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							<p>This simply works as a guide and helps you to connect with dentists of your choice. Please confirm the doctor’s availability before leaving your premises.</p>
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									<td>Initial Consultation</td>
									<td>Dental check-up</td>
									<td>Routine Exam (no xrays)</td>
									<td>Simple Removal of a tooth</td>
									<td>Teeth cleaning</td>
									<td>$50 - $75</td>
									<td>X-ray image</td>
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                            $sql="SELECT * from spare_cat_main";
							<li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" href="service-page.php?slug=<?php echo $row['spare_id']; ?>"><?php echo $row['machine_name']; ?></a></li>
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                           $sql="select * from parts p INNER JOIN spare_cat_main sc ON p.s_id=sc.spare_id where p.s_id='$slug' GROUP BY p.p_id";
							<h1><?php echo $row['machine_name'];?></h1></div>
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							<img src="admin/upload/<?php echo$row['parts_image']; ?>" class="img-fluid" alt="">
						<div class="pt-2 pt-md-4" id="diabetes">
							<p><?php echo $row['desc'];?></p>
							<div class="mt-3 mt-lg-6"></div>
							<!-- <h3>Type 1 Diabetes</h3>
							<div class="mt-0 mt-lg-4"></div>
							<p>Type 1 diabetes is thought to be caused by an autoimmune reaction (the body attacks itself by mistake) that stops your body from making insulin. Approximately 5-10% of the people who have diabetes have type 1. Symptoms of type 1 diabetes often develop quickly. It’s usually diagnosed in children, teens, and young adults. If you have type 1 diabetes, you’ll need to take insulin every day to survive. Currently, no one knows how to prevent type 1 diabetes.</p>
							<div class="mt-3 mt-lg-6"></div>
							<h3>Type 2 Diabetes</h3>
							<div class="mt-0 mt-lg-4"></div>
							<p>With type 2 diabetes, your body doesn’t use insulin well and can’t keep blood sugar at normal levels. About 90-95% of people with diabetes have type 2. It develops over many years and is usually diagnosed in adults (but more and more in children, teens, and young adults). You may not notice any symptoms, so it’s important to get your blood sugar tested if you’re at risk. Type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed with healthy lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, eating healthy food, and being active.</p>
							<div class="mt-3"></div>
							<h3>Gestational Diabetes</h3>
							<div class="mt-0 mt-lg-4"></div>
							<p>Gestational diabetes develops in pregnant women who have never had diabetes. If you have gestational diabetes, your baby could be at higher risk for health problems. Gestational diabetes usually goes away after your baby is born but increases your risk for type 2 diabetes later in life. Your baby is more likely to have obesity as a child or teen, and more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life too.</p>
							<div class="mt-3"></div>
							<h5>Diagnosis and treatment</h5>
							<ul class="numbered-list-lg">
								<li>Early diagnosis can be accomplished through relatively inexpensive testing of blood sugar.</li>

								<li>Treatment of diabetes involves diet and physical activity along with lowering of blood glucose and the levels of other known risk factors that damage blood vessels. Tobacco use cessation is also important to avoid complications.</li>

								<li>blood glucose control, particularly in type 1 diabetes. People with type 1 diabetes require insulin, people with type 2 diabetes can be treated with oral medication, but may also require insulin;<br>
								blood pressure control; and<br>
								foot care (patient self-care by maintaining foot hygiene; wearing appropriate footwear; seeking professional care for ulcer management; and regular examination of feet by health pro</li> -->

<!-- 								<li>The decay is removed using a high-speed handpiece, slow-speed handpiece, laser or the combination of all three devices. The prepared surface may be etched with an appropriate solution to remove any remaining bacteria and create a porous layer for adhesive purposes. Amalgam or resin material is placed in small increments using hand instruments. The biting surface is then checked and adjusted as necessary.</li> -->
							<div class="mt-3"></div>
							<!-- <p>Filling placement is necessary to treat cavities and prolong the longevity of the natural teeth. With today’s technology continuously improving, new methods are developed to benefit the patients and ensure their positive oral health for a lifetime.</p>
 --><!-- 							<div class="mt-3 mt-md-5 px-1 pt-1 pb-15 pt-md-2 px-md-4 bg-grey">
								<div id="faqAccordion1" class="faq-accordion" data-children=".faq-item">
									<div class="faq-item">
										<a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#faqAccordion1" href="#faqItem1" aria-expanded="true"><span>1.</span>Why do I need a Filling?</a>
										<div id="faqItem1" class="collapse show faq-item-content" role="tabpanel">
												<p>If the cavity isn’t repaired, this cavity will continue to expand—eventually entering into your nerve canal. This can be excruciatingly painful. However, it can also lead to dire problems such as abscess or infection. Replacing old fillings or fixing chipped teeth can also be required. The most important reason to fix your cavity early on is to avoid a painful and costly root canal.</p>
									<div class="faq-item">
										<a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#faqAccordion1" href="#faqItem2" aria-expanded="false" class="collapsed"><span>2.</span>Composite Filling</a>
										<div id="faqItem2" class="collapse faq-item-content" role="tabpanel">
												<p>Doloremque nihil sed ratione ipsa molestiae maxime necessitatibus dolorem in, quasi delectus minima tempora! Tempora quo beatae, id temporibus est sint veritatis suscipit ullam ipsa facilis, sunt dignissimos, perferendis placeat, reiciendis quos ad officia mollitia velit explicabo? Illum nobis minus, doloremque tempore animi tenetur, harum sint quas voluptatum neque tempora dolorum laborum nisi suscipit vel nesciunt, fuga eos iusto maiores corrupti quaerat, deserunt modi culpa totam? Iure voluptates esse, laborum quos similique accusamus neque corporis reiciendis saepe.</p>
									<div class="faq-item">
										<a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#faqAccordion1" href="#faqItem3" aria-expanded="false" class="collapsed"><span>3.</span>How do I know if my teeth are healthy?</a>
										<div id="faqItem3" class="collapse faq-item-content" role="tabpanel">
												<p>Nulla, ab quis perferendis tempore natus soluta, saepe, ullam ducimus at dignissimos nihil maiores! Perspiciatis pariatur itaque id sunt perferendis veritatis, adipisci quam voluptatum facilis. Similique saepe aspernatur cumque esse.</p>

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