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                                                <h4 class="blue-color">WELCOME TO</h4>
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						       					<h3 class="steelblue-color">Ananta Multispeciality Hospital</h3>
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												<p class="p-md" style="color:black;">Ananta Multispeciality Hospital offers comprehensive medical services catering to diverse healthcare needs, combining advanced technology with compassionate care for optimal patient outcomes

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                                                <h4 class="blue-color">WELCOME TO</h4>
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						       					<h3 class="steelblue-color">Ananta Multispeciality Hospital</h3>
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												<p class="p-md" style="color:white;">Ananta Multispeciality Hospital offers comprehensive medical services catering to diverse healthcare needs, combining advanced technology with compassionate care for optimal patient outcomes

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								<h5 class="h5-md">Working Time</h5>

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									      	<td>Mon – Sat</td>
									      	<td> - </td>
									      	<td class="text-right">Open 24 Hours</td>
									      	<td> - </td>
									      	<td class="text-right">Open 24 Hours</td>


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								<h5 class="h5-md">About Doctors</h5>

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								<p text-align="justify;">Doctors are dedicated professionals committed to healing, alleviating suffering, and promoting well-being in individuals and communities.
								<a href="doctor.php" class="btn btn-sm btn-tra-white mt-25">Meet Doctors</a>

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								<h5 class="h5-md">Appointments</h5>

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								<p text-align="justify;">Simplify your healthcare journey with seamless appointments, providing you timely access to personalized and expert medical care.

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								<a href="appoinemnt.php" class="btn btn-sm btn-tra-white mt-25">Make an Apointment</a>


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								<h5 class="h5-md">Emergency Call</h5>

								<!-- Text -->
								<h5 class="h5-lg emergency-call"> ✆ +91 98248 20108</h5>
								<p class="mt-20">In critical moments, our hospital is just one emergency call away, ready to provide swift and expert medical care 24/7.


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					 			<span class="section-id blue-color">About Us</span>

								<!-- Title -->
								<h3 class="h3-md steelblue-color"><span style="color:#1367af;">Ananta Multispeciality Hospital

								<!-- Text -->
								<p class="mb-40">We are committed to providing exceptional healthcare services. With a focus on patient-centered care, cutting-edge technology, and a team of experienced medical professionals, we strive to deliver the highest standard of medical treatment in a compassionate and supportive environment. Our hospital offers a comprehensive range of medical services, including emergency care, surgery, diagnostics, specialty care, and preventive medicine. 

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							<!-- Title 	-->	
							<h3 class="h3-md steelblue-color" style="color:white;">Our Services</h3>
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                            $sql="SELECT * from parts";

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										<a href="services_detail.php?slug=<?php echo $row
							['p_id']; ?>">
										<h6 class="h5-sm blue-color"><?php echo $row['short_desc']; ?></h6></a>

										<!-- Text -->

							<?php }?>
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		<!-- DOCTORS-1
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			 		<!-- SECTION TITLE -->	
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							<!-- Title 	-->	
							<h3 class="h3-md steelblue-color">Our Medical Specialists</h3>	

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						<!-- DOCTOR #1 -->
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									<img class="img-fluid" src="images/d1.png" alt="doctor-foto">	
									<div class="item-overlay"></div>

									<!-- Profile Link -->		


								<!-- Doctor Meta -->		
								<div class="doctor-meta">

									<h5 class="h5-sm steelblue-color">Dr. Ashish Goti</h5>


						</div>	<!-- END DOCTOR #1 -->
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									<img class="img-fluid" src="images/d2.png" alt="doctor-foto">	
									<div class="item-overlay"></div>

									<!-- Profile Link -->		


								<!-- Doctor Meta -->		
								<div class="doctor-meta">

									<h5 class="h5-sm steelblue-color">Dr. Jignesh Savsaviya</h5>


						</div>	<!-- END DOCTOR #2 -->
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									<!-- Photo -->
									<img class="img-fluid" src="images/d3.png" alt="doctor-foto">	
									<div class="item-overlay"></div>

									<!-- Profile Link -->		

								<!-- Doctor Meta -->		
								<div class="doctor-meta">

									<h5 class="h5-sm steelblue-color">Dr. Nitin Goti</h5>

						</div>	<!-- END DOCTOR #3 -->
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						<div class="col-md-6 col-lg-3">
							<div class="doctor-1">	
								<!-- Doctor Photo -->
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									<!-- Photo -->
									<img class="img-fluid" src="images/d4.png" alt="doctor-foto">	
									<div class="item-overlay"></div>

									<!-- Profile Link -->		
								<!-- Doctor Meta -->		
								<div class="doctor-meta">

									<h5 class="h5-sm steelblue-color">Dr. Nilesh Thummar</h5>


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								<a href="doctor.php" class="btn btn-blue blue-hover">Meet All Doctors</a>

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								<span class="flaticon-062-cardiogram-3"></span>

								<!-- Text -->
								<h5 class="statistic-number">9,<span class="count-element">632</span></h5>
								<p class="txt-400" style="text-align:center;">Happy Patients</p>																			

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								<span class="flaticon-137-doctor"></span>

								<!-- Text -->
								<h5 class="statistic-number"><span class="count-element">4</span></h5>	
								<p class="txt-400" style="text-align:center;">Qualified Doctors</p>										

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							<div class="statistic-block icon-lg wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="0.8s">	

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								<span class="flaticon-065-hospital-bed"></span>

								<!-- Text -->
								<h5 class="statistic-number"><span class="count-element">10</span></h5>
								<p class="txt-400" style="text-align:center;">Clinic Rooms</p>									


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								<span class="flaticon-040-placeholder"></span>

								<!-- Text -->	
								<!--<h5 class="statistic-number"><span class="count-element">473</span></h5>-->
								<h5 class="txt-400"style="text-align:center;">Surat</h5>				

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								    		<span class="flaticon-083-stethoscope"></span>General Medicine And Icu 


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									       <span class="flaticon-083-stethoscope"></span> Orthopedic And Joint Replacement 


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									       <span class="flaticon-083-stethoscope"></span> General Surgery And Laparoscopy 

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									       <span class="flaticon-047-head"></span> In Hosue Pharmacy


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										<h4 class="h3-md steelblue-color">General Medicine And Icu </h4>

												<!-- Text -->
												<p class="mb-30" style="text-align:justify;">Ananta Hospital in Surat offers comprehensive services in General Medicine and ICU (Intensive Care Unit), providing expert medical care for a wide range of illnesses and critical conditions. Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals utilizes advanced medical technologies to deliver personalized treatment plans and ensure the highest standards of patient care. <br/>From routine check-ups to emergency interventions, Ananta Hospital is committed to promoting health and wellness within the community, offering compassionate and efficient medical services tailored to the needs of each individual.


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												<!-- Title -->
								<h4 class="h3-md steelblue-color">Orthopedic And Joint Replacement 

												<!-- Text --><br/>
												<p class="mb-30" style="text-align:justify;">Ananta Hospital in Surat prides itself on its exemplary Orthopedic and Joint Replacement department, dedicated to delivering comprehensive care for patients with musculoskeletal issues. Our esteemed team of orthopedic specialists, equipped with extensive experience and expertise, offers a holistic approach to treatment, encompassing both surgical and non-surgical modalities. From addressing common ailments like fractures and arthritis to managing complex conditions and sports injuries, our focus remains steadfast on restoring functionality and enhancing the quality of life for our patients.

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												<a href="services.php" class="btn btn-blue blue-hover mt-30">View More Details</a>

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												<!-- Title -->
										<h4 class="h3-md steelblue-color">General Surgery And Laparoscopy </h4>

												<!-- Text -->
												<p class="mb-30" style="text-align:justify;"> 
												  Ananta Hospital in Surat stands as a beacon of excellence in General Surgery and Laparoscopy, offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our patients. Led by a team of highly skilled and experienced surgeons, our department is dedicated to providing compassionate and cutting-edge care for a wide spectrum of surgical conditions.In the realm of General Surgery, we specialize in diagnosing and treating various ailments affecting the abdomen, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid, breast, and other vital organs.

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												<!-- Title -->
												<h3 class="h3-md steelblue-color"> Treatments For New Borns</h3>

												<!-- Text -->
												<p class="mb-30">At Shreeji Medical and Children Hospital in New Ranip, we provide specialized care and treatments for newborns, including addressing common issues like breathing problems. Our experienced medical professionals, which include full-time Pediatricians and General Physicians, understand the unique healthcare needs of newborns and are equipped with the expertise to provide precise diagnosis and effective treatments. <br/>With a focus on ensuring the well-being of our youngest patients, we offer state-of-the-art medical facilities and a nurturing environment. Shreeji Hospital is committed to delivering top-tier healthcare services, offering specialized care for newborns to ensure their health and comfort, especially when dealing with issues such as breathing problems. Your child's health and safety are our utmost priority, and we're here to provide expert care and support tailored to their specific needs.

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					 			<span class="section-id blue-color">Best Practices</span>

								<h3 class="h3-md steelblue-color">Clinic with Innovative Approach to Treatment</h3>

								<div class="box-list">							
									<div class="box-list-icon"><i class="fas fa-genderless"></i></div>
									<p>Nemo ipsam egestas volute turpis dolores ut aliquam quaerat sodales sapien undo pretium
									   purus feugiat dolor impedit

								<div class="box-list">	
									<div class="box-list-icon"><i class="fas fa-genderless"></i></div>
									<p>Maecenas gravida porttitor nunc, quis vehicula magna luctus tempor. Quisque vel laoreet
									   turpis urna augue, viverra a augue eget, dictum tempor diam pulvinar massa purus nulla

								<a href="all-doctors.html" class="btn btn-blue blue-hover mt-25">Meet The Doctors</a>


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						<div class="col-lg-10 offset-lg-1 section-title">		

							<!-- Title 	-->	
             <h3 class="h3-md steelblue-color" style="color:white;">What Our Patients Say</h3>

							<!-- Text -->
						<center><p text-align="justify;" style="color:white;">Excellent service, courtesy, one of best hospital experiences! 
					</div>	 <!-- END SECTION TITLE -->
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								<!-- TESTIMONIAL #1 -->
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									<div class="review-txt text-center">

										<!-- Quote -->
										<div class="quote"></div>	

										<!-- Author Avatar -->
										<div class="testimonial-avatar">
											<img src="images/ic.png" alt="testimonial-avatar">
										<!-- Testimonial Text -->
										<p>Very caring medical staff. Always felt like special attention given to everyone. Doctors are always kind and helpful.


										<!-- Testimonial Author -->
										<div class="review-author">
											<h5 class="h5-sm">Jivan Patil</h5>	
								</div>	<!--END  TESTIMONIAL #1 -->
								<!-- TESTIMONIAL #2 -->
								<div class="review-2" style="height:300px;">
									<div class="review-txt text-center">

										<!-- Quote -->
										<div class="quote"></div>	

										<!-- Author Avatar -->
										<div class="testimonial-avatar">
											<img src="images/ic.png" alt="testimonial-avatar">
										<!-- Testimonial Text -->
										<p>Wonderful treatment in this hospital


										<!-- Testimonial Author -->
										<div class="review-author">
											<h5 class="h5-sm">Paresh goti Popatbhai</h5>	

								</div>	<!-- END TESTIMONIAL #2 -->
								<!-- TESTIMONIAL #3 -->
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										<!-- Testimonial Author -->
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											<h5 class="h5-sm">Mrs.patel</h5>	

								</div>	<!-- END TESTIMONIAL #3 -->


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				<div class="row gallery-items-list">	
                            $sql="SELECT * from cgallery LIMIT 0,8";

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<section id="blog-1" class="wide-60 blog-section division" >				
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									echo $row['title']; ?></a></h5>

									<!-- Post Data -->
									<span><?php echo $row ['post_date']; ?> <span><?php echo $row['post_by']; ?></span></span>

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									<p><a href="blog_detail.php?slug=<?php echo $row['id']; ?>">Read More
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							   blandit posuere ligula varius congue cursus porta feugiat

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