {
                    queue: "",
                    duration: r,
                    easing: s,
                    begin: d,
                    complete: d,
                    progress: d,
                    display: d,
                    visibility: d,
                    loop: !1,
                    delay: !1,
                    mobileHA: !0,
                    _cacheValues: !0
                init: function(a) {
                    m.data(a, "velocity", {
                        isSVG: p.isSVG(a),
                        isAnimating: !1,
                        computedStyle: null,
                        tweensContainer: null,
                        rootPropertyValueCache: {},
                        transformCache: {}
                hook: null,
                mock: !1,
                version: {
                    major: 1,
                    minor: 2,
                    patch: 2
                debug: !1
        b.pageYOffset !== d ? (t.State.scrollAnchor = b, t.State.scrollPropertyLeft = "pageXOffset", t.State.scrollPropertyTop = "pageYOffset") : (t.State.scrollAnchor = c.documentElement || c.body.parentNode || c.body, t.State.scrollPropertyLeft = "scrollLeft", t.State.scrollPropertyTop = "scrollTop");
        var u = function() {
            function a(a) {
                return -a.tension * a.x - a.friction * a.v

            function b(b, c, d) {
                var e = {
                    x: b.x + d.dx * c,
                    v: b.v + d.dv * c,
                    tension: b.tension,
                    friction: b.friction
                return {
                    dx: e.v,
                    dv: a(e)

            function c(c, d) {
                var e = {
                        dx: c.v,
                        dv: a(c)
                    f = b(c, .5 * d, e),
                    g = b(c, .5 * d, f),
                    h = b(c, d, g),
                    i = 1 / 6 * (e.dx + 2 * (f.dx + g.dx) + h.dx),
                    j = 1 / 6 * (e.dv + 2 * (f.dv + g.dv) + h.dv);
                return c.x = c.x + i * d, c.v = c.v + j * d, c
            return function d(a, b, e) {
                var f, g, h, i = {
                        x: -1,
                        v: 0,
                        tension: null,
                        friction: null
                    j = [0],
                    k = 0,
                    l = 1e-4,
                    m = .016;
                for (a = parseFloat(a) || 500, b = parseFloat(b) || 20, e = e || null, i.tension = a, i.friction = b, f = null !== e, f ? (k = d(a, b), g = k / e * m) : g = m;;)
                    if (h = c(h || i, g), j.push(1 + h.x), k += 16, !(Math.abs(h.x) > l && Math.abs(h.v) > l)) break;
                return f ? function(a) {
                    return j[a * (j.length - 1) | 0]
                } : k
        t.Easings = {
            linear: function(a) {
                return a
            swing: function(a) {
                return .5 - Math.cos(a * Math.PI) / 2
            spring: function(a) {
                return 1 - Math.cos(4.5 * a * Math.PI) * Math.exp(6 * -a)
        }, m.each([
            ["ease", [.25, .1, .25, 1]],
            ["ease-in", [.42, 0, 1, 1]],
            ["ease-out", [0, 0, .58, 1]],
            ["ease-in-out", [.42, 0, .58, 1]],
            ["easeInSine", [.47, 0, .745, .715]],
            ["easeOutSine", [.39, .575, .565, 1]],
            ["easeInOutSine", [.445, .05, .55, .95]],
            ["easeInQuad", [.55, .085, .68, .53]],
            ["easeOutQuad", [.25, .46, .45, .94]],
            ["easeInOutQuad", [.455, .03, .515, .955]],
            ["easeInCubic", [.55, .055, .675, .19]],
            ["easeOutCubic", [.215, .61, .355, 1]],
            ["easeInOutCubic", [.645, .045, .355, 1]],
            ["easeInQuart", [.895, .03, .685, .22]],
            ["easeOutQuart", [.165, .84, .44, 1]],
            ["easeInOutQuart", [.77, 0, .175, 1]],
            ["easeInQuint", [.755, .05, .855, .06]],
            ["easeOutQuint", [.23, 1, .32, 1]],
            ["easeInOutQuint", [.86, 0, .07, 1]],
            ["easeInExpo", [.95, .05, .795, .035]],
            ["easeOutExpo", [.19, 1, .22, 1]],
            ["easeInOutExpo", [1, 0, 0, 1]],
            ["easeInCirc", [.6, .04, .98, .335]],
            ["easeOutCirc", [.075, .82, .165, 1]],
            ["easeInOutCirc", [.785, .135, .15, .86]]
        ], function(a, b) {
            t.Easings[b[0]] = i.apply(null, b[1])
        var v = t.CSS = {
            RegEx: {
                isHex: /^#([A-f\d]{3}){1,2}$/i,
                valueUnwrap: /^[A-z]+\((.*)\)$/i,
                wrappedValueAlreadyExtracted: /[0-9.]+ [0-9.]+ [0-9.]+( [0-9.]+)?/,
                valueSplit: /([A-z]+\(.+\))|(([A-z0-9#-.]+?)(?=\s|$))/gi
            Lists: {
                colors: ["fill", "stroke", "stopColor", "color", "backgroundColor", "borderColor", "borderTopColor", "borderRightColor", "borderBottomColor", "borderLeftColor", "outlineColor"],
                transformsBase: ["translateX", "translateY", "scale", "scaleX", "scaleY", "skewX", "skewY", "rotateZ"],
                transforms3D: ["transformPerspective", "translateZ", "scaleZ", "rotateX", "rotateY"]
            Hooks: {
                templates: {
                    textShadow: ["Color X Y Blur", "black 0px 0px 0px"],
                    boxShadow: ["Color X Y Blur Spread", "black 0px 0px 0px 0px"],
                    clip: ["Top Right Bottom Left", "0px 0px 0px 0px"],
                    backgroundPosition: ["X Y", "0% 0%"],
                    transformOrigin: ["X Y Z", "50% 50% 0px"],
                    perspectiveOrigin: ["X Y", "50% 50%"]
                registered: {},
                register: function() {
                    for (var a = 0; a < v.Lists.colors.length; a++) {
                        var b = "color" === v.Lists.colors[a] ? "0 0 0 1" : "255 255 255 1";
                        v.Hooks.templates[v.Lists.colors[a]] = ["Red Green Blue Alpha", b]
                    var c, d, e;
                    if (n)
                        for (c in v.Hooks.templates) {
                            d = v.Hooks.templates[c], e = d[0].split(" ");
                            var f = d[1].match(v.RegEx.valueSplit);
                            "Color" === e[0] && (e.push(e.shift()), f.push(f.shift()), v.Hooks.templates[c] = [e.join(" "), f.join(" ")])
                    for (c in v.Hooks.templates) {
                        d = v.Hooks.templates[c], e = d[0].split(" ");
                        for (var a in e) {
                            var g = c + e[a],
                                h = a;
                            v.Hooks.registered[g] = [c, h]
                getRoot: function(a) {
                    var b = v.Hooks.registered[a];
                    return b ? b[0] : a
                cleanRootPropertyValue: function(a, b) {
                    return v.RegEx.valueUnwrap.test(b) && (b = b.match(v.RegEx.valueUnwrap)[1]), v.Values.isCSSNullValue(b) && (b = v.Hooks.templates[a][1]), b
                extractValue: function(a, b) {
                    var c = v.Hooks.registered[a];
                    if (c) {
                        var d = c[0],
                            e = c[1];
                        return b = v.Hooks.cleanRootPropertyValue(d, b), b.toString().match(v.RegEx.valueSplit)[e]
                    return b
                injectValue: function(a, b, c) {
                    var d = v.Hooks.registered[a];
                    if (d) {
                        var e, f, g = d[0],
                            h = d[1];
                        return c = v.Hooks.cleanRootPropertyValue(g, c), e = c.toString().match(v.RegEx.valueSplit), e[h] = b, f = e.join(" ")
                    return c
            Normalizations: {
                registered: {
                    clip: function(a, b, c) {
                        switch (a) {
                            case "name":
                                return "clip";
                            case "extract":
                                var d;
                                return v.RegEx.wrappedValueAlreadyExtracted.test(c) ? d = c : (d = c.toString().match(v.RegEx.valueUnwrap), d = d ? d[1].replace(/,(\s+)?/g, " ") : c), d;
                            case "inject":
                                return "rect(" + c + ")"
                    blur: function(a, b, c) {
                        switch (a) {
                            case "name":
                                return t.State.isFirefox ? "filter" : "-webkit-filter";
                            case "extract":
                                var d = parseFloat(c);
                                if (!d && 0 !== d) {
                                    var e = c.toString().match(/blur\(([0-9]+[A-z]+)\)/i);
                                    d = e ? e[1] : 0
                                return d;
                            case "inject":
                                return parseFloat(c) ? "blur(" + c + ")" : "none"
                    opacity: function(a, b, c) {
                        if (8 >= n) switch (a) {
                            case "name":
                                return "filter";
                            case "extract":
                                var d = c.toString().match(/alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/i);
                                return c = d ? d[1] / 100 : 1;
                            case "inject":
                                return b.style.zoom = 1, parseFloat(c) >= 1 ? "" : "alpha(opacity=" + parseInt(100 * parseFloat(c), 10) + ")"
                        } else switch (a) {
                            case "name":
                                return "opacity";
                            case "extract":
                                return c;
                            case "inject":
                                return c
                register: function() {
                    9 >= n || t.State.isGingerbread || (v.Lists.transformsBase = v.Lists.transformsBase.concat(v.Lists.transforms3D));
                    for (var a = 0; a < v.Lists.transformsBase.length; a++) ! function() {
                        var b = v.Lists.transformsBase[a];
                        v.Normalizations.registered[b] = function(a, c, e) {
                            switch (a) {
                                case "name":
                                    return "transform";
                                case "extract":
                                    return g(c) === d || g(c).transformCache[b] === d ? /^scale/i.test(b) ? 1 : 0 : g(c).transformCache[b].replace(/[()]/g, "");
                                case "inject":
                                    var f = !1;
                                    switch (b.substr(0, b.length - 1)) {
                                        case "translate":
                                            f = !/(%|px|em|rem|vw|vh|\d)$/i.test(e);
                                        case "scal":
                                        case "scale":
                                            t.State.isAndroid && g(c).transformCache[b] === d && 1 > e && (e = 1), f = !/(\d)$/i.test(e);
                                        case "skew":
                                            f = !/(deg|\d)$/i.test(e);
                                        case "rotate":
                                            f = !/(deg|\d)$/i.test(e)
                                    return f || (g(c).transformCache[b] = "(" + e + ")"), g(c).transformCache[b]
                    for (var a = 0; a < v.Lists.colors.length; a++) ! function() {
                        var b = v.Lists.colors[a];
                        v.Normalizations.registered[b] = function(a, c, e) {
                            switch (a) {
                                case "name":
                                    return b;
                                case "extract":
                                    var f;
                                    if (v.RegEx.wrappedValueAlreadyExtracted.test(e)) f = e;
                                    else {
                                        var g, h = {
                                            black: "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
                                            blue: "rgb(0, 0, 255)",
                                            gray: "rgb(128, 128, 128)",
                                            green: "rgb(0, 128, 0)",
                                            red: "rgb(255, 0, 0)",
                                            white: "rgb(255, 255, 255)"
                                        /^[A-z]+$/i.test(e) ? g = h[e] !== d ? h[e] : h.black : v.RegEx.isHex.test(e) ? g = "rgb(" + v.Values.hexToRgb(e).join(" ") + ")" : /^rgba?\(/i.test(e) || (g = h.black), f = (g || e).toString().match(v.RegEx.valueUnwrap)[1].replace(/,(\s+)?/g, " ")
                                    return 8 >= n || 3 !== f.split(" ").length || (f += " 1"), f;
                                case "inject":
                                    return 8 >= n ? 4 === e.split(" ").length && (e = e.split(/\s+/).slice(0, 3).join(" ")) : 3 === e.split(" ").length && (e += " 1"), (8 >= n ? "rgb" : "rgba") + "(" + e.replace(/\s+/g, ",").replace(/\.(\d)+(?=,)/g, "") + ")"
            Names: {
                camelCase: function(a) {
                    return a.replace(/-(\w)/g, function(a, b) {
                        return b.toUpperCase()
                SVGAttribute: function(a) {
                    var b = "width|height|x|y|cx|cy|r|rx|ry|x1|x2|y1|y2";
                    return (n || t.State.isAndroid && !t.State.isChrome) && (b += "|transform"), new RegExp("^(" + b + ")$", "i").test(a)
                prefixCheck: function(a) {
                    if (t.State.prefixMatches[a]) return [t.State.prefixMatches[a], !0];
                    for (var b = ["", "Webkit", "Moz", "ms", "O"], c = 0, d = b.length; d > c; c++) {
                        var e;
                        if (e = 0 === c ? a : b[c] + a.replace(/^\w/, function(a) {
                                return a.toUpperCase()
                            }), p.isString(t.State.prefixElement.style[e])) return t.State.prefixMatches[a] = e, [e, !0]
                    return [a, !1]
            Values: {
                hexToRgb: function(a) {
                    var b, c = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i,
                        d = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i;
                    return a = a.replace(c, function(a, b, c, d) {
                        return b + b + c + c + d + d
                    }), b = d.exec(a), b ? [parseInt(b[1], 16), parseInt(b[2], 16), parseInt(b[3], 16)] : [0, 0, 0]
                isCSSNullValue: function(a) {
                    return 0 == a || /^(none|auto|transparent|(rgba\(0, ?0, ?0, ?0\)))$/i.test(a)
                getUnitType: function(a) {
                    return /^(rotate|skew)/i.test(a) ? "deg" : /(^(scale|scaleX|scaleY|scaleZ|alpha|flexGrow|flexHeight|zIndex|fontWeight)$)|((opacity|red|green|blue|alpha)$)/i.test(a) ? "" : "px"
                getDisplayType: function(a) {
                    var b = a && a.tagName.toString().toLowerCase();
                    return /^(b|big|i|small|tt|abbr|acronym|cite|code|dfn|em|kbd|strong|samp|var|a|bdo|br|img|map|object|q|script|span|sub|sup|button|input|label|select|textarea)$/i.test(b) ? "inline" : /^(li)$/i.test(b) ? "list-item" : /^(tr)$/i.test(b) ? "table-row" : /^(table)$/i.test(b) ? "table" : /^(tbody)$/i.test(b) ? "table-row-group" : "block"
                addClass: function(a, b) {
                    a.classList ? a.classList.add(b) : a.className += (a.className.length ? " " : "") + b
                removeClass: function(a, b) {
                    a.classList ? a.classList.remove(b) : a.className = a.className.toString().replace(new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + b.split(" ").join("|") + "(\\s|$)", "gi"), " ")
            getPropertyValue: function(a, c, e, f) {
                function h(a, c) {
                    function e() {
                        j && v.setPropertyValue(a, "display", "none")
                    var i = 0;
                    if (8 >= n) i = m.css(a, c);
                    else {
                        var j = !1;
                        if (/^(width|height)$/.test(c) && 0 === v.getPropertyValue(a, "display") && (j = !0, v.setPropertyValue(a, "display", v.Values.getDisplayType(a))), !f) {
                            if ("height" === c && "border-box" !== v.getPropertyValue(a, "boxSizing").toString().toLowerCase()) {
                                var k = a.offsetHeight - (parseFloat(v.getPropertyValue(a, "borderTopWidth")) || 0) - (parseFloat(v.getPropertyValue(a, "borderBottomWidth")) || 0) - (parseFloat(v.getPropertyValue(a, "paddingTop")) || 0) - (parseFloat(v.getPropertyValue(a, "paddingBottom")) || 0);
                                return e(), k
                            if ("width" === c && "border-box" !== v.getPropertyValue(a, "boxSizing").toString().toLowerCase()) {
                                var l = a.offsetWidth - (parseFloat(v.getPropertyValue(a, "borderLeftWidth")) || 0) - (parseFloat(v.getPropertyValue(a, "borderRightWidth")) || 0) - (parseFloat(v.getPropertyValue(a, "paddingLeft")) || 0) - (parseFloat(v.getPropertyValue(a, "paddingRight")) || 0);
                                return e(), l
                        var o;
                        o = g(a) === d ? b.getComputedStyle(a, null) : g(a).computedStyle ? g(a).computedStyle : g(a).computedStyle = b.getComputedStyle(a, null), "borderColor" === c && (c = "borderTopColor"), i = 9 === n && "filter" === c ? o.getPropertyValue(c) : o[c], ("" === i || null === i) && (i = a.style[c]), e()
                    if ("auto" === i && /^(top|right|bottom|left)$/i.test(c)) {
                        var p = h(a, "position");
                        ("fixed" === p || "absolute" === p && /top|left/i.test(c)) && (i = m(a).position()[c] + "px")
                    return i
                var i;
                if (v.Hooks.registered[c]) {
                    var j = c,
                        k = v.Hooks.getRoot(j);
                    e === d && (e = v.getPropertyValue(a, v.Names.prefixCheck(k)[0])), v.Normalizations.registered[k] && (e = v.Normalizations.registered[k]("extract", a, e)), i = v.Hooks.extractValue(j, e)
                } else if (v.Normalizations.registered[c]) {
                    var l, o;
                    l = v.Normalizations.registered[c]("name", a), "transform" !== l && (o = h(a, v.Names.prefixCheck(l)[0]), v.Values.isCSSNullValue(o) && v.Hooks.templates[c] && (o = v.Hooks.templates[c][1])), i = v.Normalizations.registered[c]("extract", a, o)
                if (!/^[\d-]/.test(i))
                    if (g(a) && g(a).isSVG && v.Names.SVGAttribute(c))
                        if (/^(height|width)$/i.test(c)) try {
                            i = a.getBBox()[c]
                        } catch (p) {
                            i = 0
                        } else i = a.getAttribute(c);
                        else i = h(a, v.Names.prefixCheck(c)[0]);
                return v.Values.isCSSNullValue(i) && (i = 0), t.debug >= 2 && console.log("Get " + c + ": " + i), i
            setPropertyValue: function(a, c, d, e, f) {
                var h = c;
                if ("scroll" === c) f.container ? f.container["scroll" + f.direction] = d : "Left" === f.direction ? b.scrollTo(d, f.alternateValue) : b.scrollTo(f.alternateValue, d);
                else if (v.Normalizations.registered[c] && "transform" === v.Normalizations.registered[c]("name", a)) v.Normalizations.registered[c]("inject", a, d), h = "transform", d = g(a).transformCache[c];
                else {
                    if (v.Hooks.registered[c]) {
                        var i = c,
                            j = v.Hooks.getRoot(c);
                        e = e || v.getPropertyValue(a, j), d = v.Hooks.injectValue(i, d, e), c = j
                    if (v.Normalizations.registered[c] && (d = v.Normalizations.registered[c]("inject", a, d), c = v.Normalizations.registered[c]("name", a)), h = v.Names.prefixCheck(c)[0], 8 >= n) try {
                        a.style[h] = d
                    } catch (k) {
                        t.debug && console.log("Browser does not support [" + d + "] for [" + h + "]")
                    } else g(a) && g(a).isSVG && v.Names.SVGAttribute(c) ? a.setAttribute(c, d) : a.style[h] = d;
                    t.debug >= 2 && console.log("Set " + c + " (" + h + "): " + d)
                return [h, d]
            flushTransformCache: function(a) {
                function b(b) {
                    return parseFloat(v.getPropertyValue(a, b))
                var c = "";
                if ((n || t.State.isAndroid && !t.State.isChrome) && g(a).isSVG) {
                    var d = {
                        translate: [b("translateX"), b("translateY")],
                        skewX: [b("skewX")],
                        skewY: [b("skewY")],
                        scale: 1 !== b("scale") ? [b("scale"), b("scale")] : [b("scaleX"), b("scaleY")],
                        rotate: [b("rotateZ"), 0, 0]
                    m.each(g(a).transformCache, function(a) {
                        /^translate/i.test(a) ? a = "translate" : /^scale/i.test(a) ? a = "scale" : /^rotate/i.test(a) && (a = "rotate"), d[a] && (c += a + "(" + d[a].join(" ") + ") ", delete d[a])
                } else {
                    var e, f;
                    m.each(g(a).transformCache, function(b) {
                        return e = g(a).transformCache[b], "transformPerspective" === b ? (f = e, !0) : (9 === n && "rotateZ" === b && (b = "rotate"), void(c += b + e + " "))
                    }), f && (c = "perspective" + f + " " + c)
                v.setPropertyValue(a, "transform", c)
        v.Hooks.register(), v.Normalizations.register(), t.hook = function(a, b, c) {
            var e = d;
            return a = f(a), m.each(a, function(a, f) {
                if (g(f) === d && t.init(f), c === d) e === d && (e = t.CSS.getPropertyValue(f, b));
                else {
                    var h = t.CSS.setPropertyValue(f, b, c);
                    "transform" === h[0] && t.CSS.flushTransformCache(f), e = h
            }), e
        var w = function() {
            function a() {
                return h ? B.promise || null : i

            function e() {
                function a() {
                    function a(a, b) {
                        var c = d,
                            e = d,
                            g = d;
                        return p.isArray(a) ? (c = a[0], !p.isArray(a[1]) && /^[\d-]/.test(a[1]) || p.isFunction(a[1]) || v.RegEx.isHex.test(a[1]) ? g = a[1] : (p.isString(a[1]) && !v.RegEx.isHex.test(a[1]) || p.isArray(a[1])) && (e = b ? a[1] : j(a[1], h.duration), a[2] !== d && (g = a[2]))) : c = a, b || (e = e || h.easing), p.isFunction(c) && (c = c.call(f, y, x)), p.isFunction(g) && (g = g.call(f, y, x)), [c || 0, e, g]

                    function l(a, b) {
                        var c, d;
                        return d = (b || "0").toString().toLowerCase().replace(/[%A-z]+$/, function(a) {
                            return c = a, ""
                        }), c || (c = v.Values.getUnitType(a)), [d, c]

                    function n() {
                        var a = {
                                myParent: f.parentNode || c.body,
                                position: v.getPropertyValue(f, "position"),
                                fontSize: v.getPropertyValue(f, "fontSize")
                            d = a.position === I.lastPosition && a.myParent === I.lastParent,
                            e = a.fontSize === I.lastFontSize;
                        I.lastParent = a.myParent, I.lastPosition = a.position, I.lastFontSize = a.fontSize;
                        var h = 100,
                            i = {};
                        if (e && d) i.emToPx = I.lastEmToPx, i.percentToPxWidth = I.lastPercentToPxWidth, i.percentToPxHeight = I.lastPercentToPxHeight;
                        else {
                            var j = g(f).isSVG ? c.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "rect") : c.createElement("div");
                            t.init(j), a.myParent.appendChild(j), m.each(["overflow", "overflowX", "overflowY"], function(a, b) {
                                t.CSS.setPropertyValue(j, b, "hidden")
                            }), t.CSS.setPropertyValue(j, "position", a.position), t.CSS.setPropertyValue(j, "fontSize", a.fontSize), t.CSS.setPropertyValue(j, "boxSizing", "content-box"), m.each(["minWidth", "maxWidth", "width", "minHeight", "maxHeight", "height"], function(a, b) {
                                t.CSS.setPropertyValue(j, b, h + "%")
                            }), t.CSS.setPropertyValue(j, "paddingLeft", h + "em"), i.percentToPxWidth = I.lastPercentToPxWidth = (parseFloat(v.getPropertyValue(j, "width", null, !0)) || 1) / h, i.percentToPxHeight = I.lastPercentToPxHeight = (parseFloat(v.getPropertyValue(j, "height", null, !0)) || 1) / h, i.emToPx = I.lastEmToPx = (parseFloat(v.getPropertyValue(j, "paddingLeft")) || 1) / h, a.myParent.removeChild(j)
                        return null === I.remToPx && (I.remToPx = parseFloat(v.getPropertyValue(c.body, "fontSize")) || 16), null === I.vwToPx && (I.vwToPx = parseFloat(b.innerWidth) / 100, I.vhToPx = parseFloat(b.innerHeight) / 100), i.remToPx = I.remToPx, i.vwToPx = I.vwToPx, i.vhToPx = I.vhToPx, t.debug >= 1 && console.log("Unit ratios: " + JSON.stringify(i), f), i
                    if (h.begin && 0 === y) try {
                        h.begin.call(o, o)
                    } catch (r) {
                        setTimeout(function() {
                            throw r
                        }, 1)
                    if ("scroll" === C) {
                        var u, w, z, A = /^x$/i.test(h.axis) ? "Left" : "Top",
                            D = parseFloat(h.offset) || 0;
                        h.container ? p.isWrapped(h.container) || p.isNode(h.container) ? (h.container = h.container[0] || h.container, u = h.container["scroll" + A], z = u + m(f).position()[A.toLowerCase()] + D) : h.container = null : (u = t.State.scrollAnchor[t.State["scrollProperty" + A]], w = t.State.scrollAnchor[t.State["scrollProperty" + ("Left" === A ? "Top" : "Left")]], z = m(f).offset()[A.toLowerCase()] + D), i = {
                            scroll: {
                                rootPropertyValue: !1,
                                startValue: u,
                                currentValue: u,
                                endValue: z,
                                unitType: "",
                                easing: h.easing,
                                scrollData: {
                                    container: h.container,
                                    direction: A,
                                    alternateValue: w
                            element: f
                        }, t.debug && console.log("tweensContainer (scroll): ", i.scroll, f)
                    } else if ("reverse" === C) {
                        if (!g(f).tweensContainer) return void m.dequeue(f, h.queue);
                        "none" === g(f).opts.display && (g(f).opts.display = "auto"), "hidden" === g(f).opts.visibility && (g(f).opts.visibility = "visible"), g(f).opts.loop = !1, g(f).opts.begin = null, g(f).opts.complete = null, s.easing || delete h.easing, s.duration || delete h.duration, h = m.extend({}, g(f).opts, h);
                        var E = m.extend(!0, {}, g(f).tweensContainer);
                        for (var F in E)
                            if ("element" !== F) {
                                var G = E[F].startValue;
                                E[F].startValue = E[F].currentValue = E[F].endValue, E[F].endValue = G, p.isEmptyObject(s) || (E[F].easing = h.easing), t.debug && console.log("reverse tweensContainer (" + F + "): " + JSON.stringify(E[F]), f)
                        i = E
                    } else if ("start" === C) {
                        var E;
                        g(f).tweensContainer && g(f).isAnimating === !0 && (E = g(f).tweensContainer), m.each(q, function(b, c) {
                            if (RegExp("^" + v.Lists.colors.join("$|^") + "$").test(b)) {
                                var e = a(c, !0),
                                    f = e[0],
                                    g = e[1],
                                    h = e[2];
                                if (v.RegEx.isHex.test(f)) {
                                    for (var i = ["Red", "Green", "Blue"], j = v.Values.hexToRgb(f), k = h ? v.Values.hexToRgb(h) : d, l = 0; l < i.length; l++) {
                                        var m = [j[l]];
                                        g && m.push(g), k !== d && m.push(k[l]), q[b + i[l]] = m
                                    delete q[b]
                        for (var H in q) {
                            var K = a(q[H]),
                                L = K[0],
                                M = K[1],
                                N = K[2];
                            H = v.Names.camelCase(H);
                            var O = v.Hooks.getRoot(H),
                                P = !1;
                            if (g(f).isSVG || "tween" === O || v.Names.prefixCheck(O)[1] !== !1 || v.Normalizations.registered[O] !== d) {
                                (h.display !== d && null !== h.display && "none" !== h.display || h.visibility !== d && "hidden" !== h.visibility) && /opacity|filter/.test(H) && !N && 0 !== L && (N = 0), h._cacheValues && E && E[H] ? (N === d && (N = E[H].endValue + E[H].unitType), P = g(f).rootPropertyValueCache[O]) : v.Hooks.registered[H] ? N === d ? (P = v.getPropertyValue(f, O), N = v.getPropertyValue(f, H, P)) : P = v.Hooks.templates[O][1] : N === d && (N = v.getPropertyValue(f, H));
                                var Q, R, S, T = !1;
                                if (Q = l(H, N), N = Q[0], S = Q[1], Q = l(H, L), L = Q[0].replace(/^([+-\/*])=/, function(a, b) {
                                        return T = b, ""
                                    }), R = Q[1], N = parseFloat(N) || 0, L = parseFloat(L) || 0, "%" === R && (/^(fontSize|lineHeight)$/.test(H) ? (L /= 100, R = "em") : /^scale/.test(H) ? (L /= 100, R = "") : /(Red|Green|Blue)$/i.test(H) && (L = L / 100 * 255, R = "")), /[\/*]/.test(T)) R = S;
                                else if (S !== R && 0 !== N)
                                    if (0 === L) R = S;
                                    else {
                                        e = e || n();
                                        var U = /margin|padding|left|right|width|text|word|letter/i.test(H) || /X$/.test(H) || "x" === H ? "x" : "y";
                                        switch (S) {
                                            case "%":
                                                N *= "x" === U ? e.percentToPxWidth : e.percentToPxHeight;
                                            case "px":
                                                N *= e[S + "ToPx"]
                                        switch (R) {
                                            case "%":
                                                N *= 1 / ("x" === U ? e.percentToPxWidth : e.percentToPxHeight);
                                            case "px":
                                                N *= 1 / e[R + "ToPx"]
                                switch (T) {
                                    case "+":
                                        L = N + L;
                                    case "-":
                                        L = N - L;
                                    case "*":
                                        L = N * L;
                                    case "/":
                                        L = N / L
                                i[H] = {
                                    rootPropertyValue: P,
                                    startValue: N,
                                    currentValue: N,
                                    endValue: L,
                                    unitType: R,
                                    easing: M
                                }, t.debug && console.log("tweensContainer (" + H + "): " + JSON.stringify(i[H]), f)
                            } else t.debug && console.log("Skipping [" + O + "] due to a lack of browser support.")
                        i.element = f
                    i.element && (v.Values.addClass(f, "velocity-animating"), J.push(i), "" === h.queue && (g(f).tweensContainer = i, g(f).opts = h), g(f).isAnimating = !0, y === x - 1 ? (t.State.calls.push([J, o, h, null, B.resolver]), t.State.isTicking === !1 && (t.State.isTicking = !0, k())) : y++)
                var e, f = this,
                    h = m.extend({}, t.defaults, s),
                    i = {};
                switch (g(f) === d && t.init(f), parseFloat(h.delay) && h.queue !== !1 && m.queue(f, h.queue, function(a) {
                    t.velocityQueueEntryFlag = !0, g(f).delayTimer = {
                        setTimeout: setTimeout(a, parseFloat(h.delay)),
                        next: a
                }), h.duration.toString().toLowerCase()) {
                    case "fast":
                        h.duration = 200;
                    case "normal":
                        h.duration = r;
                    case "slow":
                        h.duration = 600;
                        h.duration = parseFloat(h.duration) || 1
                t.mock !== !1 && (t.mock === !0 ? h.duration = h.delay = 1 : (h.duration *= parseFloat(t.mock) || 1, h.delay *= parseFloat(t.mock) || 1)), h.easing = j(h.easing, h.duration), h.begin && !p.isFunction(h.begin) && (h.begin = null), h.progress && !p.isFunction(h.progress) && (h.progress = null), h.complete && !p.isFunction(h.complete) && (h.complete = null), h.display !== d && null !== h.display && (h.display = h.display.toString().toLowerCase(), "auto" === h.display && (h.display = t.CSS.Values.getDisplayType(f))), h.visibility !== d && null !== h.visibility && (h.visibility = h.visibility.toString().toLowerCase()), h.mobileHA = h.mobileHA && t.State.isMobile && !t.State.isGingerbread, h.queue === !1 ? h.delay ? setTimeout(a, h.delay) : a() : m.queue(f, h.queue, function(b, c) {
                    return c === !0 ? (B.promise && B.resolver(o), !0) : (t.velocityQueueEntryFlag = !0, void a(b))
                }), "" !== h.queue && "fx" !== h.queue || "inprogress" === m.queue(f)[0] || m.dequeue(f)
            var h, i, n, o, q, s, u = arguments[0] && (arguments[0].p || m.isPlainObject(arguments[0].properties) && !arguments[0].properties.names || p.isString(arguments[0].properties));
            if (p.isWrapped(this) ? (h = !1, n = 0, o = this, i = this) : (h = !0, n = 1, o = u ? arguments[0].elements || arguments[0].e : arguments[0]), o = f(o)) {
                u ? (q = arguments[0].properties || arguments[0].p, s = arguments[0].options || arguments[0].o) : (q = arguments[n], s = arguments[n + 1]);
                var x = o.length,
                    y = 0;
                if (!/^(stop|finish|finishAll)$/i.test(q) && !m.isPlainObject(s)) {
                    var z = n + 1;
                    s = {};
                    for (var A = z; A < arguments.length; A++) p.isArray(arguments[A]) || !/^(fast|normal|slow)$/i.test(arguments[A]) && !/^\d/.test(arguments[A]) ? p.isString(arguments[A]) || p.isArray(arguments[A]) ? s.easing = arguments[A] : p.isFunction(arguments[A]) && (s.complete = arguments[A]) : s.duration = arguments[A]
                var B = {
                    promise: null,
                    resolver: null,
                    rejecter: null
                h && t.Promise && (B.promise = new t.Promise(function(a, b) {
                    B.resolver = a, B.rejecter = b
                var C;
                switch (q) {
                    case "scroll":
                        C = "scroll";
                    case "reverse":
                        C = "reverse";
                    case "finish":
                    case "finishAll":
                    case "stop":
                        m.each(o, function(a, b) {
                            g(b) && g(b).delayTimer && (clearTimeout(g(b).delayTimer.setTimeout), g(b).delayTimer.next && g(b).delayTimer.next(), delete g(b).delayTimer), "finishAll" !== q || s !== !0 && !p.isString(s) || (m.each(m.queue(b, p.isString(s) ? s : ""), function(a, b) {
                                p.isFunction(b) && b()
                            }), m.queue(b, p.isString(s) ? s : "", []))
                        var D = [];
                        return m.each(t.State.calls, function(a, b) {
                            b && m.each(b[1], function(c, e) {
                                var f = s === d ? "" : s;
                                return f === !0 || b[2].queue === f || s === d && b[2].queue === !1 ? void m.each(o, function(c, d) {
                                    d === e && ((s === !0 || p.isString(s)) && (m.each(m.queue(d, p.isString(s) ? s : ""), function(a, b) {
                                        p.isFunction(b) && b(null, !0)
                                    }), m.queue(d, p.isString(s) ? s : "", [])), "stop" === q ? (g(d) && g(d).tweensContainer && f !== !1 && m.each(g(d).tweensContainer, function(a, b) {
                                        b.endValue = b.currentValue
                                    }), D.push(a)) : ("finish" === q || "finishAll" === q) && (b[2].duration = 1))
                                }) : !0
                        }), "stop" === q && (m.each(D, function(a, b) {
                            l(b, !0)
                        }), B.promise && B.resolver(o)), a();
                        if (!m.isPlainObject(q) || p.isEmptyObject(q)) {
                            if (p.isString(q) && t.Redirects[q]) {
                                var E = m.extend({}, s),
                                    F = E.duration,
                                    G = E.delay || 0;
                                return E.backwards === !0 && (o = m.extend(!0, [], o).reverse()), m.each(o, function(a, b) {
                                    parseFloat(E.stagger) ? E.delay = G + parseFloat(E.stagger) * a : p.isFunction(E.stagger) && (E.delay = G + E.stagger.call(b, a, x)), E.drag && (E.duration = parseFloat(F) || (/^(callout|transition)/.test(q) ? 1e3 : r), E.duration = Math.max(E.duration * (E.backwards ? 1 - a / x : (a + 1) / x), .75 * E.duration, 200)), t.Redirects[q].call(b, b, E || {}, a, x, o, B.promise ? B : d)
                                }), a()
                            var H = "Velocity: First argument (" + q + ") was not a property map, a known action, or a registered redirect. Aborting.";
                            return B.promise ? B.rejecter(new Error(H)) : console.log(H), a()
                        C = "start"
                var I = {
                        lastParent: null,
                        lastPosition: null,
                        lastFontSize: null,
                        lastPercentToPxWidth: null,
                        lastPercentToPxHeight: null,
                        lastEmToPx: null,
                        remToPx: null,
                        vwToPx: null,
                        vhToPx: null
                    J = [];
                m.each(o, function(a, b) {
                    p.isNode(b) && e.call(b)
                var K, E = m.extend({}, t.defaults, s);
                if (E.loop = parseInt(E.loop), K = 2 * E.loop - 1, E.loop)
                    for (var L = 0; K > L; L++) {
                        var M = {
                            delay: E.delay,
                            progress: E.progress
                        L === K - 1 && (M.display = E.display, M.visibility = E.visibility, M.complete = E.complete), w(o, "reverse", M)
                return a()
        t = m.extend(w, t), t.animate = w;
        var x = b.requestAnimationFrame || o;
        return t.State.isMobile || c.hidden === d || c.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function() {
            c.hidden ? (x = function(a) {
                return setTimeout(function() {
                }, 16)
            }, k()) : x = b.requestAnimationFrame || o
        }), a.Velocity = t, a !== b && (a.fn.velocity = w, a.fn.velocity.defaults = t.defaults), m.each(["Down", "Up"], function(a, b) {
            t.Redirects["slide" + b] = function(a, c, e, f, g, h) {
                var i = m.extend({}, c),
                    j = i.begin,
                    k = i.complete,
                    l = {
                        height: "",
                        marginTop: "",
                        marginBottom: "",
                        paddingTop: "",
                        paddingBottom: ""
                    n = {};
                i.display === d && (i.display = "Down" === b ? "inline" === t.CSS.Values.getDisplayType(a) ? "inline-block" : "block" : "none"), i.begin = function() {
                    j && j.call(g, g);
                    for (var c in l) {
                        n[c] = a.style[c];
                        var d = t.CSS.getPropertyValue(a, c);
                        l[c] = "Down" === b ? [d, 0] : [0, d]
                    n.overflow = a.style.overflow, a.style.overflow = "hidden"
                }, i.complete = function() {
                    for (var b in n) a.style[b] = n[b];
                    k && k.call(g, g), h && h.resolver(g)
                }, t(a, l, i)
        }), m.each(["In", "Out"], function(a, b) {
            t.Redirects["fade" + b] = function(a, c, e, f, g, h) {
                var i = m.extend({}, c),
                    j = {
                        opacity: "In" === b ? 1 : 0
                    k = i.complete;
                i.complete = e !== f - 1 ? i.begin = null : function() {
                    k && k.call(g, g), h && h.resolver(g)
                }, i.display === d && (i.display = "In" === b ? "auto" : "none"), t(this, j, i)
        }), t
    }(window.jQuery || window.Zepto || window, window, document)

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0